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Topics - lLLEGAL

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Discussion forum / Minecraft 1.0
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:31:36 pm »
Well, seems like Minecraft 1.0 is ready! They will be installed in computers at Minecon. Any thoughts/comments? Share .
Also, anyone going for Minecon?
(Not sure if this is the right place for this topic, shift if neccessary)

Offtopic / What is your job?
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:10:31 pm »
So basically, I am interested in knowing what my fellow players have for a job. Try giving more details.

To start off, I am a student. I am studying and taking my GCSE olevel examinations these few days. Just completed English, tomorrow is Mathematics.

Events / Halloween Event
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:13:13 am »
As promised, here is the plans for our halloween event.

Theme: Halloween

In-charge: Mr_Mr_Mr and lLLEGAL

World name: Halloween

World size: 256 x 256

Workers: Whitelisted recruit+, comment below if you would like to be part of this. If you are a crafter, join in whenever. Make sure that you finish what you start on.

Current workers:

Biome: Swamp

Walls: Obsidian(similar to the space event)

Sketch: For the sides, make anything decorative, I will remove anything ugly. For the mine, make a good mine, make it look abandoned, but not like the ones on beta.

If there are anymore interested players, or if there are additional feedback/suggestions, leave a comment below.
Thank you.

-Merged posts and made it look a bit nicer. Claw

Support / I got griefed- Part 2
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:06:48 am »
Nick, my restone and lever have not been replaced. Also, the glass has been removed? Please fix it, thanks. Can't post in the previous topic because you locked it.

Support / I got griefed
« on: September 23, 2011, 12:07:07 pm »
I got griefed, here is the evidence:

Please ban the griefer and undo his actions.
My house is located in the far north(from the north exit).

Thank you.

General Discussion / Bots
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:07:54 am »
I was bored and did a little search on bots.
I know that our server has optibot for crafter+ etc, and am not trying to use bots on this server.
What I want to know is this: will a guest be able to use bots on my server?

General Discussion / OptiCraft Server
« on: September 13, 2011, 10:08:06 am »
I have decided to leave and join Opticraft.

Jk! But anyways theres another server called Opticraft, seems like a ripoff of our Optical's server.
NOT promoting that server, just informing and everyone to check servers you join.


Support / World reset
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:14:03 am »
SMP world seems to have been reset! All latest work for the past few days seems to have been reverted. What happened, and will we get our stuff back? (I had 160+ glowstone ores- may not seem much but it means a lot to me)

Suggestions / Tnt
« on: September 05, 2011, 09:36:41 am »
I'm pretty sure that this suggestion would get shot down very soon, but I would like to suggest allowing Tnt to be used. Many people are afraid that griefers would use it to grief, but I intend to use Tnt to mine. If the problem of griefers still poses a problem, I suggest that Tnt usage be limited to trusted players(default players who are trusted on classic).. Maybe a  special rank for that?

Post comments below, and do be considerate, give reasons and refrain from using offensive language.

Support / IRC
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:53:56 am »
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but what is the IRC for Opticraft SMP?

Projects / Opticraft Trailer
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:27:23 am »
Hi guys! My first project I ever planned! I would like to make an Opticraft trailer, based on the already awesome trailer our admin Relkeb has made. It will be bigger, better and burger! Yes, I know we like burgers!
This project will be builder+ (yes, I know im nt a builder, but I need the expertise of our builders!). I will also need thd help of one or more Operators to copy stuff around for the video, and cuboid them away.
Also, suggest buildings/sprites you want to see in the video, below!

Videoing will take place in about 2 months time, after my exams. It should be enough time to finish the planning and preparation of props (if any).


Offtopic / Free Gift Code?!
« on: August 14, 2011, 05:39:03 am »
Holy cow! This weekend buy minecraft and get a free gift code?!?!?!?

Offtopic / Minecraft beta...
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:55:01 pm »
Any idea what prepaid cards I can use to buy minecraft beta?

Offtopic / Minecrafted
« on: July 31, 2011, 09:41:48 am »
I would recommend Minecrafted, an app for iPod/iPhone/iPad. It has been removed from the AppStore, but you can jailbreak and get it(which I did). Comment below.

Rejected / [BUILDER] lLLEGAL
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:08:27 am »
Ingame name: lLLEGAL (First letter is L, not I)
Join date: 25 June 2011
Briefly describe all your creations: Finally completed the hotel, Operator Token of Appreciation, Jet pack, rocket- ALL IN ONE! The second thing is the igloo. It has a small garden, and I particularly like the mixture of water and lava at the front. It may not be much, but the creations themselves took a lot of time and creativity, qualitites a builder should have. Last is the zombie army attacking the Operator, zombies representing Griefers.
What worlds are the creations on: Member3 for the Hotel, Member5 for the igloo. Recruit for the zombie army.
Links to screenshots of the creation:

Names of players who helped contribute: Xeadin helped my move the Operator from members.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I received many calls for help while building, and I hope that I can get this builder rank to help my Operator application so that I can help the community. Also, the images are placed in this post for the Operator/Admin's convenience, but if it disrupts anyone, the Operators may want to remove them/ change them. Thanks. Xeadin promised to check this app for me.
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yes.

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