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Topics - Holy_Moses

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Offtopic / Recording software?
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:22:06 pm »
Waddup waddup.

I recently bought LA Noire and a few other titles on my laptop that I wouldnt mind doing commentaries/lets plays on, and I'ld like to know if any of you have experience with recording software. I'm fairly certain that the Laptop will be able to handle it and I already havve a mic and camera as well as ediing software (MAGIX). Looking to get anywhere from a stable 40+ FPS, and for it to be cheap or free if possible. I dont feel like Torrenting anything since I just got the laptop last month.

Please leave me some suggestions

Offtopic / Steam not launching
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:48:42 pm »
Gonna keep this short because I'm hungry as a mu....

*Bought Driver San Fransisco
*Copied CD Key
*Attempted to start using the CD Key window
*Downloaded/Installed the automatic additional files and updated uPlay.
Steam closes and logs me off, doesnt launch again
*uPlay runs fine, doesnt show Driver SF as a downloaded game
(Here, I went to a uPlay forum to find out where to enter the CD Key and how Steam is affected)
*Turns out I have a common problem caused by some BS between Steam & Ubisoft servers or whatever
*Deleted "appcache" folder per recommendation from forums (stored in a folder on my desktop in-case)
*Restarted PC
*"appcache folder re-appears but only with "httpcache" folder.
No launch
*replaced the files in "appcache" with the old "appcache" files doesn't work
Still no launch
(Searched steam support for atleast an hour to find a fix)
*deleted ClientRegistry.blob & relaunch per forum recommendation
Don't work
I give up, preventing me from murdering the terrible karaoke singer on stage
Please help. Kinda upset

Note: None of my games work via desktop shortcut, expected

Offtopic / Gaming Laptops, Help!
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:54:46 am »
I need your help.

My good old HP G62 got the "black screen of death" like 10 minutes ago. I did a hard reset and managed to get it running again, I called a local computer shop and they did some research for me and they told me the laptop most likely wont live to see another day. HP claims that it may correlate to poor soldering connections on one of the board things and the laptop will have to be sent to them for work.

The laptop's warranty expired months ago, so sending the laptop to HP to get refurbished is expensive as shit, and I don't wanna send it to a repair shop because I'm not about getting ripped off. I'm considering buying a new laptop, most likely a gaming one. It's something I'll have to bring up to my mom (not the gaming part). The laptop's just turned 3 years old and is pretty outdated. I have never really been a big computer person so I don't know crap. All I know is what the main components of a PC are; I don't know what they do or how they do it.

I wont really be playing much other than Minecraft and possibly a few steam games, but playing MC at 20fps w/ optifine gets annoying. Price range is $Cheap.99-$1500. I would build a gaming PC but It'd be no use since I'm not home, have nowhere to store it (base requires expensive electronics to be stored in our closets, my closet is sketchy as fuck as it is), and my WiFi connection is shit so online gaming would be pointless.

Please send me some suggestions! w/ links.


Offtopic / The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good
« on: January 07, 2014, 04:55:28 pm »
The Bad
- I'm in Texas, again.
- It's cold down here
- WiFi sucks and blocks multi-player for basically everything, so I can't play.
- Can't play on Opticraft
- Classes are over-night

The Ugly
- I have alot of Let's Plays and TV to catch up with.
- I most likely wont be on til May
- IRC doesn't like to work on my phone

The Good
- I bought the Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy :D. It's awesome.
- Bought me a Galaxy Tab 3
- I might as well start uploading crap to PMC since I'm gonna be bored for the next 4 months. Subscribe <3
- This base has a Taco Bell

Offtopic / I'm back. Sort of. I think. In a way.
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:02:34 am »
Heyo opticraft, as you may or may not know. I havent been online in a couple months. Thats because I've been spending my time in Texas for basic training. I'm still here, but I'm in tech school so I can have my phone. I'll be home for Xmas (tehe thats a song) so i can play some minecrafts with y'all and I'll probably bring my laptop back on base to play and study for school.

See you then! I'll try to stay active on the forums. Ive been suffering from Internet-Deprivation Syndrome for 9.5 weeks now... I need my fix.


General Discussion / Resigning y0
« on: October 07, 2013, 12:43:21 am »
Wut Wuuut?

Gonna keep this short and sweet, like a caramel covered midget. I'm leaving for AF training & school and wont be back for about 6+ months.

Just wanted to say my final goodbyes and let everyone know so that there isn't some crazy conspiracy.

If this post didn't make you cry. Here are some kittens bathing while witches giggle.

Trade Central / Wicked Cheap Diamond Armor
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:28:12 pm »
Subject: Full Diamond Armor 95% good
Item: Diamond Helm, Chestplate, Leggings, and Boots
Enchantment(s): Chestplate - Protection III, Thorns II; Leggings- Protection III
Condition: Almost perfect, chestplate is barely starting to turn yellow (413/528)
Level Enchanted On: N/A
Starting Price: $1000
Price Increase: $500
Buyout Price:  $25,000
End Of Auction: 8/18/13 5PM EST

Notes: Found this armor on the ground in the nether. I don't need/want it because I don't play PvP.

Introductions / Two years, no intro.
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:33:11 am »
Hello, I figured that after a little more than two years of being part of the community, that i'd finally share some information about myself.

Hi, my name is Moses (Hi moses...), I'm 19 and I'm from Massachusetts. I recently joined the ANG as a C-130 crew chief (exactly like bebopvox). Most of you have probably already seen me ingame and have called me an over-sized whale but whatever, too late you're already reading this. I have a 3 year old sister that could kick your ass. I love cars with a burning passion, Nissans are my thing. I act like a nationalistic american all the time but I support most countries, don't tell anyone. I hate the news, and tuna sandwiches. I like to build in minecraft, especially with sandstone. I'm nice to everyone, unless they are asses. I don't finish projects, i prefer to procrastinate and act like i'm doing something more productive. I like pokemon, gta, and battlefield. I don't like to have any kind of structure within my posts. I watch top gear, world's dumbest, beyond scared straight, and jerry springer/maury. I love to laugh at people. You still reading this? JFK is my favorite president. I love sleeping, eating, and sleeping. I have bunny slippers, and an elmer fudd hat. On my desk there is a GT-R model, gorilla glue, a picture drawn by my sister of a cat, and a broken remote that I havent put back together yet. My mattress is on the floor because i don't like rolling off my bed. I have 8 posters in my room, 6 of which are Nissan related, the other 2 are of c130s because murica. Well that's me. thanks for reading this if you did :)

Take care panda bear,

Offtopic / Game of the Year. Place your bets!
« on: July 31, 2013, 05:30:26 pm »
I'm curious, which game(s) do you think have the highest possibility of being game of the year for 2013?

I'm rooting for gta v :D

I selected the list from games that had the most hype/anticipation from previous E3's and from the most discussed games from various gaming forums. If there are any games you'd like me to add to the list that I may have overlooked, please let me know.

I added MGS V: The Phantom Pain because Kojima said he was upset that GTA V has higher chances of being GotY during a press confrence. Even though the release date hasn't yet been hinted at , I'll assume it'll be this year for the sake of MGS being such a great franchise.

Helpful articles / How to use/get IRC on your phone. [AndroIRC]
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:33:57 pm »
This tutorial is here to show you how to properly and easily login to the Opticraft SMP and Opticraft Classic IRC chat rooms.
Note: This tutorial was done on a Samsung Galaxy S2, your phone may not be compatible with AndroIRC and it's features.

Getting AndroIRC
(click to show/hide)

AndroIRC And You :)
(click to show/hide)

Opticraft IRC Server Names
Classic : #opticraft
SMP : #opticraft-smp

If you notice something is incorrect, please reply or message me here :D.

Hope this helped

Offtopic / It was on the internet.
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:59:35 am »
Hey guys, decided to make a topic about cool games/apps/whatever that you've come across on the internet. Try to put bigger links into shorter ones with tinyurl or bitly

NO SCREAMERS: I dont want to hear any complaining. If you post one, make a warning. Or I will yell at you, and do it for you.
(click to show/hide)

I guess you can treat this as a VSauce DONG for the forums :P

(click to show/hide)

I'll start.

Found this on facebook lol. It's a killer whale that follows your cursor.

Offtopic / Xbox One & PS4 First Impressions, E3 Info, etc.
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:08:04 pm »
Since Microsoft unveiled the next-gen Xbox console yesterday, there has been ALOT of controversy started. Some people are disappointed in the name choice, others dislike the exterior, some love the specs, some believe it may not be able to handle the crazy games to come out.

What did you think of the XBOX ONE or PS4?
What did you think of the unveiling in general?
Did you play the drinking game?

I personally, like it alot, not the biggest fan on how much they pushed on the apps as if they are the games. I am curious to see what the new exclusives are, and I shit my pants when the Forza 5 teaser was shown. The TV functionality app is cool, I'm still curious to see how it'll work. Anyways, I probably wont make any final decisions on which system I will get til Sony unveils the PS4 (I'm still a hardcore PS Fan :P)

Offtopic / Favorite Car?
« on: May 19, 2013, 11:54:58 pm »
I made topic like this early last year, and since we gained many members since then I feel like making a new topic for it.

What is your favorite kind of car, truck, what have you...
Don't be afraid to provide pictures.

Here's mine. (It kinda changed since last year)
It's a 87-93 Saleen Mustang

Share yours :)

General Discussion / Someone provide a reasonable explanation.
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:49:27 pm »
Well as I was traveling in the nether, i came across something peculiar.

I was curious as to why the gravel was stacked in the middle of this lava pool.

So I did some investigating and found this.

Not sure why the lava is clear, but im assuming it's because Optifine.

It is a complete chunk that happens to have a mineshaft in it

This is completely natural according to LogBlock.
If you happen to know why this is here, let me know lol.

Support / Voting not working, or at least really slow for me.
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:34:13 pm »
Lately I have been having a problem with voting.

Here's what would happen. I would merrily go to the voting page to vote for access to my homes, enter my name in the IGN bar and click vote, it would bring me to an "about:blank" blank page and keep loading for a long time then It would just stop and reward me a diamond without verifying. and I am not one for exploiting the voting system.

I would still get rewarded with diamonds, but sometimes (rarely) it gives me more than possible for 1 day (6+) I heard some players got 8 diamonds from voting. This seems to only happen on XtremeTop100.

It may be my internet connection, but this still persists after resetting my router. I don't know shit about internet connection speeds but according to Speedtest these are my stats.

Ping: 22 ms
DL: 19.87 Mbps
UL: 4.44 Mbps

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