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Topics - morgosin

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / X-ray mod... Please tell us...
« on: February 28, 2012, 03:35:00 am »
Hello, If someone ever sees an X-ray... or even suspects an X-ray please tell us.

Don't be afraid of relatiation... They would be banned shortly if it truly is an X-Ray. This is a Survival Server, and we want the best possible atmosphere for our players, and X-ray mods take away from the fairness of the server.

Please if you see anything suspisous that looks like an X-Ray, or a hole going straight down please let us know.
Who Knows.... You might be rewarded...

Offtopic / Best story ever! True story...
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:59:02 am »

This is a true story and it is epic... A marine saved by a stuffed My Little Pony toy!

General Discussion / I Found a stronghold!!!!
« on: February 01, 2012, 01:41:14 am »
Ok so one day i decided to dig a spiral starecase down one of the towers on my castle...

I ended up inside a stronghold... I explored a bit found an End Portal. Then dug straight up... where i came out, was where i built my first tower???

Rejected / Moderator Application- morgosin
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:29:20 pm »
Join Date: 6/17/2011
Were you recommended by anyone?:Nick3306

Why you should become a moderator: Since wom is crashing quite a bit on classic. i figured why not spend my downtime from classic, here on the smp server while waiting for wom to get fixed/improved. Have experience dealing with people and trolls. And also like to help the community grow and improve.
^ Was grumpyish that day^
-Edit_ I Really want to get back to helping people and makeing the server as fun and safe as it possibly can be. I'm getting bored not oping and i want to help out in any way that I can.

Projects and Creations / Just a little something i made.
« on: January 04, 2012, 04:04:26 am »
Made this just for the heck of it. lol i like the look but i need to make it a house. (its 2 nice to mess up with chests and furnuses lol)
All legit even the massive trees.

Introductions / Long overdue...
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:00:33 am »
Well this is kinda embarrassing... Its been what...6months since I joined the server and I still have yet to make one of these.

So here it goes.

Hello, my name is James but most people know me as "morgosin" here on the server.
I've been greatful for the time I have spent here, and the memories, friends, and experiences I have aquired.
I've seen, heard, and spoken to most of you and hope to make many more friends later on, both on classic, smp, or any other area tied to this wonderful server. I thank you all for this, and I hope to continue makeing friends and building with you all.

... well it almost sounds like a "good bye" lol...

thats what I get for waiting so long. :P

General Discussion / New Spawn build event.??? (Suggestion)
« on: December 28, 2011, 01:17:45 am »
Hello, I have a Questions could it be possible to allow the builders/crafters build a new spawn for the beta before it goes live to everybody.

My proposision is that they build something epic to get you started with kindof like the spawn for classic. I was curious about this becuase i have been on Huge beta servers and they all tend to have a large and magestic spawn and We should be no different.

Give me your thoughts

Offtopic / Its Christmas!! How do You Celebrate??
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:37:09 pm »
So I was currious how people celebrate Christmas around the world??

We have a simple tree and a family dinner.
Lots of Presents

Offtopic / Amazing Artist!! self taught
« on: December 13, 2011, 12:11:43 am »
Ok so I was surfing youtube today and i found this epic channel.


the guys does amazing work... :)

General Discussion / So when is server updating??
« on: December 02, 2011, 03:08:53 am »
Hello everyone i was just wandering when the servers were going to Update?? its almost been 2 weeks since release and there still down...

Anyone know a guestament date for server updates??

General Discussion / Why Griefer Prisons don't work...
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:34:07 am »
The reason why a griefer prisson won't work it becuase...
1)you can simply disconnect then reconnect and you out of jail.
2) to succesfully do this it would take alot of code and work to make it possible, simply becuase it would have to be a auto-teleport to prison when they reconnect.
3) how is sitting in prison a punishment all you would do is go to a different server until the prison time ends.
4) how does this stop griefers from not coming back and griefing
and finally
5) if you did mannage to get a code working and have a way to lock the person to the server until there time is up. how would you keep it from being abussed by admins that just don't like people or want to mess with someone and miss type the command???

these are the reasons why I personally don't like the idea of a griefer jail.

but it would be halarious to watch them build up in the jail.
Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!Oh MY Gosh!

LoL rainbow-dash your so silly.)

Introductions / I'm back!!! but 20%cooler
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:25:45 am »
Sup all I'm back and i'm 20% cooler... LOL anyway i'm sorry i haven't been on lately both my wom and my minecraft beta have for some reason disided to stop working after the updates. SOO I got bored and I'm now a Bronie.

Been doing some programming lately in my classes and were working on a game that is remarkably similar to little big planet so... Wish me luck!!!

Also i challenge someone to make a statue of Twilght Sparkle thate goes from bedrock to hight limit...

GOGO team!!


Introductions / I'm back!!! ^.^
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:23:12 am »
Sup all I'm back and i'm 20% cooler... LOL anyway i'm sorry i haven't been on lately both my wom and my minecraft beta have for some reason disided to stop working after the updates. SOO I got bored and I'm now a Bronie.


General Discussion / So what kind of mob traps do you make??
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:40:43 pm »
I was just wandering.  There are so many different mob traps in beta my personal favorite is the crusher mob trap but there are others like the drowning, burning, falling, and fallow traps. i was wandering wich one is your personal favorite. :P

Creations / MY dog is in Progress!!
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:22:07 pm »
Hello i've been making a dog statue this is what i got so far...

link here

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