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Topics - 2468avc

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Suggestions / A PvP Suggestion
« on: July 11, 2013, 12:45:05 am »
Zoning pvp. That's my idea. The same sort of thing that we have with city protection, only pvp is available in that area as well. We could have some great games, like raid the village or just regular arenas.


Trade Central / Selling God Pick Bundle: The Perfect Mining Duo!
« on: June 27, 2013, 07:15:58 pm »
Subject: God Pick Duo (One Silk, One Fortune)

Items: Picks 1 + 2
Enchantment(s): Pick One: Silk Touch One, Efficiency Five, Unbreaking Three. Pick Two: Fortune Three, Efficiency Five, Unbreaking Three.
Condition: Perfectly unused
Level Enchanted On: 4 lvl 30s, plus combining them, so 150+
Starting Price: 8k
Price Increase: 1k
Buyout Price: 40k
End Of Auction: 7 Days After the Last Bid

I have the right to cancel the auction at any time.

Projects and Creations / 2468 Real Estate Agency
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:38:40 pm »
Today, hopper2468 and I (2468avc) bring you the 2468 Real Estate Agency. We are a group dedicated to finding housing for everyone, whether it be cheap or expensive, lavish or plain. How do we do this? By getting the biggest towns to advertise housing with us.

How to join us if you are a town:

(click to show/hide)

Finding homes through 2468 Real Estate Agency:

(click to show/hide)

Becoming part of our great company:

FYI: A agent's priority is to sell houses, NOT to find houses to sell and build offices and the like. Hopper and I have all of that taken care of.

Fill out this application and post below, you will know if you are accepted or rejected ASAP.

(click to show/hide)

Thank you for reading and we hope to see you buying a house soon!

-2468avc and hopper2468

Current Agents:
*Open Spot*
*Open Spot*
*Open Spot*

Offtopic / Anyone living near NYC? We should get together sometime...
« on: June 24, 2013, 12:11:59 pm »
How do i make a poll again...

Just post below if the answer is a yes!

It's pretty much the title, I'm selling double chests of mushroom soup for the reasonable price of 1.5k each. I have no limit on the amount of chests I can churn out. Post below to get your steaming hot soup today!

(To emphasize): Price: 1.5k (1500)

Rejected / Moderator Application- 2468avc
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:04:58 pm »
Age: 12
Location:Near NYC
Timezone: EST (not sure what it is in relation to gmt)
Join Date:  December 07, 2012, 04:25:05 am (I think I joined as a guest about a week before)
Were you recommended by anyone?: Edit this if I am!
Why you should become a moderator: Well, I think I should become a moderator for a multitude of reasons.
1: I'm very active ingame, always giving freebies, looking at the builds of others if they so request and I'm a member at a lot of xp farms. (That was just a random fact, don't know why I put it).
2: I'm ingame a lot and will be there even more. School's going to be out as of tomorrow and I know where I'm gonna be.
3: I think that I'm very responsible and intelligent. From talking to me in-game or looking at my forum posts, how old would you think I am? (Not 12, I hope). I get very good grades, though that doesn't matter much here. I'm also good at defusing situations without the tools a mod uses and I would never use the staff benefits to troll or harm someone in any way, except for banning those who deserve it.
4: I also constantly patrol the forums, giving my opinion as I see fit. The ban appeals are actually my favorite part, for some reason.
5: I follow all the rules. Every so often, I go as far as to reread the rulebook to check things. I would never turn out like DeweyMeister, which I think is the fear of the admins.
6: Aside from all that stuff, I think I'm a fairly fun person to play with such as the time I hooked Drunz while he was vanished.

So, to try not to make this too long (though I already have), I would be a great candidate for moderator. Just putting me on trial, knowing that you trust me that much, would really be awesome. Thanks for reading!

Trade Central / AVC Security Co.
« on: June 03, 2013, 12:52:41 am »
2468avc here. I'm developing a corporation in which I check houses to see if they are glitchable for the reasonable price of 500. I know a lot of tricks to access places I shouldn't access (not that I use them) and want to use my experience for the common good of Opticraft.

So, for just 500, I will glitchproof your house. Your money will be paid back in full if you find that my job was not performed perfectly.


Rejected / City App: Roma
« on: June 02, 2013, 09:38:05 pm »
City name: Roma

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-4949/64/585/-2/0/0

Contributors: 2468avc, 360OLLIE, EpicDarwin, ZazzMaster and many others. Msg me or post here if I forgot to add you.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 2468avc

Approximate dimensions: Weird shape, but the swamp biome and some of the forest biome.

Number of active residents: 2

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 8 + Stables and Temples

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: This project is about 1 third finished. I plan to expand the mushroom section, finish the temples and just clean the region up of some chests that I have left lying around.

Why should we grant this city protection?
You should grant this city protection because this will probably attract griefers. I don't have the money for protection stones and I'm trying to only use them in area with lava. The large barns are too big for me to protect (again, low funds) and I have every type of animal. I also have two spawners that I don't want destroyed. One last point: I have tons of redstone in the streetlights. The tunnels could easily be griefed and stripped of all materials.

So, to conclude, thanks for reading and i hope I get protection.  ;D

Support / lwc Flags
« on: May 04, 2013, 11:12:46 pm »
Hi Guys,

I was wondering what some of the lwc flags did. I've figured out redstone and autoclose, but I'm clueless about the rest, i.e., exemption, magnet, etc.


Rejected / Roma City App.
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:59:44 pm »
City name: Roma

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-4923/64/518/-3/0/0, New Guest World, /home 2468avc roma

I'm requesting that the island, swamp biome, and forest biome be protected.

Contributors: 2468avc, creeper_cute, titans55, Megamoltar, _gavin, adi####(Sorry, forgot the numbers), Zeradeth_ 360OLLIE, ZazzMaster

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 2468avc

Approximate dimensions: It's sorta a weird shape

Number of active residents: 1+ workers I've hired

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 3

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I'm really just starting this project. My plans are very ambitious, and I hope to use all sorts of valuable materials, lava, and other easily griefed blocks. I'm also planning on making a temple of Pluto (refer to island covered in netherack) and a temple of Zeus (large sheet of white wool). There will be housing for everyone and the builds will be detailed, large, and grand.

Why should we grant this city protection?
This city is going to be huge and I don't have the money for pstones. Also, the land is right next to the world border, which will keep sunsets scenic forever (well, at least until borders are expanded)

Could we speak ingame about the zoning? I want to show you the exact areas.
Also, if you reject this, could I have a reason why?


Trade Central / Enderperlz!
« on: April 20, 2013, 12:25:13 pm »
I'm selling a boatload of enderpearls, to order a shipment, follow the below format.

How many stacks:
$$ per stack:
$$ total:

Trade Central / Fortune Godpick!
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:05:48 pm »
Item: God Pick
Enchantment(s): Fortune III, Eff. V, Unbreaking III
Condition: Perfect
Level Enchanted On: 2 levels 30s and a level 36
Starting Price: 5k
Price Increase: 500
Buyout Price: 15k
End Of Auction: <Thursday April 25> <7:00:00 GMT +5>

If you require a screenie I can give one, I'm just feeling sorta lazy.

Support / Pstone prices
« on: April 18, 2013, 07:39:43 pm »
The price of pstones are sorta weird. I'm saying that the bigger the ps is, the more you pay per block. A lapis size block fits 4 coal pses. A coal ps costs 1500. A lapis one costs 10000. These prices, in relation to each other, are really weird. 1500x 4= 6000.

So, why are the prices like this?

Projects and Creations / Roma
« on: April 13, 2013, 11:57:36 pm »
I'm planning on building a city loosely based on the architecture of Greece and Rome. It will have huge arches, temples, a palace and probably a public slime farm. I don't want to spend too much on this project however, so here's a list of stuff you can donate.
- Nether Quartz Blocks (I need tons!)
- Diamond, Gold, Iron, Lapis, Redstone, Emerald (The temples will have a lot of these precious materials in them)
- Nether Brick (Temple of Hades)
- Stone and Mossy Cobble (For huge arches!)
- Pstones (Until I [hopefully] get city protection)

Stuff I'm going to build:
-Temple to Zeus
-Temple to Hades
- Temple to Posiedon
- Public Marketplace
- Some housing, but not much
- Sacrificial Altars
- Large Arches surrounding the project

I have some land cleared near the new guest world border that isn't too far from the new sandlands. I am planning on clearing more land.

I'll also need redstone technicians to make awesome special effects in the temples. I'm imagining awesome things like lava spewing from the mouth of Hades at the turn of a lever, trash disposals, street lamps, and so much more! I'll need the top people in the redstone field. There are a few people I have in mind, but here's a template.

Ban History (Please link):
Redstone Capabilities out of 10 (1 is worst, 10 is best):
Can you work with fireworks?:
Are you willing to contribute your time to this project?:

Remember, this project will not happen if you don't donate to it. So don't wait, give me cash and blocks today! (I also need a better name than Greco Major)


Support / Can't get on
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:31:05 pm »
I get this error message when I try to log on

What does it mean?

(nvm, it just worked)

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