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Topics - 100penguin.

Pages: 1 [2]
Trade Central / Final push, hopefully...
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:46:45 pm »
Hey guys, first of all thanks to all of you who've helped so far in getting resources for my project :D Secondly, I'm hoping to achieve a final push of resources so as to get it all done. It's around half way complete so far, needing only another 3 towers to be built. Again glass blocks, birch and spruce logs would be incredibly helpful as donations or for a fixed price (normally <$100 per stack of any)
Thanks again for all your help


Here it is so far: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/259/64/19/-3/3/0

Trade Central / Many gorgeous things for sale!
« on: February 19, 2014, 03:59:42 pm »
I've got all these lovely items for sale, please mail me in game to claim an item, or respond to this post  ;D

(3) Diamond horse armour: $7000 each or all 3 for $20,000

(4) Iron horse armour: $2000 each or all 4 for $7000

(1) Gold horse armour: $2500

(3) Stacks of emeralds: $6000 per stack

(5) Dragon eggs: $3000 each or all 5 for $12,000

Countless saddles at $300 each NEW PRICE

(36) stacks of redstone: $350 per stack!
(12) Stacks of slimeballs: $2500 per stack or $25,000 for all!

Trade Central / Selling many buildings of varying sizes
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:00:47 pm »
I am selling many different buildings in my old town (penguindocklands) at my /home. Pretty much everything is for sale, except my house, and other selected and/or functional buildings. If you are interested, please take the time to look around - the doors are always open. If you find one you especially like, drop me a /mail and we shall discuss it ingame. Everything must go to fund my next project!


Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator application - 100penguin
« on: November 28, 2013, 05:53:43 pm »
Moderator application: 100penguin

Age: 16
Location: UK
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Early september 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Tobs74 daniblue182 Zeradeth_
Why you should become a moderator: Having recently achieved city status for my /home area I feel that I have finally made the first of many large contributions to the server, and I don't want it to end there! I have lots of experience as moderator+ on other servers both SMP and classic, so think that I'd make a good addition to the mod team. I've been on the server over a year, and have gained valuable experience watching and learning from other moderators about how to do their job and am yet to be banned. Although I joke in game, I am level headed and I think that I have the mental strength and maturity to moderate. I have also found that there are few active mods in the GMT time zone, so even if I am not chosen please consider someone from this area of the world. Thank you for reading this :D

Since i have been building a lot recently, an dont actually know where my borders start and end i think that it'd be safest to expand them just in case. Here is an image of the proposed expansion:http://i.imgur.com/5QhSngW.jpg The red area is the potential protection site, and the yellow area is the area that I am unsure of. I would greatly appreciate this expansion, especially as I have now gained more space.


Suggestions / Forum update
« on: November 01, 2013, 10:13:03 am »
Thought it may be useful to point out that the Information section of the forum is outdated in various places. MAy be a little confusing for new members, and could detract potential players from the server (especially when it comes to pricings)

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Project protection - 100penguin
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:21:59 pm »
City name: The Penguin Docklands
City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-26/64/171/-2/2/0 ; X: -44 Z: 172 ; Member world

Contributors: 100penguin; Djarchitect

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): 100penguin
Approximate dimensions: 220x220

Number of active residents: 5

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 12 completed buildings, 5 furnished, all decorated. Plans for more buildings below.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Roughly midway from completion, hoping to expand more into the water and reclaim some land, build houses, and utility buildings; Public farms, buildings and blocks of flats.

Why should we grant this city protection? This entire project is placed very near spawn, so is easily accessible for newcomers to the world. Because of this I think that it would look nicest to have a large scale completed project that shows off the world and it's contributors. However being near spawn means that it is also a prime target for care free griefers that want an easy target. Because of it's size and shape it is very difficult to protect the entire thing without an enormous amount of protection stones and money. I think that it could save staff time and energy from dealing with griefers. Finally, I feel that many of the valuable and well built cities are far away from spawn so wholly inaccessible for walking distance trips, and this project could provide an opportunity for many new or inexperienced players to get a foothold on the world and it's surroundings, as well as benefiting from the architecture and design.

Problems: 1 - There are 5 buildings in the area that i need protecting, that are not mine. most of these are uninhabited, however i would like to thoroughly check this, and not plough on regardless as this would be inconsiderate.

2 - The area I need protecting will constantly need to be resized, as i am always building. the extensions are limited greatly by the spawn protection. Therefore, i'd need to expand elsewhere, and this may be difficult.

Rejected / Moderator application - 100penguin
« on: August 25, 2013, 03:39:54 pm »
Age: 16
Location: England
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Around september 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Tobs74
Why you should become a moderator: I have had several years of experience moderating on a classic server at 2nd highest rank, and am familiar with moderation commands. I feel that I would make a valuable additon to the server, and hopefully would be able to improve the community and atmosphere of the server. :D

Rejected / Moderator application - 100penguin
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:17:39 pm »
Age: 15
Location: England
Timezone: GMT
Join date: August
Reccomendations: Tobs74
Why should I become a moderator:
I have been on the server for a while now and have settled into the ropes better than before. I also have about 2 years of experience as staff on other servers (classic) and have been high ranking in some. I offer my experience to the server.

Rejected / Moderator application
« on: October 05, 2012, 03:05:48 pm »
Age: 15
Location: England
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: September 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Tobs74
Why you should become a moderator: I think that I should become a moderator because i have much experience in this field. I was one of 6 masterops for the classic server Oxitek 3D and have become many other staff ranks on other servers. I am trustworthy, hard working and reasonably punctual and go on the server roughly 5 times out of seven days. Although I joined this server recently, I am not unfamiliar with the trials and tribulations of being staff. Accepting my application would not be rued. I am happy to learn any new commands that spring up, as this is part of the job.

Thank you for reading this application


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