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Topics - Chief149

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Suggestions / Trusted Suggestions (No, not asking for more perks)
« on: April 23, 2013, 08:37:11 pm »
Firstly, as the title states, I am not asking for there to be more perks for trusted players. Instead I am suggesting that we standardize the process of making players trusted, and convert the current system into an automatic system.

It can work in many ways, but I think combining the below things would work:

1) When a player becomes a member, they get a counter which counts the number of hours the player has been a member. This counter gets reset to 0 if the player gets banned, or if an operator sees it fit that the player have their counter reset. Of course for an operator to do that, the reason would most likely be a bannable reason anyways. When the player gets a certain number of hours since their last ban (or since when they became a member if they do not have any bans), they are promoted to being trusted.

2) A points system. Points in this system can be given or taken by moderators and above, the ban system, and donation system. If a player makes a donation, they can get points but only on their first donation; not on every donation made. This is because people who donate are less likely to be here to cause trouble. The ban system can take away a certain number of points or even reset them when the player gets a ban. Lastly a mod+ can issue or revoke points from players if they are playing nicely or being bad. To add to this system, when a player doesn't type anything in chat for a long time then a helpop ticket can be made to alert a moderator to go check on the player. If the moderator sees the player is having a good time just doing his or her own thing then the more reclusive player can also get their points, or get them taken if they are doing something bad like griefing. After a certain number of points, a player gets trusted. I would however like to also point out that this system is not as good as the first as this leaves things up to a person's opinion of what is good or bad.

3) I would like to recommend that Trusteds do not have a special chat color. I would like to recommend that instead, trusted players simply get their water placement privilege as usual, and that's it. No special chat color. It makes new users jealous and ask to be trusted. Then they are most likely discouraged when they are told, "just play by the rules and be active and you will get trusted with time." To me, I didn't give a rats ass when I was a regular member at first and after I was demoted from being trusted that one time. The only thing that aggravated me a little was trying to get water buckets filled but then realizing that water was blocked for non-trusteds. Another thing that could be possible would be to allow Trusted players AND members to change the color of their name to whatever they want. That would be better than everyone having a bland gray name. It would spice up the chat. Meanwhile guests can keep their current status as they just have to register to become a member.

Suggestions / Odd Idea - Really just want people's opinions on this
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:47:19 pm »
So, I am in the middle of building an automatic hopper/chest shop mall. One thing that comes with having many many items for sale automatically is quantity control. Right now I have out of stock lights which turn on if a machine is out of stock. However, it would be neat to be able to more accurately keep a counting system in place. My first thought was to make a small redstone computer (more compact as in the 1.5 features allow stuff like RAM modules to be much smaller), but routing that many connections from the mall buildings into the basement computer would be impossible.

Then I thought of something interesting. What if there was a plugin that would send a single byte of data to another server IP address and port upon a specific block switching it's redstone powered state from off (0) to on (1 or higher).

The concept is this, the user places a block with a sign on it. That block for the most part is going to not be charged to any power level by redstone. The block then gets a sign placed on it. This sign would have the following (on each line):

Code: [Select]
A number from 0 to 255
IP Address (
Port: 12345
Line 4 is ignored

When a block with a sign such as the above is activated by redstone meaning it goes from having a power level of 0 to having a power level of greater than 0, then the plugin sends a single byte of data to the IP:Port provided. This isn't data sent to another minecraft server, but to any program the person who placed the sign may have made. In my case, if I there was to be a plugin like this, I would have an item server to keep track of the item counts of all of my chest shops, and it would listen for the numbers coming from the opticraft server when that block gets activated by a machine.

Will this ever be implemented opticraft, oh I'm sure not. I just wanna see what people think of the concept.


I found that as a related video on Youtube when I looked at the little animation trailer Cattfish uploaded in her thread. It took me two watches before I realized that they were from Opticraft XD

Offtopic / Timelines - Science Fiction
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:32:36 pm »
Timelines - Author: Clayton Hunsinger (Chief149)

Nothing really exists, and you cannot get something out of nothing. This means the universe does not exist, and we do not exist. Think of a dream. In a dream you exist in the dream. Objects in the dream exist, and other people exist for you to interact with. However, none of the entities within the dream exist in the real world. Think of the universe as a single reality. A single reality is simply the equivalent of a dream. Stuff exists in the reality, but only within that one reality. Now think of what's real. Nothing is real. Nothing exists. However every reality is simply a timeline of what could potentially happen if something did exist. It's like when you think about how your life would be if you won the lottery. You didn't really win the lottery, but what if you did. This is just like saying what if pigs had wings, or what if something actually existed. IF you won the lottery there would be millions of ways your life could go, and you can think about how each one would be, but those realities would only be in your mind. We live in one reality. This is all one way things could go if matter and energy actually existed.
What if you had the ability to switch between realities? What if you had the ability to switch between realities, but switched to a reality where you no longer had that ability. Would your name change in the different realities? Would people you know be different? Josh soon learns everything when he realizes he managed to teleport from his reality into some other reality. The only problem is getting back home when you no longer have the same ability.

I will be posting chapters of the book as I complete them. Depending on work and school, it might take a while before I have each chapter done.

If the word done is next to a chapter, click it to download the Rich Text rtf file
Chapter 1: Done
Chapter 2: Done
Chapter 3: In Progress

Trade Central / Enchanted Pickaxe Mega Auction
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:39:40 am »
Firstly, due to the fact there are 7 pickaxes being auctioned off, I would like to ask that nobody post anything that isn't a bid to keep it easy for me to track the bids.

Item# 1
            Unbreaking III + Fortune III Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $1,500
            Highest Bid: Beast23x3: 2K SOLD

Item #2
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency V Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $2,000
            Highest Bid: Freekkiller: 2K SOLD

Item #3
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency IV Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $1,500

Item #4
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency IV Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $1,500

Item #5
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency IV + Unbreaking III Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $2,500
            Highest Bidder: Tiggy26668: 2.5K SOLD

Item #6
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency IV + Unbreaking III Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $2,500
            Highest Bidder: Tiggy26668: 2.5K SOLD

Item #7
            Unbreaking III + Efficiency IV + Unbreaking III Diamond Pickaxe
            Starting Price: $2,500
            Highest Bidder: Tiggy26668: 2.5K SOLD

When placing a bid, for simplicity, please use the following format:


All increments must be of $500 or more.

Auction ends: Friday April 19, 2013 @ 10:30 PM US Eastern Pacific Time (Atlanta)

Pickaxes 3 and 4 are still up for bidding for another week. The ones marked as SOLD are no longer for sale.

Offtopic / PSY - "Gentleman"
« on: April 13, 2013, 08:37:08 pm »
over 250K views on Youtube, and it was uploaded today !!! WTF!!!

Anyways, I thought it was pretty good. Would be really awesome if PSY ended up having the two most watched videos in Youtube history.

Here's the link:

"Gentleman" or "Gangnam Style"?

Vote above!

Trade Central / Want to make money?
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:22:32 pm »
Of course when I ask if you want to make money, I mean in-game money.

Being as I am working on building a huge chest shop mall, I will be needing people to help me keep the shops in-stock.

I am currently looking for people who are willing to work for me freelance in game. If you work for me, you will get access to my village in the new guest world, and most importantly, the employee building.

All workers will have their own personal work chest to deposit items obtained for a job in.

Almost all jobs will be jobs obtaining certain items from wood to cobblestone, and even obsidian, or other resources. I can also guarantee that you will be paid much more for resources than what the server market would pay you. For example, jobs requesting you to get cobblestone will pay $40 per stack as opposed to the $15 per stack you would earn by selling the cobblestone to the market.

Your pay will always be in iron or gold which can be exchanged for money. When you complete a job, the materials obtained will be taken from your work chest, and your payment in gold or iron will be put in place for you to collect. The exchange rates for the most part will remain static.

I have no intention of changing my exchange rate any time soon, but I will always sell and buy gold and iron for the same price (I won't ever give you $40 for 1 gold ingot, but require you to pay $50 to buy a gold ingot from me for example).
Current Exchange Rates:
Pay: $25                Receive: 1 Iron Ingot
Pay: 1 Iron Ingot     Receive: $25
Pay: $225               Receive: 1 Iron Block
Pay: 1 Iron Block     Receive: $225
Pay: $50                Receive: 1 Gold Ingot
Pay: 1 Gold Ingot    Receive: $50
Pay: $450              Receive: 1 Gold Block
Pay: 1 Gold Block     Receive: $450
Pay: $5                 Receive: 1 Gold Nugget
Pay: 1 Gold Nugget  Receive: $5

Interested in becoming a manager?
Currently there are three management positions available. Managers can do any freelance jobs even if the requested job items are not part of your area of management. However, managers may also hire other players, create their own freelance jobs, and have their office room. To qualify, you must have worked at least 8 jobs as a freelancer, and you must apply to be a manager which involves you qualifying, asking for the position, and me looking over your work history (yes all work records are kept to track performance).

The management positions available are:
     - Mining operations manager
     - Forest operations manager
     - Farming operations manager

Freelance positions available: 3
Number of individual jobs that need to be completed: 10

To become a freelance worker, simply PM me in game, or on the forums, or post in this thread. I will set you up in game at the next available moment, and you will be informed with anything else you need to know. Once again, you will always be paid significantly more for the resources you bring than what the server market pays you, and more than many other players would pay you for resources.

Trade Central / Does anyone have a silk touch enchanted book?
« on: March 31, 2013, 09:43:02 pm »
I am looking for a book enchanted with Silk Touch, or even a diamond shovel enchanted with Silk Touch. If anyone has one please reply/pm me/ in game pm me with a price.

User Events / Chief's Vote Fairly Competition
« on: March 11, 2013, 04:38:29 am »
[I would like to request that this be an Opticraft event, but for now: General Discussion it is]
[I would also like to request that a notice and link to this thread be placed on the voting page to remind players to verify their votes and compete in this thread for more prizes than just one diamond per vote]

So guys, votifier still isn't fully implemented yet which means people aren't voting as much as they are just clicking the vote buttons and closing the tab. I will admit to doing this as well, but a while back I began legitimately voting. Now I always fill out the captcha and do a legit vote.

Anyways, being as a lot of people do not vote legitimately, I will be holding my own competition.

Chief's Vote Fairly Competition
This is a competition which promotes users to vote fairly instead of just clicking vote, and stopping at that. Basically, this is a competition which will reward users with all kinds of stuff for doing the right thing, and helping to attract more players!

About This Competition
Every player who enters their votes will have them tallied up. For every 10 votes a player makes, the player will receive a free prize (see the prizes below) for up to two items per player (remember, Im doing this myself, and that nether quartz is gonna take some time to recover from the nether). The prizes as you can see below are the things which you will see in the 1.5 update, and they are chosen by you.

(click to show/hide)

Now, it may seem silly to only allow players two prizes. What happens after players get ten votes and tell me what two prizes they want? Should you all just stop? No! Keep going. Because the top three voters in my competition each get to choose a grand prize from one of three chests. Each of the three chests will have something nice, and each of the three top voters (starting with the 1st place winner to the 3rd place winner) will get to choose one of the chests. The grand prizes are nothing skimpy either! The chests might have written books in them which will guarantee a 250K prize, or maybe 100K. Maybe there will be a stack of gold! Perhaps a dragon egg (or three). You won't know, but none of the three chests will have something weak like a diamond pickaxe or something (unless perhaps a chest of 10 books with various level 30 enchantments with a few diamond pickaxes.)

How to participate!
I will keep a tally of everybody's votes. So how do you enter this? Well, I need to have proof that you voted, so here's what you do:
1) Make a screenshot for each and every vote you place.
2) The screenshot must show the following:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Happy Voting.

Current Scores:

The grand prize and final tallying will be on April 10th. This will give you all a month to rack up those points. Note this competition is completely seperate from Opticalzas top voter thing.

Suggestions / New System of Voting Rewards
« on: March 02, 2013, 10:34:04 pm »
Firstly, we should Votifier. Why?

Votifier is a Bukkit plugin whose purpose is to get notified (aka votified) when a vote is made on a Minecraft server list for the server. Votifier creates a lightweight server that waits for connections by a Minecraft server list and uses a simple protocol to get information about that vote. Votifier is and always will be open-source.

It is open source, and verifies that the vote is legit. By being open source we can modify the code to fit the server perfectly. It also listens for information about the votes from the top lists so we know the votes are legit.

Secondly, lets rework the top voter thing. Right now if you don't vote one time then your chances of being a top voter are slim if that. So I have an idea:

Everyone has a value, points, attached to their account. Points are how many votes a player has "built up." One vote (using votifier so it's legit) provides the player's forum account with one point. At any time these points may be redeemed for one diamond per point, so if I vote 100 times over many days, I will have 100 points. If I redeem that, then my minecraft account will be credited with 100 diamonds.

The top voter is based on who has the most points at the end of a month. This makes it interesting because if I forget to vote at the end of one month then I can keep my points and let them roll over to the next month where I have a good chance of winning depending on who else carried their points over as well. Now think about everyone doing this at once. This could allow everyone to have a chance at top voter each month. One catch, however. If you win top voter 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, then you get the top voter reward for the month, BUT your points are automatically redeemed. This means if someone carries their points over for three months and gets top voter, they can't just roll them over again and get top voter over and over again until they redeem their points. If you get top voter then you also get all of your points redeemed as required.

Trade Central / [Selling] Iron Ingots
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:50:01 am »
I am selling iron ingots in any quantity!

Ingots in stock:13 Stacks + 49 ingots (881 ingots total)

Price Table (note, there are discounts for buying in bulk):

1-8 ingots: $50 per ingot
9-32 ingots: $40 per ingot
33-64 ingots: $35 per ingot
>64 ingots: $25 per ingot

So if you buy 9 ingots, then you will be charged $40 per ingot instead of $50. So if you buy 9 ingots, your price will be 9 X $40 = $360. Otherwise if you buy only 8, then the price is 8 X $50 = $400!!! So if you want to save money, then buy in bulk from me!

Just note that even the $50 per ingot price is cheaper than the market buy price.

Trade Central / [Auction]Automated wheat/carrot/potato farm!
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:15:07 am »
The Automated Plant Farm!

Farm Stats:
  • 88 growing sections - supports up to 5472 plants growing at once!
  • Fancy collection room (see below)
  • Base footprint of 104 x 104 meters
  • Located near one of the spawns in member world!

The exterior:

The interior:

Start Price: 50K
Buyout Price: 200K
Increment: 1K
End Time: 3/10/13 - Midnight US Eastern Pacific (Atlanta)

If you win the bid, you may optionally pay an extra 180K for the 4 diamond protection stones that protect the farm (this comes out to 45K per PS). Otherwise the farm will come unprotected.

Suggestions / Paying offline players
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:01:11 pm »
So the inspiration for this idea comes from the fact that 1.5 will allow for players to make semi-automatic shops. Shops that don't require the shop owner to be online.

When 1.5 comes out, partially automated shops will be possible.

Here's how:

1) Shop owner sets up a "books" chest with a hopper on top (maybe even supplies books to customers).
2) Shop owner also has many signs for item pricing
3) Players write a list of stuff they want in a book, and drop it into the shops ordering system (the hopper on top of a locked chest.
4) When shop owner is online, he/she gets the books out and fullfills the requests by giving each customer a chest filled with the items they wanted as well as their book. The chest for the customer would have a sign with their name on it or something, but the chest would be password locked.
5) When the customer pays the requested amount to the shop owner, then the shop owner PMs the customer the password to their chest.

The above is how I personally would conduct a shop if I were to build one.

Now for the suggestion:

What if we could pay players that weren't online? The idea is this: If you pay someone who is not online, then they receive the money as well as a message in their server mailbox saying they were paid X dollars from player Y. The /pay command would be used, but it would work with players that are offline as well as online.

So now if you make a shop like the steps I described above, a customer could leave a book listing the requested items. Then the shopkeeper prepares the items into a password protected chest, and PMs the player (in game, in game mail, forums, whatever) the price of the items. Then the customer pays the shop owner at whatever time he/she comes into the game. The shop owner will receive a notification if he is online (as the system currently does), but if he/she's offline then the shop owner will receive a mail message via the in-game mail thingy. When the shop owner logs on and sees the mail message notifying him or her that payment was received, then the shop owner simply sends a message in game, or on the forums with the password to that customer's chest located in the shop owner's shop. The customer just needs to go and get the items out using the sent password.

So yeah, 1.5 combined with being able to pay offline players would potentially reduce, if not completely rid of, the need for chest or player sign shops, and it would only require a little tweaking of whatever plugin handles transfer of money via the /pay command.

Concerns I thought of while typing this:

     It's simple, when you send another player money, press F3 to get a picture of the minecraft screen. It'll be proof you sent the money. If you have proof then it can be dealt with.

The "I accidentally sent the wrong player money. Can I have it back?"
     Two things. If the player you are paying hasn't logged on in the past eh, maybe 2 weeks, then the /pay command shouldn't let you pay that player (this prevents accidental payment to inactive players or something). Secondly, the command can require that you verify the payment before it is sent, and you then have to type a command like /pay verify after doing /pay chief 500000 to pay someone for something that costs 500,000 credits.
     Thirdly, the command would only allow you to pay players if you know their full name (doesn't it already do this or can you get away with typing part of a player's name?). So I couldn't do something like /pay chief 500000, but instead I'd have to do /pay chief149 500000. The name would need to be typed out exactly or no go.

The "I can't think of any more dilemmas"
     If you have any other problem statements that goes with this suggestion, then discuss below.

General Discussion / If you saw me online in the last 2 days...
« on: February 07, 2013, 03:44:16 am »
It wasn't me. I have reason to think someone may have breached my account. If this is true then please disregard anything I may have said, and I am sorry if something I said was offensive (as it wasn't really me).

I have since changed my password. I do not know if I was actually hacked, but I have taken security precautions just in case.

To the Mods+, if the hacker (if there even was a hacker to begin with) broke any opticraft rules, please pm me and I will do everything I can to make it right.

General Discussion / OPTIC Rail Lines
« on: January 17, 2013, 02:32:59 am »
So I've had an idea of making a huge rail line system now that I have a working iron farm for me to get the iron and money I'd need to build the thing.

The idea is to span a rail line which would cross the entire map. There would be an inner and outer loop for a total of 16 rail stations. Each rail station would have local lines to go to a few smaller locations which are local to the area. The local area lines would have two tracks (one departing and one arriving to avoid railway collision).

The main rail track would support 4 minecart tracks, as well as two of them that would be strictly for cargo transport (plus a single rider in order to make sure the chunks load so the materials are transported all the way down the line).

I wouldn't make this to be a private system. I don't need such a mega system, so I intend on making the system public. However I need some kinks to work out. The biggest one which could potentially solve every problem is minecart collision. I need ideas which will keep all minecarts going in one direction. On the super track two of the minecarts plus one of the cargo tracks would be going in one direction, and the other cargo and other two human tracks would go in the other direction. However I need a way to prevent players from colliding. I need a way to guarantee that my minecarts will always go in the intended direction. Even in the event of a player getting out of their minecart and attempting to push it backwards. I also need a solution to prevent collision in the event that a player teleports away from, or disconnects from the server, which would cause the minecart to be left stopped on the tracks. I need a way to allow any oncoming trains to collide with a stopped cart, but while also allowing things to keep moving in the right direction. Suggestions on this would be excellent.

Secondly, would you use a system like this? A global minecart system going around the whole world to local stops?

     - Each station could have one or two player shops that people could rent from me to help stimulate the market
     - If chest shops somehow get implemented then my stations would provide a great host for them
     - Villager transport, and villager trading, would be incredibly easy with this system (same with animal trade)
     - Large quantities of cargo transport would be a sinch as the redstone update would allow for an automatic load/unload system to be created on the cargo lines.

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