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Topics - icooliam

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6
Forum Games / Meme story
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:51:34 am »
Hey guys I got a new game! Whoever has the most points wins $15,000 dollars in-game money!

So heres how it works - I'm gonna start a story with memes, then someone else replies with another meme that follows on from the last one. Theres going to be a points system, if the meme works well and looks good you get one point, if the meme is funny (to me) then the meme will earn two points! Then finally if the meme works well and is one i've seen before you will earn 3 points.

(click to show/hide)

If anyone posts text only on a reply and doesn't put a meme they will have a point deducted! If you want to say something please say it in the same reply as a meme. If your meme does not work you will have a point deducted, if you post another one afterwards that also doesn't fit in you will have 2 points deducted!

Any questions please pm me, have fun!

So heres my meme to start us of!

Support / WalkingMiner
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:41:41 pm »
Hey me and Enta + w0n3 have been on and some guy called WalkingMiner has been very annoying. First he keeps saying 'what you gonna do' and he is just really pissing everyone of. He keeps saying to me he likes my mother... . I have one screenie but I have more also.

Offtopic / Birthday Gift Ideas
« on: October 21, 2013, 04:38:07 pm »
So so so - hey guys!  ::)

Offtopic / What do you do whilst waiting for a big file to download?
« on: October 17, 2013, 07:12:47 am »
Hey guys just wondering what you do to pass time whilst waiting for a download to finish, I just usually watch a YouTube vid!  ;D

Offtopic / Hello!
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:39:05 pm »
Hey guys!

Trade Central / Selling XP farm, fully working with on/off switch
« on: September 02, 2013, 08:08:15 am »
Hello everyone, I no longer want my XP farm, it's a single cavespider spawner and it features: Killing place where you can't be hit by spiders, on/off switch, and some other things, if you want to have a look round goto /home icooliam spawner

Starting Price: $1,800
Buyout Price: $10,000
Bid Increment: $50
Ending Time: 10th September 7:40AM (UK Time)

Any other questions ask me below, happy bidding!  :D

Trade Central / Selling double chest full of enderpearls
« on: September 02, 2013, 08:03:51 am »
Hey guys, I have accumulated a double chest full of enderpearls.

I know they are not worth much but I thought someone might want them, so the auction details are below.

Starting Price: $1,000
Buyout Price: $10,000
Ending Time: 12th September 7:40AM (UK time)
Bid Increment: $25

Any other questions just ask me! Happy bidding  :D

Trade Central / Big house for sale! Want to sell quick! 19k!
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:08:06 pm »
Hello everyone I have a mansion house for sale, it's quite big, in the new guest world. I have left basicly every room upstairs empty so you can do what you want with them and there is also a room downstairs. The rooms I have put in are: Furnace Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Fireplace Room, Chest Storage Room, Two bedrooms quite small (about 4x5) with black carpets and a Cinema room with a big black screen made from wool and seating, the mansion also features a waterfall staircase. The mansion is made of normal wood and the floor and roof are cobble. Due to the expenses of building the mansion and the rooms I have done the mansion will start at 19k. Below is a link to a YouTube video I recorded of the mansion. If you would like to view the mansion for yourself you can look round by going to /home icooliam mansion


Starting Price: $19,000
Buyout Price: $25,000
Ending Time: 20th September 7:00AM (UK TIME)
Big Increment: $250

Happy bidding guys  :D, any questions ask me below and I will do my best to answer them!

Trade Central / Please lock
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:41:43 am »
Hey guys for sale here is a Fortune III, Efficiency IV diamond pick, I accidentally broke one piece of cobble with it so it has the green bar but apart from that it's had no other use.

Starting Price: $1000
Ending Price (Buyout Price): $2750
Ending Time: 31st August 8:00AM (UK time)
Big Increment: $50

Happy bidding! Any questions you have ask me below and I will do my best to answer them!  :D

Trade Central / Please lock
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:36:21 am »
Hello everyone for sale here is a Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I Diamond Pickaxe which is brand new (no health bar).

Starting Price: $2050
Ending time: 31st August, 7:40 (UK time)
Buyout price (ending price): 6.5k
Bidding Increases: $50

Happy bidding guys! Any questions ask me below and I will do my best to answer them  :D.

Support / Help!
« on: August 04, 2013, 09:00:50 am »
Hi there, I accidentally registered myself as OptiMusic on mumble and I didn't realize I couldn't log on as icooliam any more, how can I possibly unregister myself, or does someone else have to do it?

 - icooliam

General Discussion / OptiMusic!
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:53:02 am »
Hi, if you think this is in the wrong section please move it or reply, I wasn't quite sure where to post this.  ;)

Welcome to OptiMusic a project I have been working on for a while!  :D

OptiMusic will be a mumble "user" which continuously plays music when I'm online that people have requested in the Music channel in Mumble! If you would like to request a song for the first update of OptiMusic then please tell me below. Every week or so there will be a new update for OptiMusic featuring the latest songs people have posted below, please do not ask for songs with: swearing, anything to do with sex or drugs, no offending songs etc. All songs will be checked before being played! When posting a song please give me the name, who it's made by and it would be helpful if you can give me a link to where I can download it. If you would like to request an album please give me the same info,


 - icooliam

Trade Central / Buying normal rail
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:41:52 am »
Hi, i'm buying normal rail please reply with how much rail you've got and how much you will sell it to me for,


  - icooliam

Trade Central / Buying massive amounts of cobble!
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:37:09 am »
I'm buying MASSIVE amounts of cobble for a private project. When I say massive I mean like I wanna buy like 100 stacks! If you have some cobble that you would like to sell me please fill in the form below, thanks.

In-Game name:
In-Game current rank:
How many stacks you will sell:
Price for all the cobble:
Where you will give me the cobble:

I'm wanting the cobble as cheap as I can get it (obviously), i am happy to pay about $20ish a stack, however I will maybe pay very slightly more.


- icooliam

Projects and Creations / Concerning any builds in the old guest world
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:33:13 pm »
Hello all. I have been planning for a while to build a railway running through the old guest world, now I have enough resources to do so. The train-line's main station will be built when I am sure of where it is going, at the moment the only station for the train-line is my town. Please could anyone who has a public place in the old guest world (public place meaning any town/village/city, shop, restaurant/cafe farms ect) fill out the form below, thankyou.

* = Optional

Name of place:
Any other way to get to place   e.g /home username:
What is the actual place:
Map link*:
Photos of place*:
Your in-game name:
Any other information*:

Please only submit the form above if you are the owner of the public place. If a form is submitted and accepted the poster of the form will receive $1250 in-game money. The poster will then be asked to show icooliam where the train station can be build and the rail will then be put in, however sometimes the rail may take quite a while to be put in.

Accepted Forms
(click to show/hide)
Current Stations
(click to show/hide)

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