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Topics - illiwill

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Auction for a diamond sword
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:23:01 pm »
I am selling my Bane of Arthropods III diamond sword. Highest bid gets the sword. Note that it is slightly used.

General Discussion / Mobs are lagging?
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:19:36 am »
Why are monsters lagging so much? Like I hit a creeper, then I hit it again, but it doesn't take damage for like 3 seconds. It's like this for every mob! (it's not my computer, I'm using optifine and settings that are fast)

Suggestions / Trusted+ world?
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:06:05 am »
I'm just wondering if the admins and opti are going to make a trusted+ world? Or is there only going to be the guest and member world? Just curious to know

Projects and Creations / Join this city!
« on: May 02, 2012, 04:30:41 am »
Join this city IF YOU WANT TO! Contact Headshotopen for details. Tell him I sent you to him. He will most likely give you a spot when we finish the city. Just a quick heads up

Suggestions / Lower Prices!
« on: April 14, 2012, 06:21:40 am »
I think that somebody should lower the prices at the market. I mean, stuff to me is overpriced. Iron for example, your better off walking around 'till you find a cave. You,ll most likely find something. Also, up the prices that people sell items. Like 32 cactus Is only $50. Why make it fair to AT LEAST $100. This is just my opinion though. 

Projects and Creations / New city? Wait, there's a twist...
« on: April 13, 2012, 06:23:02 am »
Hey guys it's ore and just going To say about my new town I'm going to make. As the title says, there's a twist. This town is going to be based on AGRICULTURE! Yep, that's right. So if your good at farming or you just like to farm, PM me when I'm on and the first. 10 people get a FREE plot! This town will grow wheat, pumpkins, sugar cane, and melons. You may ado message my profile on the forums to get a free plot of land.

General Discussion / Protection Stones, you can't sell them back?!?
« on: April 13, 2012, 06:04:55 am »
I must not be the only one annoyed by this, but you can't sell your PS's back for money at the market! I mean, what happened to the sell sign? Did Nick or Relkeb take the sign away? I'm just asking, so can somebody please respond, because I really want to know

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