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Topics - Zeradeth_

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Trade Central / Fully Functional Normal Spider Spawner for Auction/Sale
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:11:06 am »
So, I was mining and happened across a spider spawner. This spawner is located on the Memberworld. I've edited it so it works as an xp-farm, but you can change it if you like. You can bid for it, or offer a rate, and if I like it, I'll take it.

Since this is a single-non-cave spawner, I'll start the bidding low.

Starting Bid: $750

Highest Bid as of yet: $1,000

Support / Name Change?
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:22:32 am »
Hiya everyone :D This is Zeradeth__. I'm wondering if there's any way I can change my forum name? I wasn't aware when I made the account that it should (didn't have to be, but was better if it was) be the same as my in-game name, and now I wish to change it to my in-game name. If someone could let me know if that's something that can be done, I appreciate it!

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application Zeradeth_
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:07:33 am »
Age: 16
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Time zone: Pacific Standard Time GMT-8
Join Date: February 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: GirlLuvzerMac, joshskiizz, TheWholeLoaf, awesomealicia, Tobs74 (add your name if applicable)
Why you should become a moderator:

I should become a moderator because I am well-versed in the ways of the Opticraft Server, I am an active member of the community, and I'm able to work patiently with even difficult players.

As a Trusted user on Opticraft, I have built a lot of houses and cleared a lot of land, seen players come and go, and watched the peaks and drops in Opticraft's popularity. I've found myself wondering how I could contribute more to the server; so, I've started helping out more. I am usually online into the later hours of the evening (when people in later time zones will be tucking in for the night). When there isn't any staff online, myself and a few other Trusted users take over helping the members and guests as well as we can. We answer their questions, help them with water and setting fires, and we give them advice when they ask.

In my life outside of playing Minecraft, I strive to do my best in everything I set my mind to—most times I succeed, but I have my failures too. When I'm given an assignment in school, I do my very best on it no matter how much I don't want to, because that's my duty as a student.

I have been an active member of the Opticraft community since I joined back in February of 2012 (wow, almost a year already...). I'm on almost every day for at least four to five hours, and now with IRC up and running, I can try to be on more often on my phone when I can't be in-game.

I have a working relationship with the moderators and operators on the Opticraft Server, and I would even venture to call some of them my friends. I can work well with anyone and everyone.

Thank you for your consideration,


( PS: I now have my own account instead of the one I’d originally shared with a friend; my old account name was the same except for the underscore.)

Offtopic / Interesting Topic of Interest
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:10:48 am »
So hi again guys :D A wandering wonder wandered into my head, and I wondered: What is your opinion on game violence?

Allow me to clarify. Some people (concerned parents mostly) believe that violent video games lead to violent children. There have been case studies (I believe?) leading experts to believe that this is true, but I myself am not convinced. I'm wondering what your guys' take on this topic is. I don't mean for this to turn into some kind of argument (and "if you don't have nuthin' nice to say, don't say nuthin' at all" -Thumper), but I wanna know what your opinions are.

If you happen to find any nifty articles or videos on this subject, feel free to post links to 'em in replies. I'd love to read/watch them.

Let's see what happens!

Support / Andchat for Android IRC
« on: January 14, 2013, 08:11:04 pm »
Hi there, so I've just downloaded the Andchat for my Android Bionic, and I signed in just fine to Opticraft's IRC as Zeradeth, but when I try to speak in the chat, it says I'm not in a channel and that I should type /cmd for server commands. I did, and nothing happened. It started talking spanish to me, and said: No Habla? The squirrel is in my pants. He wants my burrito. I will not give it to him.

O_o Help? I think my IRC is possessed by a Mexican squirrel hater.

General Discussion / Leave
« on: January 12, 2013, 07:43:45 am »
So. It would appear that I no longer have the privelege of access to the internet for an indefinite amount of time. I have no idea how long this bit h parade will last, and until it ends I am not allowed to use the internet for anything but homework. <Edited upon request>. Since I may not be able to be on Opticraft for some time, I wanted you guys to know. Those of you with access to my farms may continue to do so.

I'll miss you,


<Edited upon request>

Trade Central / Dragon Egg For Sale
« on: December 25, 2012, 02:13:11 am »
Dragon Egg for sale. The title's pretty self-explanatory.

I bought it for 80,000, but I won't make anyone pay such an exorbitant fee. I'll go as low as 30,000. When I get my client back up and running, or you can pm me on the forums, /msg me if you're interested.



General Discussion / So Apparently...
« on: December 25, 2012, 02:11:20 am »
So apparently, if you drop a DROID Bionic on a Lenovo Thinkpad, it freaks out and reboots. Now, I can't log in because it says that it can't connect to minecraft.net. I went to minecraft.net, and it's up and running. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else before, and if so, if someone can offer some ideas as to how I can get my client back up and running.



Support / Is The Server Freaking Out?
« on: December 01, 2012, 12:04:27 am »
Hi, this is Zeradeth from the server...I've been trying to log on (I was logged out for some reason. Java said it was an internal exception or something) and every time I do, it shows a blue screen, and then I'm in the ground. I dug out a block, placed a torch, and then went up. I tunneled through the floor of the member market. Chunks won't load, my chat won't work, and I don't know what's going on.

If anyone can help me out with this, I'd appreciate it.


Rejected / (Zeradeth) Moderator Application
« on: November 26, 2012, 11:32:56 pm »
Location: United States
Timezone: Pacific
Join Date: February 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Xeadin, SnapeTheSnipe
Why I should become moderator:


I've been on this server for a little over 9 months. I've come to know the people really well, I know the atmosphere that is desirable, and I have to say that I love it. I would be an excellent moderator because I can handle responsibility, and I am online at least four to five hours a day. I've tried applying before, but was rejected because I didn't know the staff well. I will admit that I've done some not-so-good things in the past, but I have been reinstated as a Trusted user, and I intend to keep it. I know I'm 16, and that's pretty young, but I believe I am ready to take on the challenge of being a Moderator for Opticraft.

Thank you for your consideration,


Support / Just So I Have Proof
« on: November 18, 2012, 07:53:23 am »
Hello, this is Zeradeth. The user sootie06 will not stop pming me. I have asked him repeatedly to stop, and these screenshots are proof. He has told me to "f**** off," and he has called me inappropriate names referring to female genitalia. I didn't manage to get a screenshot of that before it passed from the visible chat, but here's what I do have. This is evidence so that if I present the problem to a mod again, I have proof.

Ban Appeals / Mr_Mr_Mr Ban Appeal (Zeradeth)
« on: September 25, 2012, 03:35:13 am »
Hello, Mr_Mr_Mr,

I would like to start by saying I was majorly stupid. I downloaded an x-ray mod a month or so ago, I will admit to this. However, I would will claim ignorance in my defense. At the time, I didn't know that x-ray mods were against the rules. No one had told me, and I hadn't actually read the rules of the server.... A dumb move, to be honest. This was the first server I have ever used, and no one had ever told me that x-ray mods were banned. So, as soon as I learned, I deleted the mod and never used it again. You might have found tunnels in the ground with the print (or whatever it is the mods+ call it) saying I used an x-ray, but I don't use it anymore, and haven't for a long while. I would like desperately to be unbanned. I have been loyal to this server, and a fair player--except when I used the x-ray...I am so sorry. I have never been banned before, only kicked once, and I have never griefed. If you could unban me, I would be forever in your debt.


Support / I did something stupid...
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:09:27 am »

Alright, so I did something stupid and deleted my .minecraft folder. I was trying to install a mod for my singleplayer, but it decided it didn't want to work. So, following a fellow player's instructions, I deleted my .minecraft folder. Everything would have been great, however now, whenever I try to open Minecraft, it asks me if I'd like to update. I click yes, and it gets stuck at varying percentages of loading. And when I deny the update, it gets stuck with the loading bar almost all the way loaded.

Can anyone help me?!


Rejected / Moderator Application--Zeradeth
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:18:15 am »
Age: 15
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Timezone: Pacific Time Zone
Join Date: February 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: I think I am mature enough for the position, I have experience with the people of the server, people know and trust me, and I was able to become "Trusted" within a week of joining the site. I have never griefed or been banned, and personally, I think I am an upstanding member of the society. I enjoy helping people, and when I walk through the server and see all the griefed buildings and the damage done by inconsiderate people, it sickens and saddens me. I want to help better the Opticraft server, and I believe that I could do this best as a moderator.

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