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Topics - Terrewee

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion forum / gone for 5 days
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:01:15 am »
i'll be gone starting today and will be back on monday :D
(i'm going out camping  :D)

General Discussion / Digging event, Hosted by Terrewee and ZXFEAR
« on: June 25, 2012, 10:39:25 am »
Greetings people of Opticraft,
Me and ZXFEAR are hosting a digging event next saturday(14th of july) that starts around 2 PM GMT.
You probably think "megh just digging", well it's not just digging, it's a race. each participant will be able to choose his or her "lot" to dig and at the bottom you will find a button that can get you first, second or third place.
Well it's not as easy as it sounds, we have rules to keep it fair, don't worry!
1. You are required to mine all blocks in your lot before you are allowed to ring the "bell".
2. You are not allowed to leave the event area, death DOES count as leaving the area soo be well equipped.
3. You are not allowed to bring your gear as we supply them. (torches and food are a exeption to this)
4. Spawners are a exeption to Rule 1, you may disable them but keep them in tact, please. (mining area around it is OK)
5. All blocks in the race may be kept by the players, we suplied chests in order to store them.

Please take not though that you enter at own risk
we will not be held responsible for any items or XP you loose during this race.

for those who still want to participate we give the following hint, choose your plot wisely as you will not know what you will encounter. I mean for those who have bad luck it may be a fall to your death, or a pool of lava, soo it's partly insight of what is the best plot, though we try to keep it as trecherous and hard to see as possible.

well then, please post in this toppic that you wanna join us, we have 40 plots open.
If we do not get enough participants to fill all the plots we may do a second round or a team race.

the grand pize for 1.st place will be 100k or more in the future depending if we can get more donations of money. Second prize will be a money prize of 30k and a item of our chest we filled for you. Third either 20k or a item from our chest.

oh and we may want 1 or 2 moderators walking around for security measures.

Participants: 17

Ok people, you can now enter the area!
It is at "/home terrewee contest"!

(you might wanna vote before you try going to this home)

Creations / the sprite that was worked on way too long.
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:00:47 pm »
Well i finally finnished it

(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Support / vote diamond bugg
« on: February 10, 2012, 05:59:50 am »
has anyone noticed that when you vote and you get the diamonds, your equipment is reset to the max durability...?
happened to me the past view days...

Projects and Creations / the city without walls
« on: September 08, 2011, 06:31:53 pm »
i'm going to start a project called "The city without walls" it's going to be a hanging city.
here are the specs:

name(kanji/hiragana): 壁のない街
name(romanji): Kabe no nai machi (general name)
name(translated): City without walls
location: the nether
style: fantasy/steampunk
Most used materials: cobblestone, stone, wood and glowstone

i'll be wanting help with this ^^
and i request a portal to a mine so i can mine cobblestone easely

this project will start after the world reset of 1.9 if i get green light(as i plan to take much space)

your response? :P

people helping so far:

Suggestions / PVP
« on: September 06, 2011, 03:57:11 pm »
i know that in the current state the server doesn't allow pvp.
what about we let the normal world be like that and make the Nether a PVP zone?

most people go to the nether even though they know it's dangeus, so why not make it a little more dangerus?


Introductions / disappearance
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:46:51 am »
i'm sorry to tell you all this, but i'm leaving opticraft.

i have too much going on and i hardly have time to play, so i thought i'd say goodbye for now.
i am sure though that i'll return later and i'll be on from time to time.
i'll also keep checking the forums, so you won't miss me :)

just wanted to say that.

Creations / The Skeleton
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:27:09 pm »
i finnished the skeleton  ;D everyone is welcome to see it  ;)

i'm gonna use it for some thing else so be sure to check it our before i start that.

click here for a album of picures :)

give me your oppinion. ;)

Creations / guardian angel
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:12:18 am »
i made the guardian angel of opticraft!
it's to be found in the builderworld

Accepted / [Crafter] Terrewee
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:52:00 pm »
Ingame name: terrewee

Join date: January 12, 2011

List your creations, and the worlds they are on:
sauron's tower [ worldofrecruits3... i beleve...]
church [builder5]
Sprite Marisa Kirisame [builder4]
Sprite Konpaku Youmu [builder4]
Sprite Ibuki Suika [builder4]
Sprite Alice Margatroid [builder5]
Baseball Stadium [builder4]
Spawn (made together with raul) [event]
Castle (from back when i was recruit) [some guest world... i honestly don't know wich one]
Knight sprite (mostly done without pallete, only did the gloves and the first layer of the belt with it) [art]
Temple [builder4]

Links to screenshots of the creation:

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):

Creations / the Knight Sprite
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:33:31 pm »
well most of u guys have heard that i wsa working on something.....
and now it's finnished!

took me about 2 week, and you guys probably think: "why so long, you have monkeys palete right?"
well i started with the palete, but i didn't like working with it (switching in and out of minecraft) so i continued without it.
i only did the bottom layer with the palete (so the gloves and the first layer of the belt area) and afterwards i started working without.
personaly i'm realy proud of the result and i didn't think i could do shading so well....

:P give me feed back  ;)

Rejected / [Crafter] terrewee
« on: March 30, 2011, 06:37:48 pm »
Ingame name: terrewee

Join date: January 12, 2011

List your creations, and the worlds they are on:
sauron's tower [previous worldofrecruits]
church [builder]
Sprite Marisa Kirisame [previous builder]
Sprite Konpaku Youmu [previous builder]
Sprite Ibuki Suika [previous builder]
Sprite Alice Margatroid [builder]
Baseball Stadium [previous builder]

Links to screenshots of the creation:

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
hope to get this rank, as everyone around me is getting it....

Rejected / opperator application Terrewee
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:13:38 pm »
Name:Pepijn Sijthoff
Location:europe, netherlands, amsterdam
Join date: sun jan 9 00:08:58 2011
Forum Join date: jan 12 2011
Current rank: builder
Reason for application: there are way to fiew ops, today for instance, i have been on for the whole day and the only ops i have seen were morten for 15 mins "to test out the new commands" and optical for like 20 secs to do stuff for the server. i've seen tobs going in and out, but no ops.... i've seen griefer reports, but no ops when needed. i've actualy stopped 2 grievers, without the "ban" option, though it would have made stuff alot easier....
Why you should become an operator: i just want to help people and have fun, and i realy want other people to have fun too.
Extra information: i don't want to be a op, but the people need it, so i have to. for their sake, not mine.

Creations / tower of sauron
« on: February 08, 2011, 01:09:50 pm »
i was wandering around in the builder world and saw a volcano, and i thought: "this needs something extra...." so i build this tower next to it ^^

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