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Topics - D00MKNlGHT

Pages: [1] 2 3
Rejected / Moderator app d00mknlght
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:28:21 am »
Age: 18
Location: Singapore
Timezone: GMT+8
Join date: July 26, 2011, 03:38:45 pm(alt acc) Opticraft 1.73

Were you recommended by anyone?:

Why you should become a moderator: I am really active and wish to serve the opticraft community and ensure that everyone has the best opticraft experience,as a mod, I also will not tolerate any form of spamming, adverts and raging.

A picture tells a thousand words... I will persist and wont give up whatever the outcome of this application.

Thank you for your kind attention

Offtopic / Finally!
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:21:05 pm »

I finally sees this first hand :)

General Discussion / Villagers4salez
« on: July 24, 2012, 11:30:42 am »
1 villager= 15k
2 for 30k
1 villager= 1 stack of diamonds

Post here if u wish to order

Goods can be delivered easily if u live in the south or south east..


This is a shop not an auction.

General Discussion / My rails
« on: July 23, 2012, 02:45:03 pm »
I made a long railway tO transport villagers... Then recently some pol has been using my railway to transport VILLAGERS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. Today I caught mokerginger, xxssssxx and alpha lance messing with my railway for their personal usage. Do note my railsare private and NOT FREE usage. And to all mods feel free to ban anyone adjusting my railways.


General Discussion / Borders
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:38:11 am »
Recently lLLEGAL foun a village past the border, then since its past the border, I could not get to it.

So I waited at the border for a coupl of days
Day 1-villager went deeper away from border
Day 2 villager went away from border
Day 3 villager came toward border but not near enough
Day 4 villager came past the border :DD I captured it.
Then I made a house and let them breed.

I believe this isn't breaking the rules, as I waited out side the borders in the wilderness really long, and the villager came to me, it's like a cow crossing the border, except villagers don't follo wheat.

Then a few days later an op told me that I can't have the villager as its pass the border...

Truth is the villager came into the generated world, an I captured it not past the border, so I belief it is legit.

Trade Central / Eff 4 FORTUNE 3 pickaxe BRANDNEW auction
« on: July 05, 2012, 07:28:17 am »
Item - diamond pickaxe
Enchantments - fortune 3 efficiency 4
Level enchanted - 43
Starting price - 25k
1k between offers
Ending - 2 weeks time
***I have the rights to cancell the sell at any time***

Trade Central / Auctioning villagers :D
« on: July 04, 2012, 11:29:30 am »
People of opticraft, I, jettman23 and pew1998 has a AWESOME village, and we have decided to auction off some of our villagers. These are the villagers available for Profession    Clothing    ID

Farmer    Brown Robe    2
Librarian    White Robe    2
Priest    Purple Robe    1
Blacksmith    Black Apron    1
Butcher    White Apron    2

The auction price for butcher and farmer begins at 15k per villager, and the rest 20k per villager.

The auction will end in a week.
If I or pew or Jett find the price too low,etc etc, we reserve the rights to cancel the auction.

Anyone with queries post here, Jett and pew pm me for more information.

Rejected / Moderator application- D00MKNlGHT
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:20:53 am »
Age: 18
Location: Singapore
Timezone: GMT+8
Join Date:August 26, 2011, 03:00:02 pm Opticraft 1.73

Were you recommended by anyone?: BigBadHenz

Why you should become a moderator: I have been playing opticraft for a long time now, ever since its beginning in 1.73, I have never left it, and now it's has become an awesome server.

 I should become moderator, as being a victim of the griefers destructive habits,many of my beautiful structures was torn to pieces. I find those "monsters" a menace to the community of opticraft, and I will definitely punish them for their devious crimes.

  I will ensure that guest joining the server will have a pleasant experience init and will come back for more, eg getting rid of spammers, griefers, answering their question and interact with them rather then just waiting for a ticket. I am also very capable with mods commands, as I am a mod on another server, I am also really active, and can spend up to 6hours per day on opticraft. I also always play by the rules, and help out with water, I regularly take walks around the server looking for illegal structures, and report them(Bhoughton should know)Hence and therefore I hope to be a mod to ensure that the population in opticraft satisfied with opticraft, and also to ensure that there are fewer griefers or spammer, and also to entice new guest or member to set their roots in opticraft by being interactive and helping them to solve their problems, and also I will be able to help them more effectively and efficiently.

Thank you for your kind attention

Auctioning a ALMOST brand NEW PICK,(used once to test if work on glowstones)


*I reserve the rights to withdraw the item from the auction IF i deem the price not to my satisfaction

I am offering out 5 Slots for People who wish to rent my blaze exp farm for eternity, TAKE NOTE: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SUB-LET the exp farm to other ppl, you are only allowed to use it forever, and to enchant anything u wish so that u can sell it at a **** high price if its a good enchant, so pratically unlimited money =D


OWNERS mecurymaruder77(50% stake BOUGHT FROM IANHALMOND at 350k+)    D00MKNlGHT (50% stake)

IT HAS been proven that u can get to about lv 30 in half an hour, and 00ultima sold his lv 28 enchanted PICKAXE eff 3 unbreak 3 for 30k :D

Suggestions / Include warps to cities who have been accepted
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:41:00 am »
     The title says it all, eg when u walk to northtown, it says welcome to northtown, ACCEPTED cities says the same thing, and that there are few accepted cities...
   So is it possible to include a "free" /warp <accepted> city for accepted city, and add them to the warp station, to make them official?
   This is as there are many cities now, and it is important to distinguish official cities with protection,from unofficial cities which may not have protection.

Support / seeing through leaves on vanila client is this a bug?
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:43:59 pm »
when i throw my enderpearl accidentally in to a one block space below leaves i see this 
the leaves

the bug

where i was standing

hope it get fixed soon

Support / all ps i place turns to resource
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:27:05 pm »
my diamond ps turn to resource, i asked tobs to fix it... he gave me a new diamond ore, i placed it but it was not a ps but a resource.... we did it tons of time, but whenever i put its a resource.. however when tobs put its a ps. opticalza please help xP.. fyi my /ps enable and /ps on are on

« on: April 19, 2012, 06:57:11 am »
Monsters arent spawning in the end, the normal world and the nether, opti or admins please fix the bug soon and let monster spawn as per normanl... Thanks :D

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Enderpolis-- city application
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:02:22 am »


City location: On a floating platform at the end, use /home LLLEGAL to get there

Contributors: PLATFORMS: kian1354, LLLEGAL, dj301, ME
                    RAILWAY: deweymeister, kian1354, dj301
                    MELON FARM( size still increasing): Skittcat, me, kian1354
                    ENDERMAN EXP FARM: ME, kian1354
                    SPLEEF ARENA : Kian1354

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): d00mknlght

Approximate dimensions:189*189

Number of active residents:34+3

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 34++ some players buy multiple plots and make a few houses.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The City is Close to completion, however more platforms will be added soon to make it 189*189, then if there is a strong demand, we will triple its size... A NEW spawn platform will be created, potion hub( where there's potion mats and tons of brewing stands) will be up soon... There's plans to set up a rail system IN the city, so as to make getting to te facilities such as melon farms etc etc faster.. Many other farms, such as tree farms, cactus farm, cane farm, will be up soon.

Why should we grant this city protection?
: This city is REALLY huge, and soon will be the size of SKYRIM, griefs have already been found on NEWLY MADE Platforms... If the situation escalates to skyrim's current grief problems, it would be disastrous as using /home in the void is FATAL unlike skyrim which isn't above the void and if u should fall u can /home safely..
 Also the MELON farm would be a GRIEfER MAGNET, due to its sheer size, and the TONS of pistons, and redstones( at least a chest full) used on the farm, it would be really hard to find the griefs too due to the sheer size of the farm..

  The ENDERMAN EXP FARM, also uses a lot of materials, and will probably be totaled by griefers, if not protected. Theres upgrading of the farm, and the approx number of material used are 17 stacks of pistons 17 stack of repeaters, 35 stack of redstone torches, 17 stacks of stone pressure plates, and 100++ stack of endstones.
 The railway also require protection, as if griefers struck and remove some of the rails/blocks it will 100% fatal, as when u r in a minecraft u got to use /home twice to get to your /home.

   Spleef arena will be used by ppl who want to play spleef, and the ppl who play, may use ENDERPEARLS to enter and grief enderpolis when they lose and rage etc etc, or even ppl who turn up for it might grief for fun, however WE REQUEST that that the arena REMAINS UNZONED so that ppl who arent citizen can play spleef.
    The POTION HUB is created, it is a MULTI STORY BUILDING filled with brewing stands in PERSONAL rooms so that there wont be any cases of POTION theft... basic mats like nether warts, and sugar cane is provided in the hub... EACH ROOM has 8 BREWING STAND funded by d00mknlght :D

   Finally, many players devoted their precious time, to build beautiful houses on enderpolis, some even used diamond blocks as materials, hence making the house a PRIME griefers target.


EDIT: more players added, builds increased, size increased

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