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Topics - SonicHogSpeed

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Appeals / Ah... Well, this is awkward...
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:56:33 am »

What is the meaning of this...? What happened?  ???

Needed to cover the IP.

General Discussion / Confession
« on: September 14, 2013, 11:01:16 pm »
I'm sorry that I haven't made this clear to everyone, specifically to the staff.
When I first joined with my cousin's friends, we all had Nodus, including me. I was tempted to use X-Ray for some stupid reason I don't remember for the first week I was on the server. I was banned from the first wide server I was on, for X-Ray… and I regret it very much. Can't believe I said "Go ahead and ban me. I don't care." I didn't know any better.
To be honest, I did use X-Ray some time during those days. And in the process, might've found some other person's X-Ray weird to think about it…
Here are the coordinates… x:-1508 y:63 z:1182 Old Guest
I'm sorry that I ever did…… I confessed online some time last year, but to a small group of staff. They said as long as I got rid of it, I'll be okay. My conscious says different. I believe I should be judged by the wider majority of the staff by the forum.
Again, I am truly sorry I ever let myself use Nodus… :-\
I have no idea where I would post this, but this is the closest place I could think of……

Support / Donation Chest LWC bug
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:40:45 am »
Well, only way I can think of explaining is how I discovered it……
Please do not abuse this. (I contacted raul before I made this)
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Oh, and don't worry, I put the torches back
Edit:You know how if you double-click an item when there are more of that item in a chest or somewhere in your inventory it fills into the stack you're holding? I obtained the 7 torches from the donation chest by doing that

Offtopic / Exploration sights
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:47:51 am »
This is for people who explore.
I started from 2crzy's home towards the west.
Also, I didn't start until later during my run, so I might've missed a few things worth noting
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I warned you……
Feel free to comment on others' pictures
Edit:Oh yeah, you can post from IRL too if you want. Also, it can just be some random structures you find in single player.

Support / Forum looking flipped…
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:23:05 am »
Well, it's showing me the posts on subjects starting from the newest to the first. Meaning, it's mirrored -.- Like, you'll find the first post on the last page of the subject.
Any reason why it's doing this or is it just for me…???

Suggestions / Keeping items after death
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:34:18 pm »
Pretty much what the title says. Would likely stop people from complaining they lost their items.
Only flaw I see is if there's a way to duplicate items using this. Then again, there are probably much more than just that.
If you're wondering how this would work, there should be a /gamerule keepInventory (something like that) that if /… … true, would do the trick. Again, the only thing I thought that would be the downside is the possibility of duplication glitches.

Support / /home buggy
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:25:21 am »
Well, some people as of now are having trouble with using /home, sending them to their doom or out of place. Mine for example puts you on my animal farm…

Offtopic / What was your first house on SSP?
« on: November 25, 2012, 03:40:52 am »
Well, mine was made of wood; then I decided to make a lava moat… But during that time, I was deciding on rebuilding my house out of stone. Took awhile before I finished. Sadly, I lost my world trying to play 1.8…

Suggestions / Voter identity protection
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:38:35 am »
Well, we all know that people vote for others many times to either troll or just to do it. If possible, you guys should link the username to the password we use to log in Minecraft or for the Opticraft forums. Although, this will not only stop those trollers but also the people voting for others with permission.
Like, it's asking for your in-game username but it will also ask for your password.

Suggestions / Ore Discovery
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:52:45 am »
Well, this was used by the server I was on before I came here. The thing is that if you find any type of ore, it shows up globally in the chat saying "(player) has found •••••• ore ###% visible" or something like that. Yes, I know that some people, such as myself, actually find these ores by chance and in caves. It would be recommended to pay attention to the newer people. Mods+ would be able to tp to them and check their mining behavior.
If there's anymore flaws to this, such as not working with our current plugins, then saying so would be appreciated. And if not possible, then go ahead and say so and lock this

Support / Anvil Death Traps
« on: November 13, 2012, 01:39:46 am »
Today, SnapeTheSnipe, Wolfinsteen, and ninjaflame555 tested ninja's defense system.
Turns out, anvils cause damage to players. Death traps using these can still be made, but I have yet to see a death while playing normally. PS: it was a test for ninjaflame555

Introductions / "Minor," Late Intro.
« on: September 23, 2012, 01:32:02 am »
Okay… first name's Christian, HUGE Sonic fan, dad died when I was 3, trusted member, joined March 28, 13 until Nov., you could say I'm antisocial, was treated like trash from 3rd grade+ to even now by my classmates, a firm believer in Christ (if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it),  was a Sonic fan since I was 3-4, live on a farm, use a hotspot that gives me lag that I call "4G Lag," live on a farm, do not eat chicken, have chickens as pets, do gymnastics on Sundays, quick runner but tire easily, and am currently experiencing personal relationship jitters with a girl that used to go to my school but isn't this yeah but comes to Wednesday night church in-which I haven't said any of my emotions to…… I hope no one on Opticraft lives on O'ohu, Hawaii…
Enough info. for you people?
My skins are on my Planet Minecraft profile: http://tinyurl.com/9rbhdh7
Ask a question, and I might answer you; and if I can't, then I won't bother.That was quick…

Offtopic / How About Some Drawings
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:38:47 pm »
Yup, so original title :P

Anyways, post some of your own art and show how good your drawing skills are :)
To avoid conflicts, please don't nag on others' pics. Here are 3 of mine.
………Anyone know how to make it smaller to fit? ???
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Fixed. :P-Alicia

Support / PS Glitch
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:14:25 am »
Okay, if you continue breaking snow created by a snow golem instantly while holding your break key, you can destroy the block under the snow. (If this isn't a bug, please be easy on me...:()

General Discussion / My Doubt on Mod. App.
« on: July 16, 2012, 06:02:56 am »
So, yeah... just want to know your guys' thoughts on my chances on getting the Mod. rank. I really don't care if I do get it. :-\

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