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Topics - Pugabyte

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions / /lb tb
« on: August 25, 2014, 09:29:42 am »
I was just flying around, looking at all the builds, and I thought some of them were really cool.

But I had no idea who built them.

So I would like to suggest giving access to /lb tb (or whatever you use to get the bedrock) so we can see who built what.

Please leave feedback ^_^


Rejected / Moderator Application - Mopar23
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:12:08 pm »
Age: 14
Location: Tampa, Florida (Moving to Nebraska (GMT -6) in about a month)
Timezone: GMT -5
Join Date: March 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: tankermide
Why you should become a moderator: Over the past 2+ years on Opticraft, I have made a lot of friends and matured a great deal from my first days on the server. I fully understand the responsibilities of a moderator as I have been Mod on a very similar server for almost 3 months, and would put 110% effort into helping everyone that I can. I believe I am an understanding person, which will help me with situations that involve frustrated players. I come with a backround of using Logblock as well, and I very rarely have problems fixing grief. I am on IRC nearly 24/7 and keep chat logs of every moment I am online, plus I log onto minechat often to check up on the server while at school. It would mean the world to me if I became a moderator.

Thank you for your time, and good luck to all those applying.


User Events / The Crippn's Wedding!
« on: December 22, 2013, 07:12:46 pm »
So as many of you know, our much loved friends Crippnfeet and Crippnfoot are getting married this year!
I want to have a reception ingame to welcome them to this new chapter in their life. After all, we are their second family. :) I have only just started planning out the wedding, but I have chosen the location: Emerald Cathedral, built by qu1cks1lva. (Live map and Screenshots) To visit ingame, type /home mopar23 wedding.

Before I start anything, Ill have to talk to the cripps to get a date set. Then let the pain begin.

Now what I need from you guys is ideas. Events that we could have, things we could do for the cripps, etc. Anything helps!

I will update this post periodically.

Thanks guys!!

Projects and Creations / The Return of the Statues
« on: December 07, 2013, 07:16:29 pm »

For those of you that don't know what this is about, I am building giant statues of players skin, using blocks to replicate the pixels. Each statue is 32 blocks tall, and at its widest, 16x8. I build them with a 1:1 pixel:block ratio. Here is the live map link, and to visit ingame, type /home mopar23 statues. Note that I make all statues to the best of my ability with the Default Texture of minecraft.

To buy a statue

To secure a spot for your statue, make sure you have at least $2,000, then simply make a post with your ingame name,
(case sensitive)
and I will add you to the list. When I see you ingame, you can chose your plot.


I am in great need of donations, since every statue I make, I lose about 5.5k.  
(click to show/hide)
Wool and clay are my biggest needs, but anything and everything will help. There is a donation chest at my /home, directly inside the front door. Thank you very much to those who donate, and have donated in the past. :)

To buy a rebuild

If you had your statue built, then changed your skin and wish to be immortalized in your new skin, You can either:
1. Tear down the statue yourself, (give me back the materials) and pay me 2k, or
2. Pay me 4k and I will tear it down myself.

Additional Ideas & Features

I also have a free double cave spider spawner at my island, the entrance is right next to my statue (thank you NotABronie for making the grinder)

Some other useful features that I plan to implement are:
1. Horse stables, where you can use a horse to ride around the island.
2. A deck just above the heads that goes between all the large rows that you can walk on and get a different perspective
3. A track on or just below that deck so you can ride around the island. (thanks to radlam for this idea)
Let me know what you think of these ideas please!


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(click to show/hide)

Plots Remaining: 126 - 69 =  57

Rejected / Moderator Application - Mopar23
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:11:40 pm »
Age: 14
Location: Tampa, Florida
Timezone: GMT -5
Join Date: March 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:
Why you should become a moderator:  Over the past almost 2 years on Opticraft, I have made a lot of friends and matured a great deal from my first days on the server. I fully understand the responsibilities of a moderator and would put 110% effort into helping everyone that I can. I believe I am an understanding person, which will help me with situations that involve frustrated players. I come with a backround of using Logblock as well, and I very rarely have problems fixing grief. It would mean the world to me if I became a moderator.

Thank you for your time,


Side note: I have been inactive for a while, but I have returned

Support / Minechat
« on: September 29, 2013, 05:06:30 pm »
So last night I figured out mine chat for android, and its much better than irc. A senior staff member told me it was allowed because you can't sell gold and iron. But then when one player told me it wasn't allowed, I asked a different senior staff member online, and was told it was not allowed. Later when someone said they would get on mine chat to pm someone, I told him it was not allowed only to be bombarded with "yes it is Mopar".

So basically, I want to sort this out once and for all.

Is mine chat allowed or not?

Rejected / Moderator Application - Mopar23
« on: August 19, 2013, 09:24:03 pm »
Age: 14
Location: Tampa, Florida
Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Join Date: March 23rd, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: crippnfeet & crippnfoot

Past Applications:
Ban History: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=mopar23

Why you should become a moderator:

I've broken down my reasons into 5 basic ideas.

I am show no bias to other players, no matter what my past relations are with them. I am fair, honest and I won't take my responsibility lightly. If I feel I am too close to a player in trouble, I will, and have in the past, ask another mod to continue with the situation as they see fit.

I know the commands. I know my way around logblock better than I do my own house. (Thank you Feet for teaching me :P) Lwc, PreciousStones, ive worked with them all before. Not to mention the essentials commands, I know all of those. This will help me make a smooth transition for Trusted to Mod.

I like helping people. Whether it be with grief, water/lava, questions about commands and/or plugins we use, or about the community guidelines of the server, I always set aside time for them, answer honestly, and give them my full attention.

I was, at one point in time, a slight bit power abusive. Id kick players for fun and what not, but I have had devestating consequences and I have certainly learned my lesson. I dont do that anymore. I turn godmode off when I am being a player, I don't use any logblock commands to my advantage, and I try not to use fly when im not using it for my "job". I try to be a normal player that only uses the privledges for helping others when they need it.

My last point is one that a lot of people are probably questioning. My responsibility and maturity. I willing to bet some of staff see me as a jokster, not fit for the job, but I have proven to a seprate community (that was based off this one) that I am ready. I have figured out the difference between the joking trusted player that all of you know well and the mature moderator that only a handful of you have witnessed. Give me a chance and I will show you that side of me that you have yet to see, and I promise, It's completely different.

I know no one can completely replace the staff that has recently been demoted/resigned/whatever(I really dont know which is which), But I will give 110% to show the inteligence, kindness, and integrity that I have been shown on my last 14 months on Opticraft.

Thanks for reading, and good luck to others that are applying,


Rejected / Moderator Application - Mopar23
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:47:28 pm »
(subbmitting this from a phone, excuse my spelling and formatting issuses.)
Age: 13

Location: Tampa, FL

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)

Join Date: Early March 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: Feel free to insert your name if you do.

Why you should become a moderator: I'd like to start off with a little explanation of my current situation. I have no electricity. Sorry for my inactivity, but If accepted, i will be on in a short amount of time. Anyways. I love to help people. I am good at LB, (ive had over 7 months of expeirience with it) I am not power abusive and I am good at following rules. I also have a tendancy to be on when there are no other staff members on. being accepted would fill that void that comes late in the night. I know the expectations of being a staff member. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and maturity. I strongly believe i am ready for that. I hope you all agree. Thank you for your time, and if you are a trusted applying as well, i wish you good luck.

City name: Mopar's Statues

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-713/64/4901/-2/0/0 Coords: -636, 63, 4812 in the New Guest World. /home mopar23 Statues

Contributors: Erm... none... D; I hope that dosn't throw my chances off....

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Mopar23

Approximate dimensions: 215x205

Number of active residents: None, project protection.

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 5 (Statues) (Nice wall built around it.)

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: About 10% done, planning to finish many statues within the next month. Im also planning to add tiggy's pandas around the sides, to add some humor to it ;D

Why should we grant this city protection? As I was writing this, I found some grief at this home. Its big, it has tons of different materials, and a grief can really mess it up if its big enough. Ive already had to have two W/E Jobs on it because of grief.... It's a big target, and i'd like to stop taking up mod's and op's time with it. Also, since I told myself I wanted to build all of the statues without help, it lets me stop those impatient ones *cough* holy *cough cough* from starting it on there own. I hope i get acceptance, and i thank you for your time. Have a great day ;D

Also, just gunna drop this here, a link to my application thread. http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,17493.0.html

Support / IRC on PS3???
« on: May 14, 2013, 01:00:52 am »
So i got mah PS3 back! =D
I can reach the forums on it, but im having trouble with IRC. Anyone know if theres a way to make it work?

All text with a strike can be disregarded, the time has past for those words =P

There seems to be some confusion... I, and only I, will be building the statues. =)

Its about time i made this post.
As a lot of you know, my new thing is making statues of player's skins. Im pretty good at it, if i say so myself. I have about 15 finished at my /home if youd like to see them before replying to this post. Also, heres a live map link:

The main reason im making this post is to ask for wool donations. If I can gain access to an island owned by a banned player that was a friend of mine, ill be able to fit about 70+ statues (i havnt really planned it out yet, still pending a response) And maybe about 20 more on another piece of his land. If im still getting requests after that, ill move onto one of my island near my old home.

So, any spare wool you got lyin around, grab it and go to /home mopar23, i have some donation chests set up right by my front door.

Sometime in the next month or so, ill be opening the statue plot reserving apps. I will accept all apps that come in, as long as you can pay the amount i require. It will be first come first serve, and if i can catch you ingame, ill let you choose which plot you would like. Just for a heads up, im thinking about 1.5k to 2.5k. Not sure yet.

So to sum up, Wool donations pl0x! and statue apps will be open soon! Thanks for the support!

/home mopar23 statues is now open! its just a big dirt square atm, but im going to add some really nice walls, then the plots start taking shape, and before you know it, Apps are open =D Dirt is a big need now! 11 full double chests... >;o Donate pl0x!

Since the island is going to be a pretty big job, ill need some helpers =D If your trusted, or i know you well, post here with your ingame name and ask to be added to the dirt chests. After you finish placing, type /mail send mopar23 (put the amount of time you worked on the island) and ill send you some money or some kind of donation next time i see you! Please dont take advantage of it and lie to get more money, i trust you guys, and i need to save up for wool.

Thanks guys, the support im seeing ingame is wonderful :)

I seem to have underestimated the number of plots im going to be able to fit... I spent the good part of the afternoon on Microsoft Excel planning it out, and i ended up with being able to fit 126 plots in comfortably... :P
My to-do list before i open up apps:
Get Adobe Flash (So i can use minershoes.com while making the statues) Done! =D
Finish the statues at my /home
Finish marking the plots on the new island
Gather up about half a chest of each type of wool

Once those are completed, apps will be open =D

New Island Live Map Link : http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-713/64/4901/-2/0/0


Mostly thanks to WhyDidYou_HitMe, Addah, Frogsrock, MADIVU, Allsup, Megamoltar, and andersad, The island is done! =D Im marking plots, EileenNova was helping me with that. I will, without a doubt, be opening apps up soon. Thanks again everyone!

Statue Progress List:



Awaiting Payment:

Custom Place:

Plots Remaining: 98

Support / Defualt tex pack glass- self change?
« on: October 23, 2012, 08:32:04 pm »
Ive be searching through Roaming (the file for MC) and ive seen some configuration for item looks for ingame. I was wonering, is there a place that shows the look of glass ingame? iwant to erase the white pixels in the middle of the block, and i dont want to download aTexture pack. Any help?



Suggestions / City/Project Prtections-Greif Traps
« on: October 23, 2012, 07:57:33 pm »
I was reading the ban appeals and an idea occurred to me. Since cities are very commonly griefed, maybe make the cities with protections into grief traps also? That is, only if the grief traps can be disabled for certain people. The city mayor could control the grief trap settings, just like he/she controls the city protection. Of course, this would also apply for project protections. Looking at ban appeals, I see people being banned by all types of mod/ex mods grief traps. Though, I think the amount of blocks attempted to grief should be higher than like 10. Even ive been in a city, waiting for a sales man to come up from his basement or something, and I would just start breaking the block underneath me.  Maybe a sign like the one at opticals first house near the spawn saying “U will b bwand” alerting the smart players. I don’t think it would be smart to make it 5 blocks and ban, because many responsible bored players would be banned, which wouldn’t be fun.

Show your feedback!

Thanks for reading!


Support / Minecraft down again
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:18:13 pm »
Holy Mother, Minecraft.net, Minecraft Logins, Minecraft Multiplayer, and Minecraft skins are ALL down atm. shame on you mojang, shame on you.

So yes, if you are reading this, Minecraft IS down, try not to create new topics. This is here for you, post in here. or, you could do us all some good and go knock on Mojangs door and ask them politly to put the servers back up. :P

General Discussion / It is fixed
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:08:34 pm »
It is fixed :D

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