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Messages - Darkmayrise1

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: [Operator] darkmayrise1
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:38:51 am »
kk thanks of info im not the best speller

Rejected / Re: [Operator] darkmayrise1
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:12:52 am »
i dont kno how

Rejected / Re: [Builder] Malcolm19988
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:27:42 am »
I like it alot

Rejected / [Operator] darkmayrise1
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:05:26 am »
Name: darkmayrise1
Join date: Jan 17 2011
Reason for application: I would like to apply for an operator because i hate it when im building a big/ nice project and someone griefs it. I like helping others too especially if they been griefed. It makes me mad when i join a world like flatguest2 (for example) and everything is destroyed. I dont think that is right. If someone tells me that someones griefing trash talking or cursing i will give them a warning if it is the same person again i will ban him. I like helping new players when they dont know what they are doing i will help and give some nice starter worlds to get used to playing. I will teach them the concepts of being in the server and the basic commands they will need to know.
        I should be an operator because im funny, kind, mature, and i dont grief. Im cabable of the responsibility of an operator. I am on alot during the day or night. I want to make the server have less griefers so people can have fun, and build biger projects. :D  Dont grieff :D

Rejected / Re: [Builder] Malcolm19988
« on: February 05, 2011, 01:25:43 am »
what do u mean? i did the crysler building. wow what else do u want me to do? :(

Rejected / [BUILDER] darkmayrise1
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:19:47 pm »
ingame name:darkmayrise1 join date: Jan 17 2011 structures with brief description:
twin towers about 6 chairs both and the towers are both connected by glass walkway
mario mystery block
small helicopter
huge castle about 6-7 floors plus roof

twin towers:
mario mystery block

small helicopter:http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff450/darkmayrise1/helicopter.jpg
huge castle:
Names  of players who helped contribute:no onr for all creations
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):i am a good builder personally and i have time to get better and build awesome things besides some school.Hope your accept this  :)

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:Yes

Pages: [1]