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Messages - JimmyWhiffler

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Offtopic / An odd occurrence
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:23:36 pm »
Just a rather rare Minecraft event I thought I'd share.  First time I've seen something like this! :D

(Also, apologies for poor image-ness).

Projects / Re: Mobius Strip
« on: April 08, 2012, 08:19:16 pm »
Aww, YM, why did you have to remove my joke? I was just kidding   :'(
Now I REALLY want to know that joke! D:

Also, this should be REALLY cool, good luck!

Projects / Re: my next building i am gonna make
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:04:55 pm »
You're really good at making those natural-looking cliffs! 

Offtopic / Re: Goodbye guy's and girls of course...
« on: March 19, 2012, 11:02:32 am »
Sad to see you go Xp.  I too remember being a mere recruit with you!  Seems like a long time ago now!  Hope you stay safe, have a great time and many positive experiences in the TA. :) 

P.S. Please do come back to visit Opticraft one day ;) Farewell and good luck!

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - <arsenic_shark>
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:03:05 am »
I definitely give you my support, I may only know you from Classic but you're a great operator there and so I firmly believe you will be a great SMP mod! :D

Rejected / Re: [BUILDER] ValkyrieX888
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:03:30 pm »
Just a tip: When taking screenshots it usually helps to turn fog all the way up to far (or at least medium) so people can see the entire build.  I know it makes fps go down a lot but you can go to the photo-taking place with lots of fog, then when you get there just press f a couple of times and take the pic!  Afterwards you can obviously turn fog up again when travelling to the next location.

Projects / Re: my next building i am gonna make
« on: March 17, 2012, 01:59:28 am »
Is this those two cliffs in builder with the waterfall and river?  If so, they look REALLY cool :D
If not, good luck with new project, sounds like an inventive idea!

Edit: Just realised that this was something you haven't made yet but are planning to make :S  Even so, those mountain/cliff things in builder are still awesome :)

Creations / Re: Regular dodecahedron
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:44:59 am »
I understood it all up until you said "4D space", then I was like:  :o
But after a bit of google-ing/wikipedia-ing I think I understand.  Here it goes.
So the "120-cell" is a 4D shape (hence impossible to make in Minecraft :P) which you can make a kind of 3D "shadow" of, similar to how light makes a 2D shadow of a 3D object... only much more complicated... please confirm if this is basically correct, or just me spurting nonsense! :P

Also, this:
I honestly think that you are the best builder in this game.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:16:08 am »
I haven't posted anything here yet, mainly because I hate 99% of photos of me! 
But I had a train of thought that went something like this:

This is the internet,
People like cats on the internet,
I have a cat...

Her name is Freya, some people from Classic have previously said hi to her in the past. :P

P.S. Yes, that is the same cat that you can see to the left of this post.

Introductions / Re: a very on time hello from gameguy96
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:55:16 pm »
Who's this big new noob coming in and thinking he's some tuba-playing big-shot who can just introduce himself as if he's been on the server for AGES... :P

Apologies for the screenshot spam!  I decided to get myself a pet for the journey! :P  Any suggestions for names are much appreciated. :D

A haunting, cloud-shrouded moon. A crop of ghostly cacti. 

(OHH mAh dAYZZ i iZ soO poETIK!!1! ::))

Creations / Re: BMW M3 GTR
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:45:51 pm »
It's SO good I'll actually forgive you for not building it on Opticraft! :o

Please do post some pictures of the paintwork etc. ;)

Sorry, I assumed you guys were the slightest bit informed about the new minecraft classic multiplayer list but apparently none of you are. Figures.
please save yourselves from looking more dumb and ignorant ignorant
I'm sorry if anyone offended you in this topic, but I think the natural reaction to a post like this would be to think it was just a troll.  I don't know about you but I usually suspect that things like this are a troll's work, simply because of the vast numbers of them on the internet.  

I don't think calling everyone here "dumb and ignorant" really helps either.  Most people are not aware of the intricate details of the minecraft.net server lists so I think you could have forgiven that small gap in knowledge.

Again, apologies for thinking you a troll, but it was a natural conclusion to make, I think.  

You could perhaps provide some firm evidence that you do indeed work for Mojang so that we know where we stand.

This accusation should be taken very seriously, if genuine, and so I hope Optical posts a reply.

What made anyone think I worked for mojang? All I said was that I would notify the proper people at mojang to deal with the problem.

I presented my problem in the first post and got nothing but hostile replies because I was not taken seriously. I apologize for my language in my response, but I felt I had to use some harsh language to maintain my image here before I am thrown under the bus as a troll. I supported my claim with plenty of evidence in my second post. This should be taken seriously by all means. Jeb took steps to even out the playing field for all minecraft classic servers yet here we are again with a big server finding a bug and abusing it to get ahead.
Well thanks for explaining, I suppose.  Can I just ask one thing, from what authority do you come from if you have the ability to contact people (who are presumably fairly high up at Mojang) if you are not actually an employee of it?  That is a genuine question, not just me trying to be hostile.  Many thanks.

EDIT: Sorry for putting that in my sig there, but it is going in my "Favourite Posts of Opticraft - 2012" box.

Sorry, I assumed you guys were the slightest bit informed about the new minecraft classic multiplayer list but apparently none of you are. Figures.
please save yourselves from looking more dumb and ignorant ignorant
I'm sorry if anyone offended you in this topic, but I think the natural reaction to a post like this would be to think it was just a troll.  I don't know about you but I usually suspect that things like this are a troll's work, simply because of the vast numbers of them on the internet. 

I don't think calling everyone here "dumb and ignorant" really helps either.  Most people are not aware of the intricate details of the minecraft.net server lists so I think you could have forgiven that small gap in knowledge.

Again, apologies for thinking you a troll, but it was a natural conclusion to make, I think. 

You could perhaps provide some firm evidence that you do indeed work for Mojang so that we know where we stand.

This accusation should be taken very seriously, if genuine, and so I hope Optical posts a reply.

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