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Messages - Zlus

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Ban appeal please help thank you!
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:30:01 am »
IGN (In Game Name): Zlus
Banned or Muted?: Banned
Ban/Mute Reason: Advertising
Length of Ban/Mute: Permanent
Staff who banned/muted you: Console (I think)
Are you Guilty?: Yes
Why should you be unbanned/unmuted?: It was a while back and I didnt understand all the rules I said a server Ip as in (You wanna play blank?) and yes i was a newbie and i thought that he didnt really see it so i said and said but then I got banned (yeah)
Additional Information: Im petty sure it was back in 2k15 and I just started playing minecraft when my friends said "hey you should play this server!" and i didn't know what a "kick" was in minecraft, i see everyone playing this server now and wwill No Longer Advertise! Thank you!

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