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Messages - X_Kian57_X

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Re: Hey look Kian is back!
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:38:21 am »
Best downgrade your launcher, as the server won't update for a few weeks now.
Alright, cheers chief :)

Introductions / Re: Hey look Kian is back!
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:59:31 pm »
Apparently you were online ~2 years ago, so I'll gladly promote you if you come online at some point back to trusted :D
Cheers, I just gotta wait for the server to update to 1.11.whateverthefuck or else downgrade my own minecraft launcher thingy, whatever happens first

Introductions / Re: Hey look Kian is back!
« on: December 26, 2016, 02:07:56 pm »
but if Claw or Nick are around, then hey! :P

Never felt so internet famous  :-*

Welcome back!

Oh wow you're actually still here!

Introductions / Hey look Kian is back!
« on: December 25, 2016, 06:06:24 pm »
Hello! I'm Kian, I played on this server back in the day... 5 or 6 years ago, under the name Kian57, but with all the new changes between mojang accounts and the fact I stopped playing for years means I lost the account, but, such is life eh? I hope some of you remember me, although it has been a long long time, I made some great friends here and it feels nice to be back :) Take it easy folks and merry Christmas!

P.s for the majority that won't know me, I live in Ireland, was born in England, near Manchester, I'm 16 and my sense of humour is dark.

EDIT: I just remembered the ranking system we have, I used to be trusted, if I could get bumped up again I'd appreciate it, if I need to earn it back that's fair enough too, I doubt any of the mods or admins from my time are still around as it was quite a while ago, but if Claw or Nick are around, then hey! :P

Also, when will the server update?

Pages: [1]