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Messages - MrDalyPvP

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / xDaly Appeal BAN for """HACKS"""
« on: October 21, 2016, 06:55:05 pm »
English: Hi .. I ban server by hacks .. I do not use hacks and never used eh .. So they can see than ever using any kind of hack .. I leave my channel my channel are recorded on video OptiCraft .. From already thank you very much!

Spanish; Hola.. Me ban del servidor por hacks.. Yo no uso hacks y nunca los eh usado.. Para que puedan ver que nunca que usando ningun tipo de hack les dejo mi canal.. en mi canal hay videos grabados en OptiCraft.. Desde ya muchas gracias!

My channel;  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjjoVdtvsazffiGMHQVY5A

My nick; xDaly


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