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Messages - LegacyChillz

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Hey.
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:06:00 pm »
How long do you think they will be?

General Discussion / Hey.
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:52:39 pm »
Is everybody's minecraft.net acting weird?

Rejected / Operator LegacyChillz
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:36:07 pm »
Location: United States
Timezone: Central Standard +6
Join date:December 26th 2010
Forum Join date:December 27th 2010
Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: recently I have been on, every time there have been maybe one op, who is only on for a short period of time. I'd really like to be able to help out and stop griefing on the server, instead of just calling out in pointless attempts to stop it. I'd really like the chance to step off the side lines and help fix all the problems that guests have when they visit us.

Why you should become an operator: I'm a hard worker who enjoys helping out players on the server. I am on just about everyday, to talk and help new and old players alike. I'm a recognizable face on the server and haven't been building as much. More just helping people out where they need it. I'm a team leader at my school, so i'm used to helping take charge of events and things that might come up in our future. I just wanna help!

Extra information: I'll be on more so if i'm operator, as i would have duties to perform. Hope you accept me! Good luck to all.

Creations / My eiffel tower
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:35:11 am »
Check this out :)
It's on tall art if you wanna see it's FULL glory :)

Lemme know what you think :D

Projects / This would be insane.
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:58:28 pm »
But If we could all go into a spongebob themed world.. That's be pretty sick.
I don't really like it now. But a bikini bottom world would be fun and a good challenge to make.
I was also thinking a harry potter world would be cool. Once again, not a big fan but it would be a really cool thing for guests to check out.
And lastly, a disney world, world would be really cool also.
I can't make a poll.. Someone wanna help??
But lemme know!

Accepted / Re: [BUILDER]: Wildside475
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:53:41 pm »
Was promoted to recruit the day after me :)
Very nice guy and very dedicated to the server.

Accepted / Re: [Recruit] Rouqe
« on: December 31, 2010, 05:30:37 pm »
Very good guy and a dedicated builder.
I support.
Good luck Rouqe!

Accepted / [BUILDER] LegacyChillz
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:30:51 pm »
Ingame name:LegacyChillz
Join date:3 days ago? So.. 12/26/10
Briefly describe all your creations:I made a zero sprite, a snake, a megaman sprite, a picnik, and a lightsaber fight.
UPDATE: I added a building i created on the guest world.
Current rank: Recruit

SORRY about the giant pics

this is on guestsnow4 to the right of the spawn near the penguin. Was subject to a lot of griefing i'm sure.

Is on worldofrecruits, it's inside the castle in one of the corners near the goku

Is on recruits2 near the giant racetrack

This is on Recruits: Close to the spawn, directly over the army of birds :) Its much more impressive in url

This is on Recruits as well: Finally this one is a tad bit hard to find, its near the back left corner.

On guest world. LEGACY HQ my own base :)
Below are the floors
Third KINDA hard to tell, but that's a jet.

Names of players who helped contribute: I did all of these by myself. I had a tiny bit of help from DTSULL on the picnik but he logged off pretty quick therefore i did the whole design myself.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I love the server and know many of the current ops and builders! Hope you guys like these! I'll be posting many more
Do you agree with our terms: Yes

Rejected / Re: [BUILDER] Djvilas
« on: December 29, 2010, 05:25:03 pm »
I think you need more links up. That picture alone isn't really impressive enough..

Introductions / Re: WHATUP
« on: December 29, 2010, 03:46:27 am »
I'm very excited to make my builder application even though i'm a fresh blood!

Introductions / WHATUP
« on: December 28, 2010, 11:19:46 pm »
This is LegacyChillz :)
I'm a new recruit hoping to apply for builder soon!
Hope you guys like my work :D

Pages: [1]