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Messages - lostravens

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: [Operator] Lostravens
« on: December 24, 2010, 09:11:52 am »
Bump   ;D

Rejected / [Operator] Lostravens
« on: December 23, 2010, 12:35:21 am »
Location:Canada, Ontario.
Timezone:GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
Join date:Dec 18th
Forum Join date:Dec 20th
Current rank:Builder
Reason for application: The server needs operators and also I wanna bring justice to people who cause grief. 8)
Why you should become an operator: I'm from Canada and as far as I know there's no other Canadian operators. Also I'm not easily aggravated and I'm on most of the time.
Extra information: I'm good at defusing situations that may occur and I'm also fair  ;D

Accepted / [Builder] lostravens
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:27:49 am »
Ingame name: Lostravens

Join date: Dec 18th

Briefly describe all your creations: Robot holding a sign with my name, floating houses, 3d whale, Pirate ship.

What worlds are the creations on: Large pirate ship located on Guest. Robot is currently in guest, the whale is beside it. My house has been deleted.
Main project:
Links to screen shots of the creation:
Entire ship: http://img34.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010122119395.png/
Main Deck: http://img84.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010122119405.png/
Captain's Cabin: http://img195.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010122119411.png/
Below Deck: http://img704.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010122119453.png/
Additional Projects:

Names of players who helped contribute: Daveydude

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra: Extra detail work was put into the lower decks but screen shots aren't possible due to the confines of the rooms.

Do you agree with our terms?: Yes

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