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Messages - TheKillerCarlman

Pages: [1]
Rejected / [Builer] application by:TheKillerCarl
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:22:16 pm »
Title: Builder Application - Name = Joe

Ingame name: TheKillerCarl

Join date: Oct, 1, 2014

Briefly describe all your creations: Right now I'm build the Empire state building, and plenty others. The others? well, they are (1 Mech, 1 like Old West Bar,  and 1 House for me to live in)

What world/s are the creations on:
./j recruit1-2 and ./j guest1-2

Links to screenshots of the creation:

NOTE: Because of my browser being messed up (Not by Adware, but because of javascript). um, i can't load screenshots to see them. so... pls Just click the links if you can. Thanks!

The Mech:


The Home:


The Empire State Building:

>>> Still a Work in Progress <<<
>>> Still a Work in Progress <<<

I'm very sorry but i lost the bar one. i was cleaning files of my pc and i deleted it unkowning, sorry :(

Names of players who helped contribute:
I did them by my self. um Seph:Something help with math on the Empire state build and stuff. that's about it as far
as i can remember.

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
Nope Not much, if anything comes up then I'll be sure to let you know!

Pages: [1]