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Messages - TigerClaw54

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: found hacker unban me
« on: March 30, 2014, 11:08:02 pm »
sorry i sent a ban appeal again even though you told me not to. i didnt know, until now , how to send a reply. sorry again!

Ban Appeals / found hacker unban me
« on: March 30, 2014, 10:29:37 pm »
zeradeth , they found the hacker. it was georgebuscus1234. you can check his bans it it says he took everything and impersonated me.please take off my ban and take it off my record.thank you! p.s i am sorry that i created another ban appeal.sorry!

Ban Appeals / anything i can do about the hack
« on: March 29, 2014, 08:43:06 pm »
I know you will not take off the ban which I am ok with but I strongly believe I was hacked. I mean why in the world would I break all of the chests in my house,and more importantly where would I put all the items in the chest. I am very sad now that all my chests are gone and I was really hoping you could please undo the breaking of my chests and doors because i wouldnt just destroy my house to suck at opticraft. I would really be happy and apreciate it if you could get my chests and items back. If you cant can you at least tell me where "I" (the hacker) put my stuff. I have been feeling very sad that all my time was taken away.Please do something about this :'(

Ban Appeals / [Zeradeth_] Tigerclaw54 Ban Appeal
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:35:46 am »
Hi zeradeth, i know that the ban isnt forever but i must tell you, someone has hacked my opticraft acount. I was on today on March 28th and only for a few minutes to call you for a griefing which was actually a hacking.I wasnt on at all before that exept the previous day where which I didn't grief.I was with bree something to get a spwner and to create my own with xxsssxx.Please do something about this because this is not fair for someone to do something bad and i end up paying for it. Please write back soon.

Ban Appeals / Reply to ban -appeal
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:10:16 pm »
I undertand why you think that I am not going to change.I also don't think that you will believe what happened ,but I undertand why.I will tell you what happened:First,I started digging down into one's house.Then, someone fell down,and I grabbed his stuff.I collected it all and went to my chest to insert it.Then, I heard you talking about the situation so I came back to see it.You requested the stuff back and said ok.That was when it happened, I left without saying anything to my chest to get the stuff back when suddenly, I was banned.I know you probbably do not believe me ,but I am telling the truth.Also, this probably does not matter but I am very new to this server.I hope you unban me soon.

I understand that I have violated one's property and I hope I am given the chance to show you that I am a good player. I will never do anything like this ever again and I hope you forgive me. From the time I have been banned I have been feeling very sad.   Even though my chances are slim of returning to opticraft, I hope you know that I am very sorry for what I have done to another player. Please forgive me and allow me to return to opticraft once again.

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