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Messages - 3rudite_394

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Re: Moderator Application- Frogsrock12
« on: April 23, 2014, 10:27:40 pm »
I think you'll manage.

I know she'll manage. Good luck froggie!

In Game Name: dipdyed_koala (I know, really embarrassing)
Age (Optional): 13
Time Zone: Mtn
Location: USA
The House You Would Like To Choose: Ravenclaw all the way!!!!
Why You Want This House: I am very intelligent.  I enjoy reading, writing, and science.  I enjoy some kinds of math. I get good grades and love to help people out with this kind of stuff.
When You Die, How Would You Want People To Remember You:  I would wan't to be remembered as an intelligent person, I would like to be known as someone who is kind, but doesn't let people push me around.  I am not out to harm people, but if they punch me in the face, I would be more than happy to punch them back, but I DO NOT value that over intelligence.  I am definitely not a Slytherin (but don't get me wrong: I don't have anything against Slytherins).
You Come To An Instersection In The Walkway; Do You Go Left To The Sea, Straight Towards The Forest, Or Right Towards The Castle:  It really depends... If I am trying to survive, I don't think the sea would be very trustworthy. The castle would be alright, but dude... you have a frickin wand! I know my spells well... forest is my best bet.  If you are outrunning voldemort, then go for the castle, you need help! The ocean=NO WAY! I'm not stupid. Overall, in ANY scenario I think the forest.... the ocean has no resources, the castle has enchantments against spells.  So yea... the forest
What Do You Fear Most: Spiders, clowns, and butterflies.
At Hogwarts, What Would You Focus On Most; Bravery, Slyness, Power, Intelligence, or Kindness: Intelligence! I'm totally nerding it up!!!! ;)
You Come To A Chest Of Objects, Which Do You Choose; The Dagger, The Old Book, The Rusty Key, Or The Empty Vile: Old book, I want to know what is inside of it.

Hope you like my app, froggie!


~ Koala

Pages: [1]