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Messages - tscho23

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Whats your WPM?
« on: May 24, 2013, 12:07:44 am »
Hey Guys! Trevor Here,

In an attempt to get to know you guys more, I'd like to see what your WPM is! WPM stands for Words Per Minute, and you can test this by taking typing tests on various websites. I dont know about you guys, but I love stuff like this. Im not sure why, its just something simple and occupies my brain. I type about 90 WPM (I know, I know :P).

So, what do you type?
Post what you get!!
Website: http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english

Introductions / Hey Guys! Tscho23 here!
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:54:31 am »
Hey Guys!

My name is tscho23, but you can just call Trevor. If you were wondering how to pronounce it, it would be t-sko (I know SOOO confusing). Im a 15 year old for Massachusetts. Im a freshman in high school and play 3 sports. All of my friends on Minecraft make fun of me for being a jock, but its fine. I find it funny. The three sports I play are football, basketball and volleyball. I enjoy all sports and general, and a variety of other things. Anyway, I am a fairly new member to this server. While only playing on the server for such a short time, I've noticed the quality of the community and the server in general. Im very excited to become a member of this community and cannot wait for all of the fun activities and experiences I will have on this server. Can't wait to play with you all!

- Trevor

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