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Messages - II_Zero_II

Pages: [1]
Support / Disappointed
« on: October 12, 2011, 05:59:56 pm »
So not only was i banned for a week for no legitimate reason other then morten lost his temper, and over-reacted, But i was left banned even after that week has already come and gone. I was informed that morten was being spoken to about the matter and thats the last i heard of it, not so much as a reply to the status. I supplied screenshots of him allowing others to break the rules, and breaking them himself. The very rules he was given his title to uphold. In closing i'm severely disappointed in the way this matter was handled, the way it even came about, and the utter lack of respect or caring for anyone lower then admin rank. Furthermore i'm disappointed that an admin can break the rules and have no consequences, how are we to be led by those that break the rules we must follow. Do as i say not as i do? I appologize if my words offend someone, or anyone, sometimes the truth hurts. Events such as these taint the name of this server, and prevent people from even bothering to join, or repeatedly come back once they have, which in turn hurts the revenue of this server. The trickle down effect is, every player of the server feels the pains and burdens that events, like what happpened to me, repeatedly occuring inevitably bring. I wish you all the best of luck in all your endevours, and in closing state, "reflect on previous actions, as you may very well repeat them in the future, and need a reference on how Not to handle things again." Take care everyone.

Support / Re: Anybody have logs of II_Zero_II and Morten?
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:44:30 pm »
i prefer to say i helped you play a harmless joke :P
i thought we were friends Zero...  :{

we are and if you have need of my assistance to play a Harmless joke in return or need to play a harmless joke on me then i'm here lolz
things done in good fun shouldn't be taken to heart, but if you took offense to this then i apologize ^_^

Support / Re: Anybody have logs of II_Zero_II and Morten?
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:35:34 pm »
i prefer to say i helped you play a harmless joke :P

and yea banned for a week, no reason given

banned for 3hrs prior to that for asking a question, which to my knowledge wasn't a bad question, but i was told it broke the "common sense" rule on the beta server...

currently attempting to appeal the ban by speaking with optical, no definitive answer given yet so banned until further notice.

disappointed, i enjoy the server and the people on it, not saying that im not coming back, but things like this make me feel like i shouldnt x.x i was a builder on classic even (thats just a note that im not a guest noob who isnt trustable)

but anyway its in opticals hands and as of yet im still banned with no response so idk guys

Support / Re: Spawner
« on: October 03, 2011, 07:01:45 pm »
While i respect that comment Nick. I ran into the same problem when i accidently dug into Mul's mine a gigantic cavern and series of tunnels that he dug. apparently digging out is the same property as placing blocks so while they didnt place the resources in game, if you took the time to dig it, its yours. at least thats my understanding from the information provided.

Accepted / [Builder] II_Zero_II
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:02:49 am »
Title: [BUILDER] Name

In-game name: II_Zero_II
Join date: June 07, 2011, 03:06:19 am
Briefly describe all your creations: Santa Maria Del Fiore without the dome, A sprite+3d fully furnished/decorated office building which is broken and onfire, 2 sprites (i win) sign, and a (caution: This is sparta w/ stick figure replication of 300) sign.

What worlds are the creations on: Previoiusly known as Member, Now known as Member3 (all my creations are in the back left corner)

Links to screenshots of the creation:
-Santa Maria Del Fiore collection: http://imageshack.us/g/197/opticraftbuilder2.gif/

-Broken Building collection: http://imageshack.us/g/23/screenshot2011061318051.png/

-Sprites: http://imageshack.us/g/221/screenshot2011061318045.png/

Names of players who helped contribute: All of the people i list helped me lay the Floor for Santa Maria Del Fiore, its the only part of all my work that had any contributions from others - XpErTz1, Sprinklyface, lownpackwolf1, and lolboatz

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I like working on large projects but often lack the space to build, i like being creative and decorative, and i do my best to help others in game.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:yes

Rejected / [Builder] II_Zero_II
« on: June 07, 2011, 08:54:23 am »
ok first off i read that i should be a recruit for at least 3 days, but in game Xeadin said its not always necessary just usually a good idea to give the player time to create more builds. my biodome included in the pictures ranked me to recruit 6/6/11 and i've made 2 wallsign/pics and a boat and another rather large building since then. So if its possible that an exception to the 3 days can be made i'd like to continue submitting my builder application. If exceptions are not allowed then i'll patiently wait till then and you can disregaurd this app. Thank you in advance ^_^

Ingame name: II_Zero_II

Join date: 6/6/11

Briefly describe all your creations: Bio-dome (stone bowl with a glass dome grass trees water and a house inside), rather large but not huge courthouse with my name on it along with proper use of lava and water, a slender yet multilevel ship with smokestack and smoke, 2 signs (one reads "I Win" the other a rather comical one i made using someones signature that i saw on forums of stickfigure "this is sparta" *kicks into well* theme.

What worlds are the creations on:  World -   Member in the back left corner from the spawn

Links to screenshots of the creation: hopefully enough but not too many pix (8 Total) : http://min.us/mvoiyKM

Names of players who helped contribute: Me, Myself, and I (but seriously nobody just me :P )

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Ramen = FTW, and if i dont get accepted no harm, but maybe some constructive critisism sent my way would be nice, so i know what goal to set for myself to achieve builder rank and beyond ^_^

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yes, i agree.

Support / Re: Are you not a member? Look here!
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:29:47 am »
In game name II_Zero_II
forum name II_Zero_II
i signed up while i was logged in on the server
tried refreshing and couldnt talk in chat, idk if im member or not
but before i refreshed i wasnt member
and i had already done all the steps including
confirming the email
thanks in advance for help

Introductions / Hello All
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:21:30 am »
New to the server, Names Will - In game name is the same as it is on here II_Zero_II
i believe myself to be quite creative, and i enjoy building stuff ^_^

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