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Messages - jxmorris12

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / Re: Invictus Citizenship Applications [OPEN]
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:37:38 pm »
How do I get to the city?

For some reason I can't PM you. Whatever. How about this... the binary representation of my age is 1111

I'll PM you.

How old are you?

I'm a teenager.
How much time do you spend on smp.opticraft.net each week? 

Too much  ;D A substantial amount of time each day, and more on the weekends.

What timezone do you live in?

Have you ever been banned from opticraft.net?


Have you read and Agreed to abide by all Stuttgart's laws?

I have read and agreed to abide the laws.

Do you live *Or have lived* in any other cities, If so please list them. 

I live alone as of yet

If you're no longer in another city, please tell us why.

Why do you want to become a citizen of Stuttgart?

After all they've been through, the citizens of Stuttgart really need to unwind... don't you think? I'd like to build a night club to help them take off the edge. Redstone-powered, awesome looking... Think glowstone lamps, record players, and wool. DJ jx in the house!!

Projects and Creations / Re: Invictus Citizenship Applications [OPEN]
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:32:09 pm »
I think I get it now! Let me reapply  8)

Ingame Name: jxmorris12

Have you been banned: nope

If yes to the one above why:

Plans at Invictus City: I'd like to build an Angkor Wat style temple, or, if that doesn't work out, a cool redstone-powered dance club.

Time on Server: 4-8 EST?

Account Prefference(V.I.P or Normal): VIP

What do you think

Projects and Creations / Re: My Next Sculpture
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:29:58 pm »
You should use four blocks for each pixel

I think it would be cool for them to actually be 3D instead of simple pixel art.  Could you imagine a 3D Blastoise with firing water cannons?

Even better, a functional Blastoise fountain.  That would be epic.
Such a great idea. I'll work on that in SP and see how it turns out, that sounds amazing. And thanks for the support everybody! People like you make this server great.

Projects and Creations / My Next Sculpture
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:23:23 pm »

Let me know what y'all think ;D

Projects and Creations / Re: Major Melon Project
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:48:31 pm »
I will help IM AMAZING with redstone. (exept on the X-Box version.)
Redstone is the same on xbox lol

Projects and Creations / Re: Invictus Citizenship Applications [OPEN]
« on: June 10, 2012, 03:46:29 pm »
Unfortuneatly rejected, this is after all a town you live hear, its not where you play around and build things
First of all. It's here. Come on, dude! And second of all, I'm really into building... maybe I could decorate the town square or something!

Projects and Creations / Re: Major Melon Project
« on: June 10, 2012, 02:19:24 pm »
Hi it's Radlam here.
Some of you may know that im terrible with redstone and fishing ect. So ive decided to start up a normal Melon farm project. I need to hire people who are on often and who I can trust. I need harvesters and people that will turn melons into melon blocks. You will get payed £500 a minecraft day and you will get your own home.
Thanks for reading, Radlam  :D
If you still need help, I'm down. Also, check out LordoftheBlock's melon farm for inspiration. It's pretty great  ;D

Projects and Creations / Re: Squirtle Pixel Art
« on: June 10, 2012, 02:17:17 pm »
Haha I'm sorry! I was just trying to see it from the inside. I paid for money, I wasn't going to take your stuff :) No worries. Thanks for the compliments!
haha just a word of advice, DONT do that if u wanna see inside, if u did that to a grief trap itd ban u automatically! and thats never fun lol
Okay thanks :) Will do. Pretty new here, that actually helps a lot! The sculpture is awesome, btw.
Squirtle is metal.
Yeah. Thanks, smart alec, I know what squirtle looks like. He also had a red-orangeish outer shell in gen 1. I did the best I could with the limited colors of wool.

Ingame Name: jxmorris12

Have you been banned: nope :)

If yes to the one above why:

Plans at Invictus City: More pokemon sculptures! Check out my first on this server (posted it on the forums)

Time on Server: uhh 4-8 EST?

Account Prefference(V.I.P or Normal): VIP

What do you think :)

Projects and Creations / Re: Squirtle Pixel Art
« on: June 10, 2012, 08:19:40 am »
This looks really nice, I like it.

If you were going to make more I would do a larger one, remember the larger it is the more people see it.

And if you cant make up your mind on which one to do you can always make a poll with the 3 (or how many you are thinking about doing) and see which one wins.
Thanks! Might just take you up on that. Seeing as it's 4:19 AM where I live right now, it may have to wait...  ;D
Lol i was watching u build this! after i followed you back to ur place cuz u were trying to break my giant diamond ore build even after i asked u to stop haha. -.-
Nice though!
Haha I'm sorry! I was just trying to see it from the inside. I paid for money, I wasn't going to take your stuff :) No worries. Thanks for the compliments!

Projects and Creations / Squirtle Pixel Art
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:24:48 am »
Check it out!  :)  :o

Approximate Coordinates:
x: 1830
y: 70
z: 400

Should I make more?  ??? What do you think?!

User Events / Re: Opticraft Prom (for the members + of 2012)
« on: June 09, 2012, 08:41:18 pm »
Hey, I think this is a great idea. Maybe I'll finally get that trusted rank ;) I have some blue wool, where can I bring it?

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