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Messages - FoxnEagle

Pages: [1]
Server News / Re: Member World is open!
« on: June 28, 2012, 04:10:26 am »
Alright!, I am having so much fun on the new member world! Just as a note in case you didn't read the first post carefully, you can have two /homes now!!! However, you have to name one differently, and you have to vote each day to be able to set homes. Hence, you set homes using /sethome [name], go to the home using /home [name], and to delete homes, use /delhome [name]. NOW, if you are going to someone elses /home, you have to put the /home [person] [name]. Everybody got that? Good :D

I'm off to capture a testificate village for 1.3!!! 1.3 will be EPIC!!! (this probably isn't the place, but how the heck will lwc work with the new ender chest?!?)

IGN: FoxnEagle
Time on opticraft: From the start of 1.2.3
Banned?: Once, because I was harvesting and replanting a farm that wasn't mine :)
Why do I want to join Sky City?: 'Cause I am bored at my own house because nobody is around, I want to help with trinity tower (I have sand and I want to build the marketplace)

Ban Appeals / Re: FoxnEagle "The Ban Hammer has Spoken"
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:37:42 pm »
Okay, I am assuming SniperGorillas farm is the one just outside of the nether portal... I replaced all the netherwart unless that is not allowed...

I do find it funny that everyone seems to be griefing him... that past few bans were related to him in some way :D

Ban Appeals / Re: FoxnEagle "The Ban Hammer has Spoken"
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:26:07 pm »
Oh, I think I know why I might have been banned. I was getting soulsand from the nether and probably dug up someones soulsand patch... Still, if I did, I didn't mean to and there was not any netherwart on any of the soulsand I dug up

Ban Appeals / FoxnEagle "The Ban Hammer has Spoken"
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:58:37 pm »
I don't know why I was banned, I broke out of antmom's house to get to the city, but I replaced the TWO cobble that I mined to get out. I haven't gone and destroyed anything, so I don't know why I'm banned.

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