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Messages - zman9811

Pages: [1]
lick my bum. and by bum i mean lolipop cuz im a nice kid. suck my cocker spaniel.

Ban Appeals / I was banned because?
« on: May 31, 2012, 02:44:32 am »
my friend dirtbag has told me i was banned for not second guessing my tunnels to ores
???. i dont know how you think i was hacking but that doesnt seem like a proveable crime if u have no physcial evidence to state that i was using an x ray mod. Doesnt Opticraft have x-ray plugins in place to stop this hack yet u still think im smart enuf to work around that. If you can find evidence of me hacking pleez respond. btw u wont cuz i was x-raying for gods sake.

I was banned for letting two ocelots free from jazzman11's ownership. I paid him $1000 but later i was banned because of a grief trap. Even thought one was tamed in the end of all this i still realize i destroyed soemone elses property. pleez consider my appeal and let me back on the server as quickly as possible.
From zman9811 (Apology is due to Jazzman11 and admins and ops on the server.)

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