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Messages - Creepercicker

Pages: [1] 2 3
Rejected / Re: Moderator application - CreeperCicker
« on: May 31, 2012, 03:06:13 pm »
creepah u got mah vote for mod 8)
First post, coincidence?

You think he's Cicker?

he someone that lives in my town. that's how he knows me. and yes first post..... but everyone has to start somewhere.

Rejected / Re: Moderator application - CreeperCicker
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:40:26 pm »
thanks hutch and mercury! :)

Rejected / Re: Moderator application - CreeperCicker
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:20:25 pm »
thanks everyone  :D

Rejected / Moderator application - CreeperCicker
« on: May 22, 2012, 04:20:43 am »

age: 18

location: VT, USA

timezone : eastern time zone

join date: not really sure but its been a couple months since i joined, i believe.

recommendations: nope.

i think i should be come moderator because i like many other players hate greifers and will do anything to help the good people of opticraft repair and rollback griefs. as well as help new players get started off on he right foot. due to my strange school schedule i am often on when MODS are scares and players are in need of help. i would love to be there for the server. i really enjoy the opti smp server and would love to be given the privilege of mod


Support / Re: ~~ATTENTION MODS~~
« on: May 21, 2012, 06:55:13 pm »
thanks for all the replies! ya i see how this would take awhile...but who says we have to do it all in one day. also isnt there a 3 week rules. if a griefed house has been around for 3 weeks and no one has claimed it or been using it, then it is deemed inactive and thus can be rolledback. i could be wrong tho im not totally familiar with all the rules.

Support / ~~ATTENTION MODS~~
« on: May 21, 2012, 02:34:07 pm »
so i was thinking about a way to clean up the server.

1) If you know what green up day is skip to paragraph #2  if you do not know what green up day is stay tuned! Green up day is something we do in America. It consists of walking along the roads and rivers picking up garbage. then we put the garbage bags on the side of the road and a garbage truck picks them up.

2) at the end of the roads of spawn is a F*#$ck fest of greifed buildings and a mess of holes. its like running through a battle field that was just bombed. i propose that the mods (id love to help) rollback the land there of all destoryed houses and pointless holes. so what do you say? server green up day?

Support / Re: Curious!!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:34:05 pm »
come to my  town....you will be pleasantly surprised. its huge! with over 25 ppl living in it

Support / Curious!!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 07:04:52 am »
just wondering when cities/towns/provenience will be evaluated and granted protection if deemed worthy? how long has that city app thread been open for? will it ever close?

Support / Re: I really love helping people! How can i rank up?
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:09:48 am »
oh ya i can read :P i understand there closed right now

« on: May 19, 2012, 05:08:47 am »
okay i understand...btw come to my town pay me a vist (when mojang gets back from there birthday dinner and realized oh hey silly jeb flipped the server switch not the light switch!) check out my farm and the town...it is completed enclosed with ps stones... those griefers use evil gypsy magic! if you think the town js good enough to be awarded the city protection plz support it, it would be greatly appreciated!

Support / Re: I really love helping people! How can i rank up?
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:03:14 am »
oooo i c...1st week on the server and i got trusted guess i did something right! im just hoping to become mod now! applying when ever it opens ;D

Support / Re: I really love helping people! How can i rank up?
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:47:20 am »
im confused viper why did u talk about wanna to have the trusted title.... aren't you a mod?

Support / Re: Minecraft not connecting
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:08:05 am »
same  :-\ i just wanna play!

« on: May 19, 2012, 04:07:29 am »
im confused...like you cant or you wont.  i can validate types and color but not # of animals so 2 of each color would work. btw i dont understand the difference between a block and a animal. a grief is a grief regardless. but if this is really impossible and will never happen let me know. because i feel as tho im not asking for much...just fixing griefed animals should be easy. 2 sheep and 2 cows and 2 pigs.  ill even take care of the dyes (which are a pain in the arse) but if none of that is possible i understand....im sure you can sympathies tho... animals are hard to come by in this server

Support / Re: Please help
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:55:38 pm »
looks like we need a kind manners only rule on the forums.

like the others said before try re-installing minecraft. hope to see you in game :D

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