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Messages - snow62

Pages: [1]
Support / wtf does L mean
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:25:29 am »
when i join i cant talk or and it keeps saying no one hears you what does this mean?
also wtf does L mean on the side of my name in chat does this mean i am a loser?

wtf i got banned agian i have not done anything unless im not able to report grief this is bull i have not done anything and im trying to become trusted so who evers banning me its not funny i have done nothing u have got the wrong guy please unban me i have done nothing

Projects and Creations / Re: The city of Stettin
« on: March 09, 2012, 08:52:07 am »
Citizen Application Forum:
(A citizenship basically gives you access to all the perks you get by living in stettin, and makes you a permanent residence of stettin)

How old are you? 13

Can you get on Opticraft.net for at least an hour a week? yes

What timezone do you live in? perth WA

Have you ever been banned from opticraft.net? *If so please post a link to your ban apeal, or include why you were banned (That being what the mod/admin said, and NOT your justification for it)* yes i was banned for griefing but it was only small and i siad soory :'(

Do you agree to abide by all Stettin's  policies?* um yes
ha1394 let me join now

Projects and Creations / Re: The city of Stettin
« on: March 09, 2012, 08:34:30 am »

Citizen Application Forum:
(A citizenship basically gives you access to all the perks you get by living in stettin, and makes you a permanent residence of stettin)

How old are you?

Can you get on Opticraft.net for at least an hour a week?

What timezone do you live in?

Have you ever been banned from opticraft.net? *If so please post a link to your ban apeal, or include why you were banned (That being what the mod/admin said, and NOT your justification for it)*

Do you agree to abide by all Stettin's  policies?*

VISA Application Forum:
(A VISA gives you permission to live in the City of Stettin temporarily (Not permanent)

Have you ever been banned from opticraft.net? {If so please post a link to your ban apeal, or include why you were banned (That being what the mod/admin said, and NOT your justification for it)}

Do you agree to abide by all Stettin's  policies?*[1]

How long are you intending on staying in Stettin?

where will you be staying while in Stettin? (Hotel/renting a house)[/color][/b]
1:City policy is  as follows:

Code of conduct*[2]:
1. Be respectful to everyone.
2. Conduct yourself in a professional and mature manner. This means that cursing, glitching, trolling,griefing, flaming, and name calling or other forms of fighting are not allowed.
3. Do not retaliate. Regardless of the situation, if something is done to you (ie Grief, insult, etc) you are not to retaliate, but are instead to inform Zezenov, Tabooti, Moderator or admin and report the problem. Anyone found retaliating will be dealt with in the same manner as the original offender.

Ownership policy*:
When you are given property in stettin, you do not own or buy it, but rather you lease it, and you are allowed to keep it as long as you pay your taxes. any breach of conduct can result in your expulsion from the city. (Note that this is extremely rare and would most likely not occur)
You cannot own a space in the public mines, the public mines are strictly public.
You are not permitted to build anywhere without permission, if you want to build anything in the city (Including a certain project) you need permission from Zezenov or tabooti.
Anything you place in the city, or contribute IE: Donations, buildings, ect ect all belong to the city of stettin (exlcuding your own items that you've placed in a PERSONAL chest).
hello its me ha1394 can i join

Suggestions / PVP dome!
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:59:08 am »
i have heard that a new pvp dome is being added to the smp server i think this would be awesome and i would like to know what u think make shore to vote for im awesome at least twice :)

Ban Appeals / Re: i have been banned from the smp server
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:53:45 am »
also i have resently found out that i have been set yp by a man named mrpurple11 (i think) if anyone knows him can u please reply to his ban and tell him to stop lying because i had nothing to do with him he may have been in the same area as me but i was not working with him so please mrpurple11 stop setting me up!!!!!!!!!!  >:(

Ban Appeals / Re: i have been banned from the smp server
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:44:26 am »
thank you for rasing my ban to one day i appreicate this very much and i hope i didnt do to much damage.
also if u need help rebuilding i will be happy to help ha1394  :)

good idea im fully behind u so good luck on your travels  :) :D  ;D 8)

General Discussion / Re: Jungle biome location
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:03:30 am »
awesome i check see if there is one and if there is i soooooooooooo building there :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Suggestions / rehab for griefers
« on: March 07, 2012, 10:25:03 am »
hello everyone my name is ha1394 on the server i have rensently been banned from the optcraft smp server for griefing and let me tell its no fun so i have come up with an idea to make a griefer rehab so that the griefers no what it feels like and nerver do it again the server would let u experiance griefing for ur self and egicate griefers about the non positives of griefing so please answer with one of the options and reply thanks for reading. ;D

Ban Appeals / Re: i have been banned from the smp server
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:04:11 am »
i thank u for ur kindness i need to no what i griefed of urs and were it was if u can not reply i will wait the seven days

Ban Appeals / i have been banned from the smp server
« on: March 06, 2012, 08:15:47 am »
i have been banned from the smp survival server for griefing im am sorry for disobeying the rules and i wold like to come back on the server and i promise to not grief or disobey any rules ever please acept my apoliges.ha1394

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