Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Applications => Classic => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: bantam2 on April 25, 2012, 06:13:45 am

Title: [Builder] bantam2
Post by: bantam2 on April 25, 2012, 06:13:45 am
Ingame name: bantam2
Join date: March 6, 2012
Briefly describe all your creations:
I will describe them in terms of size (smallest to largest):
Typical SMP House:
This is a house that i see most players making on survival multiplayer and it was kind of a little build but it includes a lava trash bin, a nether portal, an enchantment room and a wonderful garden. If only some of the guest houses on SMP could be as good as this.
This build has personal ties to me as I actually play the trumpet in band at my high school. It includes valves, valve caps, and a mouthpiece. This is one of my favorite builds ever.
Gumball Machine:
This was my second build as a recruit and It took me a while to figure out the correct size and shape. It includes several different flavors of gumballs and a slot to collect your gumball.
Overrun Fishtank:
This was one of my most imaginative builds so far on the classic server. This fishtank includes, overgrown plants, cracked walls, dead fish, a treasure chest, and a volcano.
Gameboy Color:
This would be my most recent build out of them all. It includes a black and white screen, buttons, a pokemon yellow game pak, and a nice puple exterior. This is a replica of my actual Gameboy color from my childhood.
Golden Gate Bridge:
This build took me about a week to complete. It may not look much like the real life golden gate bridge but I think I came close. It includes a well-built road and supports.
Golden Gyroscope:
I used to watch in awe my gyroscope at home when i was younger; hopefully you do the same with this one.
Sponge Refinery:
This is my biggest build so far on Classic. It has 3 orbs, the collection orb, the smelting orb and the cooling orb. There is a broken pipe spewing unrefined sponge and a pipe spewing the finished product. Lava and Water pools also.

[/size][/b]What worlds are the creations on: /j recruit43, /j bantam2
Links to screenshots of the creation:
Names of players who helped contribute: Redchecks filled the tank with water for me. minute_maid lava and water pool idea.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Even though I posted screenshots to all of my builds, I would like to encourage any OP that looks at this application to see the builds themselves in classic. They will definitely look better in-game then through screenshots. The refinery is a must see in-game!
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Always
Title: Re: [Builder] bantam2
Post by: DeeKay on April 25, 2012, 06:36:00 am
Your pretty close, I noticed you like building super sized objects like the trumpet.
Keep that rhythm going, but also compliment those builds with other detailed buildings.

Just remember, quality over quantity. Rejected for now, good luck.