Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Legacy => Archives => General Discussion => Topic started by: DerSheriff on January 19, 2012, 06:22:14 am

Title: Rules and Commands
Post by: DerSheriff on January 19, 2012, 06:22:14 am
Hey guys!
Maybe some guys already know me, the most wont. I startet on this server a few days ago. Im the one with the "crazy ass tree" :)
Im starting feeling very good on this server, so i did the membership. Now i got 2 questions for the players with more experience.

Can i read the server rules on this Homepage? I cant find it..
Is there a list (not ingame) on this Homepage for all the commands u can use as member, as Trusted, and Moderator?
i would like to see what i can do and what not.

Im sorry for my bad english, plz be patiened, im learning :)   (im from germany!)

see u later

Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: Destroy8r9 on January 19, 2012, 06:26:55 am
You can read the rules ingame by typing /rules but there also somewgere on the forums and currently there is nothing concerning commands besides for /lwc /home and stuff like that
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: Xeadin on January 19, 2012, 07:01:54 am
We have an array of commands, but I won't get into too much detail with them. Here are some of the commands that you may find yourself using the most:

/afk: Tells other players that you're away temporarily
/help: Displays all the available commands that you can use. This is a multi-page command, so use /help 2, /help 3, etc. to see each page of commands
/list: Shows a list of all online players
/lwc: This command has a set of sub-commands which allows you to set protections and access permissions for doors, chests, furnaces, and more.
/msg [player]: Sends a message to a specified player (PM)
/near: Lists all the nearest in-game players (distance is in voxels)
/rules: Lists all the in-game rules
/sethome: Sets a spawn point where you can use /home to come back to
/spawn: Takes you back to the main spawn point
/warp: We have a few in-game warps. We have one for the market, one for the warp station, and one for each of the four towns that are accessible by the warp station.

Again, these are the common commands. There is more when you type /help in-game.

You can type /rules in-game to get a list of rules. We have a golden rule here, and that is to use common sense-- if several people don't like what you're doing, it's probably best to stop.
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: DerSheriff on January 19, 2012, 07:35:28 am
Thx for the Commands, it was very helpful :)
yeah i know that i can read the rules and /help stuff ingame, but in the game the chat is too fast for me, and im at work atm, so i only can use forums and stuff :P


Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: clawstrider on January 19, 2012, 11:32:51 am
Xeadin, whois has been disabled for trusted- >:(
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: Spamarian on January 19, 2012, 12:39:34 pm
Morover, you can type /who to find who is AFk and who is not..
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: Your_Mine on January 19, 2012, 03:37:05 pm
http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,3.0.html (http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,3.0.html)
These are the rules for the forum, and for the Classic server. Most of the Classic rules apply to SMP as well.
By the way, your English is very good. :)
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: Mr_Mr_Mr on January 20, 2012, 02:26:37 am
/whois: Shows information about a specific player (player must be online)
This command was moved to mod+.
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: optical on January 20, 2012, 02:59:50 am
We need some guides on the forums on specific parts of the server for sure. I'll commission someone to do that eventually! :P
Title: Re: Rules and Commands
Post by: DerSheriff on January 20, 2012, 07:15:09 pm
thx Your_Mine for the link and the compliment :)
and i like opticals comment to do a guide.
the reason for that is, that a lot of new players joined and will join in the near future
