Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Applications => Classic => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: zalkaz on August 19, 2011, 03:21:05 am

Title: [BUILDER] zalkaz
Post by: zalkaz on August 19, 2011, 03:21:05 am
Ingame name: zalkaz

Join date:august 5th

Briefly describe all your creations:
I have made a treehouse, the texas flag , a castle ,a church and a helicopter, a house , an orange mushroom and smaller orange mushroom and green mushroom ,nyan cat , and blue mushroom keep shrine house : hotel/lib (helped build) skull2323s's all credit goes to him (hotel done) advritising mushroom a castle with rooms restuant and church ghost and a leaf

the treehouse, the Texas flag, a helicopter, member world northeast: The house, castle , mushrooms and the nyan cat at the recruit world keep recruit world northeast nyan cat shrine : back of recruit world house back of recruit :hotel and lib (helped skull2323's advritising shroom back of recruit castle on shrine back of recruit ghost and leaf on castle tower upper right corner of member

Links to screenshots of the creation http://s1184.photobucket.com/albums/z321/zalkaz/ (http://s1184.photobucket.com/albums/z321/zalkaz/)

Names of players who helped contribute: chodgee skull2323 creators of hotel and lib helped on flag reator

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): ive also helped in making a city (where the tree/helicopter/and flag are) i have made an oak tree (deleted) i have added some things to the interior of my builds (old pictures remain) please look inside the castle before judge and all but tower on recruit world are wiped

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: yes
Title: Re: [BUILDER] zalkaz
Post by: zalkaz on August 19, 2011, 06:55:24 am
yay 400 views
Title: Re: [BUILDER] zalkaz
Post by: Tobs on August 19, 2011, 10:58:57 pm
Got some nice stuff there, but they look a bit simple for builder.
