Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Moderator Applications (CLOSED) => Legacy => Archives => Rejected => Topic started by: Afro_ on November 29, 2013, 01:56:23 am

Title: Moderator Application- Afro_Rick
Post by: Afro_ on November 29, 2013, 01:56:23 am
Age: Ten( Yes, I know)
Location: Eastern Canada
Timezone: GMT -6
Join Date: Nov. 20, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:
Why you should become a moderator: I feel that over the year that I've been on, I have matured... greatly. I've received 3 bans, 1 of which was a miscommunication with my friend Cory_S and I. I feel that I am ready to take on the responsibility of a moderator... Just some info:
 -I'm quite active on forums
 -I recieved my Trusted rank on June 9th, 2013
 -I was an operator on another server, but it unfortunately went down
Thanks for your time, I hope I see my name in light blue sometime =)


UPDATE: Staff, please move this to rejected.
Title: Re: Moderator Application- Afro_Rick
Post by: Afro_ on December 01, 2013, 04:14:53 pm
Please reject this.