Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => General Discussion => Legacy => Archives => User Events => Topic started by: Weirauch on July 18, 2013, 02:11:28 am

Title: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 18, 2013, 02:11:28 am
Hello ladies and gentleman of OptiCraft.
As you can see from above post my name is Michael Weirauch (in game name MikeWeirauch).
I have decided to hold a a small competition that as of this moment I am calling the OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off

     The idea is simple. there will be a set number of platforms on the ocean. Each will be 400x200 blocks of flat grass/dirt. Depending on how many teams sign up I will build platforms to suite. The teams will be be composed of three people. The competition will be performed in three stages. Stage one is the gathering stage which will b two weeks long. In these two weeks You and your team will have access to a small area off the side of your building platform to store materials you gather for the following build. Stage two will be the construction stage of the build, You and your team will have three weeks to build a wowifying (<--- Look a new word has appeared!!!) building, sculpture, landmass, whatever you want. Stage three will be the viewing and voting stage. The good people of OptiCraft will have one week to explore and view your magnificent creations and cast the vote for who is the favorite.

So, Lets recap what we just read and learn some more.

Three Stage Competition
Stage One: The gathering stage, Duration of two weeks.
Stage Two: The building stage, Duration of three weeks.
Stage Three: The viewing and voting stage, Duration of one week.

Rule One The first two stages must be completed by the three team members only
Rule Two Only Team members allowed on designated platform during competition (Other then Mods, Ops, Admins, Optical, and myself. (Unless i compete. Then I shall play fair))
Rule Three Build must remain within limits of the X and Z border, as far as Y goes I couldn't care less.

Team Registration
To sign up for the competition I need a few things. They are as follows: Team members, a few pictures of each members builds, and that's all!

Please only sign up if you are willing to put a good amount of effort into this project. I want to start a quarterly type game like this as an opportunity to do something fun and friendly to get us all to know one another. That being said I want this to remain friendly and fun for all who participate. I will work on getting protection for the areas you all are going to put your heart and soul into. I also encourage you to step outside your boundaries of friends and reach out to someone you don't know to meet new people during the game.

Sign Up Starts NOW!!

Thank you fellow OptiCrafters
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: shortgeorgeee on July 18, 2013, 03:29:29 am
Entering me and larkosaurus
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 18, 2013, 03:37:19 am
Just the two of you?
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: ComputerGameLPer on July 18, 2013, 04:34:14 am
I would like to enter either solo or with my friend McJunker.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: shortgeorgeee on July 18, 2013, 10:39:32 am
Yep, I will get some pictures later :)
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Holy_Moses on July 18, 2013, 02:58:21 pm
Interested to see how this turns out! I always enjoy watching competitions
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 18, 2013, 03:04:34 pm
As of right now its not getting too much involvement. Idk how well it will happen
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: PokeyzRule on July 19, 2013, 03:52:20 am
I probably wont enter because I SUCKat building, but i really want to see how this turns out!
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Nhataley on July 19, 2013, 04:38:38 am
Well, I will enter Solo right now, But if anyone would like to join me msg me and I will see about it! =)
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Afro_ on July 20, 2013, 11:42:15 pm
Well, I will enter Solo right now, But if anyone would like to join me msg me and I will see about it! =)

Nhataley, team? I'm looking for someone to build with too.
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: 2468avc on July 21, 2013, 01:18:20 am
Wanna triple up?
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Nhataley on July 21, 2013, 04:18:56 am
Alrighty! =) 2468avc and Afro_rick.
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Supah_ on July 21, 2013, 12:10:08 pm
I will go solo. If anybody wants a team just quote me. I'm a seriously picky S.O.B btw so beware
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Afro_ on July 21, 2013, 03:01:10 pm
Yeah! So where do we build?
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 21, 2013, 03:56:58 pm
Alright here is what i have so far as teams:
Team one: shortgeorgeee and larkosaurus
Team two: ComputerGameLPer and McJunker
Team three: Nhataley, 2468avc and Afro_rick.
Team four: Supah_
Team five: MikeWeirauch

If you all want this to happen what we need to do is get dirt. Lots of dirt. We need 100k dirt. And we need to build the primary platform. I am scrapping the 400x200 idea and going with 200x100 all on one long platform. I love the idea of the bigger build but its too much for me to try to provide that much dirt by myself. If you have dirt to spare I am setting up a place for it to be dropped off at /home MikeWeirauch
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Afro_ on July 21, 2013, 10:26:02 pm
OKAY, I'll get something up in Trade Central.

Wait, I just saw that you already have a post there. I'll see what I can do about getting more dirt...
So team what should we build? PM meh! I have terrible ideas, usually D:
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 29, 2013, 03:17:13 pm
Due to lav k of area and dirt. This has been postponed for the time being. Sorry guys and gals
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: 2468avc on July 29, 2013, 07:14:05 pm
I can donate some dirt, sorry that I haven't been reading this thread so much.
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: JLSLover123 on July 30, 2013, 09:35:17 am
Mike I already have this topic: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,18215.0.html
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Weirauch on July 30, 2013, 02:06:52 pm
JLS.  Please look at the in ital post date. It was weeks before yours. Lol
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Lema on July 30, 2013, 03:00:55 pm
I'll enter with Chloe I just have to get her to agree XD What is the prize?
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: TheWholeLoaf on July 31, 2013, 03:59:52 am
These are always hard to organize. I hope it pulls through.
Best of luck.
Title: Re: OptiCraft Team Mega Build-Off
Post by: Afro_ on September 07, 2013, 07:34:11 pm
We could get someone rich to just buy a crapload if dirt, yak now :P