Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Support => Legacy => Archives => Ban Appeals => Topic started by: Jasonbobby on June 15, 2013, 03:26:35 am

Title: [Zeradeth_]jasonbobby Appeal
Post by: Jasonbobby on June 15, 2013, 03:26:35 am
I don't know why I was banned, I believe Dogwell's Farm is that free farm outside the city... im friends with BestMinionNA who lives in that town and let me use the farm. Plus, the farm says "Free Food" and i did replant the food.
Title: Re: [Zeradeth_]jasonbobby Appeal
Post by: Zeradeth_ on June 15, 2013, 07:40:17 am
As for the 'free' aspect of the farm, Dogwell didn't recognize your name when I told him it was you who had done the griefing. If BestMinionNA is part of the town, then he should have gotten Dogwell's permission for you to use the farm or at least told him you would be using it so these kind of miscommunications don't happen.

Also, here is the screenie I took of the blocks you broke; I found more blocks after I had undone the initial damage to the farm, but I forgot to take a screenshot of that as well: http://imgur.com/3lvTFHQ
Title: Re: [Zeradeth_]jasonbobby Appeal
Post by: Jasonbobby on June 15, 2013, 08:50:58 pm
oh... it said as long as u replanted it... so i found the farm, read the sign, "Free" and took carrots, then replanteted them....
Title: Re: [Zeradeth_]jasonbobby Appeal
Post by: Zeradeth_ on June 16, 2013, 03:28:03 am
Even if it says free, you need to find out who owns it and ask them if you can use it. I'll pardon you this time, but don't let anything like this happen this again.