Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Offtopic => Topic started by: Spyow on September 12, 2012, 08:18:24 pm

Title: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Spyow on September 12, 2012, 08:18:24 pm
Long ago, in a server far far away, there was a moderator abusing their powers! He had gathered a small army of men to attack opticraft, and rule it!

bantam2: /msg 2crzy4uall You ready?
2crzy4uall: /msg bantam2 Ready when you are.

Bantam hacks into the server console and ops himself.
You are now OP!

bantam2: Listen up opticraft! You have a new leader! you will bow down to be, NOW.
opticalza joined the game.
opticalza: Hey guys!
opticalza: Huh?
bantam2: Goodbye optical! MUHAHAHAHA!
opticalza: Bantam? No... NO!

arsenic_shark: You may be OP, but I am a mod, and I'm proud to say it!
BigBadHenz: I am proud to be a mod!
Scotty602ab: I am proud to be a mod!
sircy: I am proud to be a mod!
CoolCrab88: I am proud to be a trusted!
arsenic_shark: No. Just no...

bantam2: Army, ATTACK!
Nick3306: Moderators, DEFEND!
bantam2: Huh? NICK!
Nick3306: That's my name don't ware it out! :D
bantam2: I'll ware your face out! (Stabs Nick in the back).
Relkeb: NO! GRRRRRR! (Attempts to crush bantam2 but gets banned).

arsenic_shark: We can't keep this up for much longer!
Scotty602ab: Just keep fighting! We can do it!

2crzy4uall blows scotty's head off, catches it and throws it at Wratkie.

Mrtage100: Yay I'm an owner :D
CazualxGrenade: TAKE THIS!
Cazual goes to stab Tage in the back.
Mrtage100: /ban Cazual

CazualxGrenade left the game.
arsenic_shark: /kittycannon /kittycannon /kittycannon
Tobs74: There is only one way to end this war.
arsenic_shark: NO!
Scotty602ab: DON'T DO IT MAN!
RamKitty: NO TOBS!
Tobs74: It's the only way!

Tobs74 starts to implode, then explodes into different atoms destroying the intire server, however also destroying bantam and his men.

awesomealicia: Hey guys I'm back.
awesomealicia: o.O

Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Chief149 on September 12, 2012, 08:21:00 pm
Read the whole thing. Like a bawse!
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: raul7legend on September 12, 2012, 08:25:41 pm
I... don't know what to say about this...
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: bantam2 on September 12, 2012, 08:27:48 pm
I, in no way, endorse anything stated in this post.
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Fadmad on September 12, 2012, 08:29:41 pm
I, in no way, endorse anything stated in this post.
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: CazualxGrenade on September 12, 2012, 08:53:22 pm
I, in no way, endorse anything stated in this post.
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Tobs on September 12, 2012, 09:14:36 pm
Why... wah..? umm.... Okay, whatever. So this is how you think opticraft will end? Seems pretty likely...
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: theone7142 on September 12, 2012, 09:44:29 pm
Where am I? XD
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: arsenic_shark on September 12, 2012, 09:58:55 pm
awesomealicia: Hey guys I'm back.
awesomealicia: o.O

For once it wasn't Alicia, :P
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: RuthlessTomato on September 12, 2012, 11:49:17 pm
*adding on*
Deweymeister joins the game, being evilishly oped by bantqm in case anything went wrong....
/ban awesomealicia
Deweymeister: goalie wanna help me destroy the server?
Goalieguy60: kk
*you are now OP*
I greif random structures...
When deweymeister is far away, i logblock them back!
Theone: just BAN me already!
Me: no. Im a trusted. And trustworthy. Im not op, and thats the way it is. And im gonna ban you, too!
Me:/deop goalieguy60
Me:i shoulda banned you first....
Dewey:ah, youre just kidding, here is op
*you are now OP*
Me:/pardon opticalza
Me:/pardon nick3306
Me:/ban deweymeister
opticalza: you should be op for your good work
me: no. I already am.
Me:/ban opticalza
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: DJAlphaWolf on September 13, 2012, 12:48:10 am
This confuses me....beyond confusion....

So why is bantam statistically proven to be the destroyer of Opticraft? I always thought claw would do that.

Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Mr_Mr_Mr on September 13, 2012, 12:50:02 am
[15:08:10] Clawstrider: Hey guys I got admin.
[15:08:12] Opticalza: Well guys, I'm shutting down the server.

The end.
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: Duinis on September 13, 2012, 12:53:33 am
First thing I thought when I finished reading...
Never trust Bantam.
Title: Re: The fall of opticraft [story]
Post by: bhoughton on September 13, 2012, 12:55:27 am
Locking this topic as it is discouraging moderators and operators.