Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Support => Legacy => Archives => Ban Appeals => Topic started by: TheBlueAssassin on August 16, 2012, 03:27:25 am

Title: [Mr_Mr_Mr] TheBlueAssassin Ban Appeal
Post by: TheBlueAssassin on August 16, 2012, 03:27:25 am
Ban Information Page

My little brother was playing on my account and supposedly griefed another player by the name of Samage00's property on the Opticraft Server. When I learned I was banned, my brother told me and when I asked him how he replied with an "I don't know". I asked what did he do (Note, he is 9.) and he told me he wanted to help build my house. So he went and began taking or "griefing" who I assumed to be samage00's property.

Now I understand that we must pay the consequences for our actions and I am truly sorry for my brother's actions. He's new to Minecraft (Apart from him watching me all day.) and doesn't know about griefing, hacks or mods. If it helps, I will gladly replace all of Samage00's property that have been destroyed or is missing. If you could just give us one more chance then I would be grateful for this privilege. But if we must pay the consequences, then so may be it.

Thank you for taking the time to review this appeal.
Title: Re: [Mr_Mr_Mr] TheBlueAssassin Ban Appeal
Post by: Weirauch on August 16, 2012, 04:23:23 am
The whole: my brother, my sister, my cousin. Doesn't fly here. You and only You are responsible for your account I suggest to unclick the save password box on your minecraft so no one else ever uses your account again. Please wait for Mr_Mr_Mr to respond
Title: Re: [Mr_Mr_Mr] TheBlueAssassin Ban Appeal
Post by: Mr_Mr_Mr on August 17, 2012, 12:01:16 am
(click to show/hide)

You are responsible for your own account, if you share a computer with someone, don't check the save password option. I have cut the ban length in half and the ban will expire on the 22nd of august.
Title: Re: [Mr_Mr_Mr] TheBlueAssassin Ban Appeal
Post by: TheBlueAssassin on August 17, 2012, 01:34:19 am
I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Thank you.