Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Legacy => Archives => Projects and Creations => Topic started by: Cora on June 28, 2012, 11:02:56 pm

Title: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on June 28, 2012, 11:02:56 pm
/home ecorrigall wonderland

I've ventured out into this project that has attracted so much attention, help, and dedicated workers that I had to post here to give more information, detail, and vision to what my project will become. I will be applying for project protection when I feel the time is appropriate. It is a copy of Lumina Nocturnale's underwater city only above ground, and with my own little twist on it. The items I need the absolute most are black wool, glass, and glowstone. Beyond that I need every wool type, jungle leaves, smooth stone slabs (LOTS), and lots of other miscellaneous items, that I will list if/when they come up.

This is a very large project and all donations/time would be greatly appreciated.

Pictures of Lumina Nocturnale's Underwater City:
(Pardon any weird blocks I've placed as markers while working on it to keep track of where I am.)

Pictures of Progress on Wonderland in the Member World:

Everything within this circle must be leveled.

Special Thanks

Day two of the project and already I have a couple of thank yous that just can't wait...

Kethamin, Scotty602AB, Victor1261, DeweyMEister, Risstacular, Alec2435, iGenerator, and more... You have all helped make an immense amount of progress in a short time span and your help is truly and honestly appreciated. I walked in intending to do this project alone, and your interest and dedication to it has made it not only fun, but also quicker to do. Thank you!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Kethamin on June 28, 2012, 11:05:59 pm
woot, it's looking great dang didnt know we cleared that much already :O
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Victor1261 on June 28, 2012, 11:57:28 pm
woot, it's looking great dang didnt know we cleared that much already :O

I wasn't on over night so I didn't see it. When I got online today, I was blown away!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeweyMeister on June 29, 2012, 12:41:41 am
Its looking great Erica, woo lets keep going :)

Dewey :P
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Joelking2 on June 29, 2012, 11:50:42 am
Hey, I own a city go to /home Joelking2 And Can i help out with this project? Please msg me or mail me on the Server
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Duinis on June 29, 2012, 11:52:49 am
I wanna pway in dis when it done, momma :D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Boshiwarrior on June 29, 2012, 03:14:38 pm
I am gone to be tha first citizen! :P
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on June 29, 2012, 05:12:15 pm
This is a project, not a city - no citizens. :D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on June 29, 2012, 05:51:31 pm

Alright so there's been some progress made today but not much as I'm getting ready for camp. I will be absent most of this weekend and thus I am halting "construction" for the weekend. Levelling out the area marked would still be greatly appreciated while I am away. I have also made some donation boxes for anyone willing to donate.

To those of you that have helped thus far I gave you permissions to the 'tools' chest. Enjoy! And THANK YOU!!!

Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Interbane on June 30, 2012, 03:44:57 pm
It looks great.  Kudos. 

I'll drop some stuff in the chest, I need to unload.  Glass and smooth slabs. 
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 01, 2012, 05:43:45 pm
Great thanks Interbane!!! Both are BIG needs atm!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Victor1261 on July 01, 2012, 09:23:07 pm
Congratulations Cora, on getting your project application accepted!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 02, 2012, 01:32:32 am
We have got project protection now!! YAY! Private msg me here on the forums or msg me in game/on mumble if you need to be allowed in the field for whatever reason. Thank you Nick for the protection!
Here's a photo update of Wonderland:

So right now the biggest shortage is in glowstone. Any amount of glowstone would be greatly appreciated, no amount is too small or too large. (Trust me! Lol) Also black, gray, light gray, white, light blue, magenta, red, and cyan wool are big in the project atm, as well as glass. We need LOTS of glass - same idea as the glowstone, cannot be too much or too little.

There's been quite a bit cleared thanks to my trusty helpers, but there's still plenty more to clear.

The current list of helpers is as follows: Codepmman, Kethamin, Scotty602AB, Dunderheid, MimesisX, Bahraindude_2497, Raichor, Spamarian, Risstacular, DeweyMeister, Alec2435, iGenerator, Interbane, Pew1998, Dumbbomb, and Victor1261. If I have forgotten you I am very sorry I'm trying to keep track of all of you, but there's a lot. So these people listed have either, cleared, donated or both and I am beyond thankful for all the help. Heck most of these people I did not know before this build... I am forever grateful.

Anyway, back to the build bright and early tomorrow!! (Updates will be coming weekly from this point on.)

Thanks again Everyone!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on July 02, 2012, 01:56:27 am
I got a double chest of red wool for ya!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Guess on July 02, 2012, 05:24:06 am
Looks amazing so far! :D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Bahraindude_2497 on July 02, 2012, 08:31:34 am
Feels great to help out!
Can't wait to see the finished project! :D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 02, 2012, 10:32:44 am
Wow thanks guys!!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Redchecks on July 02, 2012, 10:45:01 am
The name sounds all rapey... i like it (said in a seductive rape voice)
I'll be sure to help out if and when i can get on :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 02, 2012, 10:51:43 am
No 'if' about the getting back on - that is not an option!! Hahaha thanks, it's definitely a neat project AND the amount of cobble it's collecting for Falador??? We'll be set I promise!!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Redchecks on July 02, 2012, 10:57:18 am
The 'if' was more if i go to my cousins and borrow his computer for hours on end :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeeKay on July 02, 2012, 04:20:37 pm
I'm pretty much an expert at clearing out land now, just ask my '2 weeks to clear' flat land :P
If you still need land cleared, I'd be glad to help!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 02, 2012, 07:00:47 pm
Oh my goodness DeeKay that is like music to my ears!!! If/when you feel like clearing you can /home ecorrigall. I try to keep the 'tools' box by the furnaces as stocked as possible, but I get carried away building... Also, there's a TON of chests out front for cobble that I'm collecting for Falador - unless of course you need it, then have at it (meaning the stuff you dig up only- whats already in there and what goes in there is clearly marked for Falador or Wonderland if needed), it's the least I could do! Anyways would be glad to have you on the team I'll add you on protection as soon as I log in! Thanks!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Jettking12 on July 05, 2012, 02:03:35 am
wow, that looks amazing
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ComputerGameLPer on July 05, 2012, 02:10:18 am
I can help dig
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Praven on July 06, 2012, 10:47:26 am
I've left you some wool and smoothstone in the donations chests.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 06, 2012, 11:01:12 am
Thank you very much!!!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Bahraindude_2497 on July 06, 2012, 08:58:38 pm
A big thanks to all the guys that help cleared out some land Today! :D AWESOME WORK!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Victor1261 on July 06, 2012, 09:03:16 pm
Looks like we're enlisting slaves now, at $1 per block, lol.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: raul7legend on July 06, 2012, 09:19:05 pm
Give me some credit on that system >.>
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 07, 2012, 03:42:32 am
You get credit Raul, of course!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Chief149 on July 07, 2012, 04:05:10 am
Cora you have full access to my cactus farm(s), and furnaces, and I will be leaving you a chest on my property with your name on it. In the chest will be a stack of diamonds, and stacks of Wood and I will start filling it with glass. I will start gathering the resources to fill that chest tomorrow (I already have the stack of diamonds and stacks of wood planks). Also I donated 6K earlier and will donate more as my cacti farm makes progress.

Also here is my first thought when I saw the project picture:

Also Cora before doing too many of the lights lets have the lights be redstone lamps! And I can build you a day and night sensor which will activate the lights when the daytime or nighttime comes! I have one setup on one of my homes and it looks amazing when the lights kick in at night.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 07, 2012, 02:13:46 pm
Holy @#$# that's awesome... Thanks!!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on July 07, 2012, 02:49:50 pm
yeah my wife is even obsessed with this project! haha i think this is the most publicly funded project ever
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 07, 2012, 04:09:35 pm
Hahahaha that's so awesome. This project truly is my baby! Updates to come to the forum on Monday. =)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 07, 2012, 07:30:55 pm
I can donate stone bricks, seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, saplings and cactus if you want it ;)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Chief149 on July 08, 2012, 05:05:35 am
Well there's between 15 and 20 stacks of glass ready for you in the donations chest on my property for you Cora. Hope that helps.

and lol that stack of diamonds I donated is prob gonna be used up into tools so fast lolz.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 08, 2012, 05:53:00 am
Wicked thanks!! And yeah for sure the diamonds def. go fast!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 09, 2012, 11:12:47 am
Wonderland Update #2
(Week 2 - almost)

Alright well the amount of change that can happen on MC in a week is overwhelming. I have had a ton of dedicated helpers who helped not for incentive but because they love the project and want to see it done. That means a great deal to me... So I made an entrance to Wonderland with a big wall where the names of helpers who help without incentive have and will be getting listed. (I need to update it when I log on today, actually.)

Thanks to Raul7legend (there's your credit!!) I have started paying people $1/block for clearing and actually got quite a bit done! It's been absolutely AMAZING!

Now for physical updates: There are about 4 or 5 thoroughly complete rooms, the library is half done excluding books, the front pool is all done as well as the stairway up to the first level of farms, and all farms are complete. I've started working my way directly to the "party room" so that Wonderland can host it's first Party at the beginning of August whether it's complete or not. (This will be Kethamin's quarter century bday btw!) Also if there are other events that people would like to host at wonderland in the future we might be able to arrange this.

So now the best part... PICTURES!!!

and the start of the party room...

So now for the names.... Dedicated incentive free workers:
Codepmman, Kethamin, Scotty602AB, Bahraindude_2497, MikeWeirauch, Dunderheid, MimesisX, Raichor, Spamarian, Risstacular, DeweyMeister, Alec2435, iGenerator, Interbane, Pew1998, Dumbbomb, Victor1261, Sircy, 2crzy4uall, Apollo_IXI, Raul7legend, ComputerGameLPer, Razuler, Spyow7, Jettman23, Praven, Sekihara, Alpha_Lance, Chief149, OGmolton, Jettking12... And who still need to be added to the wall... Mokerginger, ScottishChamp, idive23, xxsssx, toppkatt123

People paid, but still very much responsible for helping clear wonderland:
ExtremedDrop, Rainstar1663, FNVCourierJon, lxlryulxl, clawstrider, sunset120, Larkosaurus, Boshiwarrior, Polosolo415, hipeople482, Selkon_Hunter, Flipguy, RangerCosmos, nate698, coolcrab88, Liekabowse, wolfer156, Notabronie, tinblob247, timothythe3rd, drahcir1111, Luckycharmsnow, qu1cks1lva, snapethesnipe, Nchalfant, dlock472, milbourn88, the42guy, MightyBazinga, 220gabriel02, wesker53r86, Linker500, anothern00b, titan304, Tyguy111, quietboxcrafter, pearman123, spookynoochies, marmig0404, guesthi65, callofsnoopy, nutball_007, wolf17244271, dreessenals, superflipguy, skyrimFUS_RO_DA

Thank you everyone for all your hard work and help thus far!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ogMolton on July 09, 2012, 12:54:28 pm
hey, that looks familiar, i know that  :) glad to help, and to be fair, I get 1/2 pay i don't work for free.  This project is totally funding the expansion of my own project, thanks again for all the monies!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 09, 2012, 01:34:47 pm
Yes OGmolton, that's why I added you in the incentive free section - because while I do pay you, you're technically donating money and/or time which is a big deal... so thank you.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ComputerGameLPer on July 09, 2012, 02:40:27 pm
Yay I'm on there, picture 2
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on July 09, 2012, 04:37:19 pm
Hmm i see my name and instantly wanna give u a stack of diamond...... well played Cora, well played haha. They will be in a chest at my home :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ScottishChamp on July 09, 2012, 08:37:07 pm
This place is brilliant cant wait until its finished!  :D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 09, 2012, 09:05:40 pm
Hmm i see my name and instantly wanna give u a stack of diamond...... well played Cora, well played haha. They will be in a chest at my home :)

Lolz I love the way you worded that... will hit it up after din! Thanks a bunch really running low on those with all the clearing going on.

And thanks ScottishChamp - it's a lot of work, and got A LOT done today had over 30 new ppl added to the field, feels good!! I'm working specifically toward that party room though so lets hope I can actually start building it up tomorrow!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 10, 2012, 02:40:09 am
Is there still stuff that needs to be cleared?
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: optical on July 10, 2012, 10:16:43 am
This has my stamp of approval. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: raul7legend on July 10, 2012, 10:22:35 am
Is there still stuff that needs to be cleared?
Yes there is, we will make a digging session once Ecorrigall gets on
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Chief149 on July 10, 2012, 03:21:19 pm
Yes, thanks to all who donate diamonds. Workers need tools to dig up stuff, and it doesn't take long to blow through a stack of diamonds. I'm sure my stack of diamonds got used up already, and also Cora there's probably some sticks left in that chest for use with any more diamond donations. idk tho. And glass, lots n lots of glass.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Victor1261 on July 10, 2012, 08:29:56 pm
This has my stamp of approval. Keep it up!

YES!   ;D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 10, 2012, 10:21:44 pm
This has my stamp of approval. Keep it up!

YES!   ;D

I know Opti totally made my day with that one!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 11, 2012, 03:01:03 am
Wow. This project has only taught me how useless unenchanted diamond picks can be. I'be gone through 5 on this project alone!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: SkyrimFUS_RO_DA on July 11, 2012, 03:03:37 am
Cora, may I donate Enchanted Diamond Picks then? (not expensive ones, but lvl 10 under)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 11, 2012, 10:27:45 am
Of course you may! I've noticed people abusing the tool boxes though so if you'd like to leave then with me and I'll pass them out as needed, it might waste a little less of your time! Hahaha. Anyways any donation of any sorts is greatly appreciated - so thank you!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ogMolton on July 11, 2012, 04:41:14 pm
the enchanted picks aren't useless at all, you get more done in less time, but they do break like the rest of them.  Cora, what do you need now as it looks like the clearing is just about done or am i missing something? i'm guessing you need tons of glass huh?  I get paid in the real world soon (infinitely better than getting paid in minecraft monies) so don't worry about paying me for the other 1/2 of last night or anything anymore, I'll stop by if I'm online and see if I can help because I can't wait until this is done and you open up all the closed off areas, although I did manage to sneak in to party room from the roof and it is beautiful, that's a lot of wool :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 11, 2012, 05:22:06 pm
the enchanted picks aren't useless at all, you get more done in less time, but they do break like the rest of them.  Cora, what do you need now as it looks like the clearing is just about done or am i missing something? i'm guessing you need tons of glass huh?  I get paid in the real world soon (infinitely better than getting paid in minecraft monies) so don't worry about paying me for the other 1/2 of last night or anything anymore, I'll stop by if I'm online and see if I can help because I can't wait until this is done and you open up all the closed off areas, although I did manage to sneak in to party room from the roof and it is beautiful, that's a lot of wool :)

You are one heck of a trooper man - thank you for all your help thus far, and your continued help to the project. I would have to say that yes glass is a need but right now is a matter of excavation still... once that's done i'll try and at least line up the outside wall so anyone good at landscaping can help with that.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: idive23 on July 11, 2012, 10:47:16 pm
 Wow Cora! It looks amazing! If you need anything for donation/Help Building just tell me. Great job!!  ;D
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 11, 2012, 11:36:20 pm
Okay I am starting up a sheep farm, so which wool colors do you need?
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 12, 2012, 12:04:14 am
Thanks idive! Aaand as for colours I need every single one at some point, but most important is black (I run out of it hourly on this project), then white.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ViperZeroOne on July 12, 2012, 12:13:57 am
I have several stacks of wool that I can donate.  All different colors, but I think I have probably 3 stacks of black and if I recall 2 stacks of white as well.  As I replace the wool from my "sword" statue I'll have more to donate.  There's probably another stack of black, at least two stacks of yellow, and 5 or 6 stacks of white wool tied up in it right now.

Hit me up when you see me in-game.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 12, 2012, 02:05:32 am
Ahh sounds great!! I'll def hit you up when I can catch you!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Wolfinsteen on July 12, 2012, 02:17:26 am
Eco! Hi! I'm back from vacation and I'm in New Jersey now so I'll be happy to help. I can't wait to get on the member world. If you want, when you are done with this, would you like to help me build a castle? That would be awesome. And I hope I get moderator so I can help you out and not feel left out and like I cannot do anything to help on those busy busy moderator days. I could relieve some of the stress so you would have more time to build. (I like helping people more than building!...sometimes anyway lol. jk ALL the time ppl are more important).
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 12, 2012, 02:47:00 am
Awesome thanks man. Firstly I must mention that when we apply for mod we do so knowing that our builds will have to take the backburner when other players need help. We do so willingly and in my case happily and should not shrug our responsibilities off on other mods just to work on builds that will still be there when we get back to them. So as nice as your urge to help us is... please consider this before applying. Secondly I am also co owner in the Falador creation involving a castle actually... anyways I will be doing two biiiig builds for quite some time... but will be happy to help ppl once those are put together.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeeKay on July 12, 2012, 03:58:24 am
Cora? No purple text?! D:

Just kidding, place is looking great!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 12, 2012, 10:37:24 am
...Ahem.. I'll have you know it's magenta!! Lolz. Naw I was on my cell, and typing without accidentally touching the wrong letter for that much txt was difficult enough. (And as I can see now I did type the wrong letter a time or two). Anyway, Thanks!! It's def, a lot of work.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 14, 2012, 03:01:30 am
Is anyone willing to donate ink sacs, so I can donate black wool, cause I have too many blue sheep, and I have plenty wheat so I can make the sheep make more sheep
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: harif on July 14, 2012, 10:02:43 am

you need only 2 ink sacks, so you can colour 2 sheeps. then you can breed them.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 14, 2012, 02:15:16 pm
Problem with that is I think I have 17
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 16, 2012, 02:27:49 pm

Nearly Week 3

Okay so the progress in the last week has been unbelievable. The landscaping and clearing outside and within wonderland is entirely complete. I've removed most peoples' permissions and closed the work site. I've been able to start concentrating entirely on building which has made for quite a bit of progress.

To get there you now type /home ecorrigall wonderland as my sethome is closed from now on.

The farm area is complete. The library is complete. The front half circle, complete. The restaurant below the party room is complete, the tunnel from the rooms to the party area complete, the rooms complete. There's been a lot, but better than describing it, is showing it - so here it is...


Area surrounding Restaurant:

Farm Room:

Mushroom Farm:


Front Pool:

Start of Tunnel after the Rooms:

Room within Tunnel:

Entrance to Tunnel next to Restaurant:

Modern Art completed:

Shops & Cora's Room

Cora's Room:


Dedication Wall:

And now for the contributors thus far;
Honour List
2crzy4uall, Alec2435, Alpha_Lance, Apollo_IXI, Arsenic_Shark, Bahraindude_2497, Boshiwarrior, bhoughton, Chief149, Chipaton, codepmman, computergamelper, DeweyMeister, Dumbbomb, Dunderheid, idive23, iGenerator, Interbane, Jettking12, Jettman23, Kethamin, MikeWeirauch, Mimesisx, minute_maid, MokerGinger, morrison1996, Notabronie, OGmolton, Pew1998, Praven, Raichor, Ramkitty, Raul7legend, Razuler, redvolcano7, Risstacular, ScottishChamp, Scotty602AB, Sekihara, Sircy, Spamarian, Spyow7, theone7142, toppkatt123, Victor1261, Viperzeroone, wolf17244271, xDeeKay, xxsssx

Paid Workers
220gabriel02, 5OO, alpha_site, anepicnub, anlhdidi, anothern00b, apple5010, awesomealicia, BananaMan_Arseny, Bantam2, BFMoeller, Booorad, Callofsnoopy, cazualxgrenade, Clawstrider, cookie950, coolcrab88, damnedd, dasherdog07, derpvirus, djdh12, dlock472, drahcir1111, dreessenals, drkruler500, elektrodez, E_M_I_N_E_M, Extremeddrop, flipguy, FNVCourierJon, gabedooley, griffmister31, guesthi65, helkatyler, hipeople482, hood13, JDC_1120, jomagr, Larkosaurus, liekabowse, linker500, lxlryulxl, luckycharmsnow, marmig0404, mcgrath618, MightyBazinga, milbourn88, mitchW426, murphyman1861, Mw3_587786,nate698, nathanialjones, Nchalfant, nootlinja, nutball_007, pearman123, parrot757, polosolo415, qtip99, qu1cks1lva, quietboxcrafter, Rainstar1663, RangerCosmos, Rosnicolin, Selkon_Hunter, Sheddz, SkyrimFUS_RO_DA, snapethesnipe, sodasam, specklecloud, spookynoochies, sunset120, superflipguy, the42guy, timothythe3rd, tinblob247, titan304, Tyguy111, tyty1231, wesker53rB6, wolfer156, zeekty

Thanks Again Everyone for the help thus far!! Can't wait to get'er done. Check the events section for details about Wonderlands first event, which will happen whether Wonderland is done or not!

-Cora <3
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: NotABronie on July 16, 2012, 08:30:55 pm
Yaaaaaaayyyy I'm up there.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Chipaton on July 17, 2012, 04:38:47 pm
Yaaaaaaayyyy I'm up there.
Yaaaaaayyy so am I.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeeKay on July 17, 2012, 04:41:45 pm
I'm not on the list but I don't mind, just happy to help :)
Looks amazing!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 17, 2012, 07:03:59 pm
Wow my bad I have you on a list not posted here and forgot to add you to the honours list as well - my bad... I edited it on the site and will go do so in game real quick. So sorry for the misshap but I promise you WERE on my 'allow' list lolz... Just forgot to put you under honours as well - oops.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeeKay on July 17, 2012, 07:59:53 pm
Don't sweat it ;)
But thanks!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 21, 2012, 04:59:53 am
Alright guys waiting till Monday as always to give any MAJOR updates but I have to say this, I am running very low on sand/glass and always run low on the wool, and while I can still purchase stuff atm, that will only last a short while so anyone willing to donate these items would make my day. Judging on the progress to date, and what is left to do, if things continue as they have been - Wonderland should be done within the next couple weeks at most. Lot's of completions going on, and I'm super excited about it all, so keep your eyes peeled for the Monday updates, and thanks again for all the donations!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ViperZeroOne on July 21, 2012, 01:45:31 pm
Yay!  I'm on the Honor List!  Dropped off another load of Wool for ya.  3 stacks of red, a stack of black, a stack of yellow, and a stack of white.  That should get ya moving for a little bit.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 21, 2012, 02:12:52 pm
 yay viper!!! I forgot to include for those that don't know, there's donation bins at /home ecorrigall wonderland. Thanks Viper!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: High Roller on July 21, 2012, 07:48:38 pm
Ive seen this on the live map, it is sweet
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ViperZeroOne on July 21, 2012, 09:16:54 pm
yay viper!!! I forgot to include for those that don't know, there's donation bins at /home ecorrigall wonderland. Thanks Viper!

I actually went into Wonderland and found the massive pile of bins.  Just randomly dropped the stacks in the ones marked "wool".
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 21, 2012, 10:53:46 pm
That's perfectly fine too!! I wondered how I'd missed those lolz! Just wanted to make sure for those without the same magical powers as you knew how to get to/donate to Wonderland when I'm not online. Thanks again Viper!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: theone7142 on July 22, 2012, 05:17:13 am
I have the randomest stuff, so if u need it, I probs have it.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ViperZeroOne on July 22, 2012, 04:29:09 pm
Dropped off another 4 stacks...  1 black, 2 white, 1 green, and 1 navy.    Again, put them in the bins marked Wool.  I should have another stack of black, and one of white, tonight so when you see me hit me up for them.

P.S.  I'm trying to get a hold of a couple sheep so I can start mass-producing the stuff.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 22, 2012, 10:32:22 pm
Hahaha, AWESOME!! Thanks Viper, this thing is so close to end game it hurts not to work on it when I'm busy elsewhere lolz.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: X_CHARGER on July 23, 2012, 03:22:36 am
Are people going to be able to join this fantastically awesome place by paying or an application. This is when it's all finished and done by the way
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Jettking12 on July 23, 2012, 05:53:10 am
can't wait to see it, and glad i took part in the clearing.
Name on Sign YAY!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 23, 2012, 10:48:05 am


Hi everyone, it's my weekly update time and I am stoked to tell you all the great news!! I am done all but one part of Wonderland!!! I can actually see this project being complete by Kethamins Birthday party!!! That's right folks, DONE. I can't wait!!! Here's some picture treats for yah!! Enjoy!

***Sidenote: Only needing Black wool, Glass, and smooth stone, from here on out! Thanks for all the wonderful donations!!***

Overall view; (Hard to get when not all chunks can load... grr)
As you can see there's only that one little section to the right left to do.

My most recent completion; The middle section...

All the layers within the middle section:

Water feature at the bottom of middle section:

More water features; ("Piping")

The stairs from H#LL

The Auditorium/Theatre;

Lounge Area outside Auditorium

"Board Room"

Top Left floor:

Top Right floor:
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on July 23, 2012, 11:49:32 am
Thats amazing, really something to be proud of!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: SkyrimFUS_RO_DA on July 23, 2012, 04:44:39 pm
It's Unbelievable how massive this building is! Totally agree with 2crzy4uall. Amazing job!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Boshiwarrior on July 23, 2012, 07:57:02 pm
I agree with the guys above me! This is one of Opticrafts best project!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: iGenerator on July 23, 2012, 08:15:36 pm
Cora this is amazing
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 24, 2012, 10:40:05 am

IT'S DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Wonderland is done. There's still some changes surrounding it in the plans, but Wonderland itself is complete. Type /home ecorrigall wonderland to check it out - I am thoroughly proud of this build.

Total guestimated worth at $7, 516, 200.65
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: impishmonkey on July 24, 2012, 11:41:01 am
Holy cow! That's amazing!!! Jeez!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: raul7legend on July 24, 2012, 12:24:33 pm
Finally! Amazing work Erica and the team! :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 24, 2012, 01:28:47 pm
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeeKay on July 24, 2012, 02:06:30 pm
Truly incredible work! Well done Cora and everyone who worked on it!
Can't wait to get in-game and see it for myself :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: FNVcourierjon(SigilStone) on July 24, 2012, 05:15:42 pm
Cora, I wish I would have donated to your project!  I rarely visit the Projects and Creations thread but now I will more.  I am glad I was able to help clear land.  I was going to donate wool but I saw your updates and the last one said that you are done.  Congrats on the completion of your project.  :-)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Redchecks on July 25, 2012, 07:31:19 pm
Meh, seen better. (These better things are excreted out my anus)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 25, 2012, 11:11:20 pm
Meh, seen better. (These better things are excreted out my anus)
Oh Red, You're such a hater... =P
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: techdude98 on July 26, 2012, 01:06:00 am
Bravo! great job i must say that this is truly impressive.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Chief149 on July 26, 2012, 01:12:46 am
Lol Cora, you thought you were barely going to have the party room completed by the time Keth's birthday came around! You got the whole damn thing finished with 10 days to spare!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on July 26, 2012, 02:46:59 am
Thank you everyone for the amazing complements. Hahaha Chief, yeah, I just wanted to plan for the worst... and I had NO idea how long it'd take me to do this particular project. So it was safer to get the party room done first just on case... I am definitely glad the whole thing is done though... It was definitely a fun, but stressful build... Falador, here I come! Lolz... Yep one big build after another... Lolz.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: ☣2crzy4uall☣ on July 26, 2012, 07:14:16 am
hehehe I'm first name on "Made Possible By" wall... makes me feel important, I know its alphabetical but I feel like the mayor haha
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: raul7legend on July 26, 2012, 08:01:20 am
Falador, here I come! Lolz... Yep one big build after another... Lolz.
Ahaha, now I just need to make a topic ;)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Nyssa on July 26, 2012, 11:03:04 am
Looks awesome. Must be one of the best things on smp (that's actually been finished). Good job to all involved
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: DeweyMeister on July 27, 2012, 03:37:02 am
Yay its finnaly done and looking ever so spectacular. This has got to be my favourite build on the server so well done Cora :), and to everyone who helped build it i commend you as it is a top effort in the short amount of time that it was built in. Off to Falador we go ;)

Dewey :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: zombieravemaster on July 27, 2012, 03:39:12 am
wow :o thats huge and grats on finishing it
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Xeadin on July 30, 2012, 06:22:11 pm
Just in time for Keth's 1/4 century party :)

Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: RuthlessTomato on August 05, 2012, 08:47:39 am
If it isn't done, i can help alot. Obviously it would be harder since i cant fly, but i can try! :)
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: TarynMai on August 05, 2012, 09:17:32 am
Its done, as stated.
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Boshiwarrior on August 05, 2012, 12:59:23 pm
I hope I don't get lost in there when I go to the party! Opticraft can be proud with this!
Title: Re: Cora's Wonderland
Post by: Cora on August 05, 2012, 01:19:06 pm
Just as I posted in the events post, for today - and today only - there is a set home in the party room to make your lives easier. Just type /home ecorrigall partyroom and it'll take you right to it. But please wait another 40 mins until the party is supposed to start.