Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Support => Legacy => Archives => Ban Appeals => Topic started by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 07:11:30 am

Title: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 07:11:30 am
Can someone please tell me how long i am banned for. i already know why....

Thanks, Lachie :)
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: bhoughton on June 14, 2012, 07:29:15 am
It is set to perm.
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 07:32:18 am
Why am i banned perm. i was just having fun.. god you guys take it so seriously.
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 08:41:25 am
If I am banned forever can you at least recommend a different server?
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Benwin on June 14, 2012, 09:15:50 am
You were banned by tabooti on June 6th (permanently) for killing people with a death trap. This is *strictly* prohibited on this server. You will have to wait for his response.
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 09:47:47 am
Yeah I know why... I was just asking if you knew any other GOOD servers like opticraft..if you can can you please talk people to try and unban me because that server is SOOOO much fun...
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: bhoughton on June 14, 2012, 09:59:05 am
I'm not 100% sure on this case as tabooti resigned from the moderator position. So I'm not sure who the ban appeal comes uner as, ill talk to some people can get back to you tomorrow on this appeal
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:21:20 am
Well if I don't get unban would you please be able to recommend a new server?

Why didn't anyone reply to my post about mattmoo29 making me spawn in lava.. He asked me to come to his house and then I spawned in lava when I typed /home mattmoo29.. All he did was laugh. I didn't think it was very fair because I had just finished mining and I had 51 iron, 3 1/2 stacks of redstone and 1 diamond (which I was particularly proud of because it was my first diamond I had mined).. I saw him the next day at school and he said it was just a joke and that he didn't want to get banned because he was trusted.. No-one ever replied to that post and like 30 people read it. This was a while ago like 2-3 months ago....
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: bhoughton on June 14, 2012, 10:27:24 am
I would prefer you stay on topic about YOUR ban appeal and not bring other people into it.
Matamoo29 wasn't trusted 2-3 months ago, so I don't know where u got that information from.

I don't know any other servers. I only play opti
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:31:58 am
Well it was when mattmoo29 was trusted. I don't know it might have been 2 months ago and sorry for bringing my ban apeal off topic I just wanted to know why no-one replied.
That is all.
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Benwin on June 14, 2012, 10:36:53 am
I will reverse your ban - this one time - You will be under observation, though.

Please don't make me regret unbanning you.


On second thought, I won't be unbanning you just yet. You need to give me a damn good reason to unban you. I didn't realize that you had two prior bans for griefing - one was for 100+ blocks -- This is UNACCEPTABLE behavior and will not be tolerated.
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:42:05 am
THANK-YOU so much, I promise I will be good.. But it's a bummer that my friend Xx_beaton7_xX was ban perm. We were making a castle with a hotel and a farm in it and it has a monorail that goes to our shop. *please note that this is not me pleading for Xx_beaton7_xX to be unban*
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_beaton7_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:49:52 am
can i be un banned to...i swear i will never do it again and yeh like lachie said mattmoo29 did it too us...i think that is very unfair???
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:55:25 am
I got ban for 100 blocks because I was new to the game like 2 days new to the game. I had NO idea what online was and my friend introduced me to it. I ran off out of spawn to his house and left me at spawn. I had no idea what I was doing so I ran out of spawn and I saw a pink block (pink wool) and mined it and picked it up. At the time I didn't know you could /home someone and I also didn't know how to get wood or get a crafting table. Night fell and I was just walking around and I got killed by a creeper so I respawned and skipped my friend and asked how I could get to him. He told me so I went there and he said he needed help with his house. He wanted to rip down his house and start over , so he gave me a pick and an axe and I started helping. After about 10 mins I was typing a message saying do you need anymore help but I only got to about do you nee and then it said I was ban for griefing 100 blocks. I had no idea what grief ment so I went onto single player and starting playing that...

This was ages ago and I didn't even know opticraft was a website and didn't know what a ban appeal was. This was when I was still a guest to the server
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 10:56:33 am
Sorry he ran out of spawn leaving me there
Title: Re: Ban Apeal
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 14, 2012, 11:22:03 am
Hang on. Prior to this I had only been ban once from memory
Title: Re: Ban Apeal.
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 15, 2012, 01:49:08 am
If you do unban me, i promise i will be good.

Im not complaining, being rude or nasty but i dont think it is very fair that other people making ban apeals about death traps are only being ban for 14 days.
At the time i was unaware what a death trap was because i am still farely new to this game. As i said i am not complaining, or being rude and nasty, i just dont think it is fair.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Scotty602AB on June 15, 2012, 07:23:35 am
This is what im talking Mini,  DO NOT POST unless you are involved with this ban appeal.

can i be un banned to...i swear i will never do it again and yeh like lachie said mattmoo29 did it too us...i think that is very unfair???

And do you know what is unfair? Unfair is Killing people and then taking their items, that is unfair.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 15, 2012, 08:30:24 am
I wasnt taking anyones items, that was Xx_beaton7_xX that was taking items.
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Hasan (Tabooti) on June 15, 2012, 03:48:52 pm
I'd like to sue to keep them banned. I, Henz, & billybobcool6 decided on the permanent ban for both of them.

Lachie & Beaton set their home high up in the sky, and advertised it as a shop. Killing a few people, both of them admitted to it and said "We did it because it's funny"

and they both knew the rules very well, they did it regardless.
Beaton was banned 2 times before, and judging me the similarities in their names, they knew each other, and did this anyways.

Point being, is that if they broke the rules willingly, they would do it again. I don't think they should be given the chance to.

Edit: to Lachie's next reply
Or just keep you banned, and not give you a chance to make them regret it.

Edit Edit:
By the way, YOU and BEATON both justified this because "It was just for laughs" when you both knew what the rules are. You did it anyways, Basically whoever banned you before, is regretting not making it permanent.
You knowingly broke the rules, and you both understood that 'JFL' Isn't a real justification. and beaton was asking us to ban him instead of you, while jumping around us as we were deciding on this.

So whoever is going to be deciding on the fate of this ban appeal, please take all this information into consideration. 
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 16, 2012, 12:11:30 am
Please unban me

This is the best server on Minecraft multiplayer

If you do unban me, i promise you wont regret it
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Triplethreat247 on June 17, 2012, 04:28:57 pm
I'm sorry for breaking those jackolanterns I thought they spawn randomly in cave kind of like mushrooms please unban me this is the best multiplayer server ever!
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: codepmman on June 17, 2012, 04:38:33 pm
I'm sorry for breaking those jackolanterns I thought they spawn randomly in cave kind of like mushrooms please unban me this is the best multiplayer server ever!

do not post on other peoples topics. please repost in your own topic
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Xx_LACHIE_xX on June 18, 2012, 06:31:49 am
I am truely sorry, and i promise you if you do unban me you will not regret it.

Like i said before, this is by FAR the best server on minecraft multiplayer!
Title: Re: Ban Appeal.
Post by: Nyssa on June 18, 2012, 07:43:56 am
Tabooti resigned, I will not be unbanning you. I spoke to him and we both decided on this outcome.