Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Legacy => Archives => Support => Topic started by: Kascas on June 06, 2012, 07:22:32 pm

Title: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 06, 2012, 07:22:32 pm
as you all know, i have a small melon farm with a crappy design to harvest melons, its laggs a bit

then i dicided to build a huge one, as i dont like small :D
the huge one gave alot of lagg, so much that the output of melons was even lower then the small farm
so i dicided to grief the whole huge farm and been thinking of other things

as i knew a huge one would annoy the server couse of lagg, i searched for lagg free designs 8)
i found a design without any redstone in it (bud switch) on youtube,
this design would cost me around 4 times the ammount $$$ needed for redstone farms as it needs alot more space
everything need to be protected with diamond ps, and its stil very griefable couse of the fragile boats
also there is no on/off switch so once build i cant turn it off unless i destroy it
eventho the cons i dicided to make a huge version of this, for the greater good  :D

there is no redstone involved, no wires no repeaters nothing, when 1 of the crops grow, 1 piston will go off
so even with a huge version, a couple pistons will go off at once, wich should couse less lagg then a small redstone one

today relkeb payed me a visit, and was worryed about the size  ;D
can i get some sort of approval for it, is there any way you can test lagg output?
im spending loads of hours on building it solo, if at the end it turns out to stil give lagg, i waisted weeks of effort

this is the design i use

coords ingame
x -1706 y 73 z -977

can i get an aproval of using this huge but nearly lagg free design 24/7?


Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spamarian on June 06, 2012, 08:28:33 pm
Why are u obsessed with the large farms?
THey are wasting of money.
The most profitable is to make deals and to sell items.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ianhalmond on June 06, 2012, 08:56:01 pm
Well mod+ can have test it with /lagmeter and see if there is any difference. But it shouldn't be a problem if people make massive ones with redstone and it dosn't cause major lag. And just saying if a piston goes off every second or so it won't cause much or even any lag it is very hard to cause major lag on this server because opticalza has the best stuff (i think).
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 06, 2012, 09:10:12 pm
@ **BT5** lol are you telling the richest guy of the server, his money making methode is a waist  :D

@ianhalmond ah i didnt espect a mod could do that, can they see area output? or just the whole server output
if area, then i could ask one to test my small crappy farm and the new huge one
i bet my small crappy one has more lagg  :D
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ANTIKOYKOY on June 06, 2012, 09:25:57 pm
I already have that farm. And its only 2 layers in a lapis ps. Its effectiveness its very small as it produces around 42 pumpkins every 10 minutes wich gives around 0,07 per second.. I have problems with the boats as they are being pushed accidently by me and they are a pain in the neck cuz they lag.. Also sometimes pistons stuck and you need to destroy the presure plate to get them working again. I can show you my farm anytime i see you.

Edit: i believe i have about 64 roots or something
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 06, 2012, 11:35:46 pm
ye i installed the lower 2 floors and alot boats are messed up,
its tricky to setup or to fix a single boat but not impossible

and yes, as i said productivity of this design is way lower then others, but as i build big, it seems needed
as alot have complained about my prevous huge regular one

and what alot if not all people forget or ignore, is that lagg affects grow rates big time
"oh i got 500 plants" "oh i got 14 floors"
yes very awesome , but meanwhile my 300 plants grow twise as fast  8)
in the end, a huge lagg free low productivity farm beats a huge lagging high productivity farm

Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ANTIKOYKOY on June 07, 2012, 08:08:44 pm
Anyhow, give a shout anytime you see me for help (as i am familiar with the design and can help you finish faster)
Another thing is that i spent about one and a half stack of bone meal cause i ve been jumping on my roots trying to fix stuck pistons and missplaced  boats..
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ViperZeroOne on June 07, 2012, 08:14:45 pm
My only question (since I can't watch the video on youtube, due to being at work, yet know what a bud switch is) is can you shut it off when you aren't at the farm?  I've seen some designs that use bud switches to simply pop the melon when a melon forms.  The problem with that design is you can't shut it off, so it runs even when you aren't on the server, which uses more server resources over time than a manually fired farm.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 07, 2012, 09:02:26 pm
someone needs to be in range of my house for them to grow, so when im offline they wont spawn or be harvested
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ViperZeroOne on June 07, 2012, 09:05:04 pm
someone needs to be in range of my house for them to grow, so when im offline they wont spawn or be harvested

So your farm would be running when you're offline, if someone walks past it?  Or if you're working on something else nearby?  That's not very good.  You should have a way to shut it off when you aren't using it.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Nick3306 on June 07, 2012, 09:16:09 pm
As of right now there is no evidence that suggests large farms lag the server. Do they lag the chunk(s) they are in? yes.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: clawstrider on June 07, 2012, 09:54:25 pm
Enderpolis already uses this design (Albeit upgraded, so you can turn it off and on). If you remember, there was a huge fuss about the farm, which turned out to be nothing. So it should be fine Kas.

Why are u obsessed with the large farms?
THey are wasting of money.
The most profitable is to make deals and to sell items.

Please have some small idea what you're talking about :/ You can earn a few 1000 a day via buying and selling, maybe 10,000 on a good day. You can earn 500,000 on a good day, witha good melon farm. Nobody wants to buy or sell that much, when you have the market. The market doesn't care if it has melons, or pumpkins. It always wants melons. So you have a 100% reliable method of making money. And as to profitable: A melon will pay itself (The piston needed) back within 5ish harvests. From buying and selling, you may earn a 10% profit. Farms easily get into the 1,000% ($10 profit for every $1 spent).
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 07, 2012, 09:57:19 pm
alright thx for the reply's, i can start building the plants now to finish it off  8)
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spamarian on June 07, 2012, 10:01:55 pm
I made 60-80k in just an hour with deals.
Farms are really boring in my opinion. That's why I quit them. I prefer moving slowly up to the balancetop rather than harvesting all the boring day to get 500k in a day.
Even now, with my money I can buy whatever exists and want in the game. So, I am covered.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spyow on June 07, 2012, 10:10:42 pm
I made 60-80k in just an hour with deals.
Farms are really boring in my opinion. That's why I quit them. I prefer moving slowly up to the balancetop rather than harvesting all the boring day to get 500k in a day.
Even now, with my money I can buy whatever exists and want in the game. So, I am covered.

With Kascas's farm, you can make about 400k in less than 3 days of like 10 hours constant farming.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spamarian on June 07, 2012, 10:13:26 pm
So? probably you read only 2 lines of my post.
Read the rest and you will see why I answered liek that.

btw 10 constant or 4 days of farming and then your bain is brainwashed.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 07, 2012, 10:26:41 pm
must resist to reply! must resist to reply!  :D

topic solved, it can be locked now  8)
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spyow on June 07, 2012, 10:35:25 pm
must resist to reply! must resist to reply!  :D

topic solved, it can be locked now  8)
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Spyow on June 07, 2012, 10:42:17 pm
So? probably you read only 2 lines of my post.
Read the rest and you will see why I answered liek that.

btw 10 constant or 4 days of farming and then your bain is brainwashed.
Not if you go Afk, and come back occasionally to craft blocks.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: ViperZeroOne on June 07, 2012, 10:46:52 pm
So? probably you read only 2 lines of my post.
Read the rest and you will see why I answered liek that.

btw 10 constant or 4 days of farming and then your bain is brainwashed.
Not if you go Afk, and come back occasionally to craft blocks.

AFK farming is lame...  AFK farmers deserve a /kick once in a while.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on June 08, 2012, 12:02:25 am
Kascas may I kno how many layers ur pumpkin farm has?

And with rgds to enderpolis melon farm, skittcat modified the bud switch thing such that u can press one button at the bottom and the whole farm resets, and solves any jammed piston problem, hence ensuring efficiency.
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 08, 2012, 08:50:42 am
Kascas may I kno how many layers ur pumpkin farm has?

And with rgds to enderpolis melon farm, skittcat modified the bud switch thing such that u can press one button at the bottom and the whole farm resets, and solves any jammed piston problem, hence ensuring efficiency.

looking forward to see, how on earth he did that  :o
most likely not the exact same design
atm 14 layers, with 13 rows, with 7 parts with 2 plants,
all layers filled, but no plants and boats yet, only on 1 layer
the rest i will finish this weekend, then it will have 2548 plants  8)
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on June 08, 2012, 09:34:33 am
Ok I hope to see u soon, and btw do u know an ADMIN removed all the repeaters for ur melon farm clock..FYI :/
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: acegdl007 on June 08, 2012, 04:58:27 pm
Kascas... that's some nifty engineering.  Impressive.  I like how instead of just complaining and saying "the server has lag therefore it sucks" you have developed a way around it.

What's the next step to make it even better?  Any ideas on a kill switch design?
Title: Re: Piston Farms
Post by: Kascas on June 09, 2012, 09:30:15 pm
well im quiet smart, but i cant beat 925927 youtubers  8)
i figured i could use pistons with sand so i dont need stickys
but besides that, i dont think i can improve this design,
most likely alot have already tryed but did not post a better version on youtube yet
im looking forward to skittcats improvement on his version, maybe i can also use that, but i doubt it

a killswitch seems not possible unless i use alot of space, wich is mission impossible