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Messages - CraftyCharacter

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Creations / Re: Crafty Creations
« on: May 17, 2012, 01:53:53 pm »
thanks for all the gratitude everyone.  I appreciate it!

General Discussion / Spawn Event from way back when
« on: October 14, 2011, 05:15:34 am »
Hey all,

To those who may remember me, I really wish my winning spawn would be used in the guest worlds as promised, and the world is not lost as some believe it is in event1.  If you do not know what I am referring to, go to events and click spawn event topic.  This was probably one of the biggest events back when I was around and I really think the spawns need some updating as they are the same as they have been since I last played which was in July I believe.  I will try to be on a little more and look forward to meeting new people as well as running into old friends. 

Creations / Re: Crafty Creations
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:30:16 am »
Finally finished Kid Buu, I have been pretty busy lately

Rejected / Re: Crafty for Crafter
« on: July 03, 2011, 03:04:23 am »
Quick thought: I have been on lately and even though operator applications seem to be common place and trials are as numerous as ever... why don't I run in to OP's anymore.  I am debating whether to back off this application and revise it to say Crafty for Operator.  I would like everyone's thoughts on the matter.  Not saying I don't want to be a crafter, because I much enjoy building, but would others prefer me to build upon what we all enjoy which is the growth and tradition of this server.  Either way I would take either role steadfast.  

Awesome result monkey and toxic, has notch himself seen the finished image? 

Rejected / Re: Crafty for Crafter
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:34:22 am »
back from the trip just so everyone knows and remembers that I exist

General Discussion / Vacation Time
« on: June 16, 2011, 04:48:19 am »
I will be away till the 27th of June, ask matt or relkeb if you care to find out where I went.  I will leave you all with a quote that I uphold to the fullest

Laughter is an instant vacation

Creations / Re: Some Sprites
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:50:18 am »
try some sprites that are a little more difficult perhaps larger, here is a good website for all the pokemon sprites, save the image and import to paint or whatever image editor you use.  Each sprite is 56x56

The red/blue pokemon sprites are easiest since they are only 4 colors

Rejected / Re: Crafty for Crafter
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:47:34 am »
Thanks go out to all the well wishers thus far

Rejected / Crafty for Crafter
« on: June 08, 2011, 06:54:13 pm »
Title: CRAFTER - Crafty

Ingame name: CraftyCharacter

Join date: March 16th, 2011

List your creations, and the worlds they are on:
Wolf is in Guest54
Lighthouse is in Guest53
GIR is in WorldofRecruits(7)
Both Spawn Platforms are in WorldofRecruits( 8 )
Tower is in Guest74
Roman Temple is in WorldofRecruits( 8 )
Villa Rotunda is in Builder4
2nd Lighthouse is in Event
Sanji Sprite is in Tallart
Woman is in Tallart
Chewbacca is in Builder(7)- This was my first use of MrMonkey91's template
Timesplitters 4 emblem (Gears of Monkey?!) is in Tallart

Links to screenshots of the creation:They are all in my creations thread

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I finished first in the most recent event for guest spawn design, and I will continue to uphold my title in upcoming events

Projects / Re: Pokemon world (need new world)
« on: June 06, 2011, 08:59:23 pm »
I am just not seeing the use of such a large map, for pokemon, I like the whole spleef spin on it for gym battles, but I vote this is locked and possibly brought up at another time, doesnt seem like enough interest in this at the moment

Projects / Re: Pokemon world (need new world)
« on: June 04, 2011, 05:28:17 pm »
I have 56x56 sprite images of every single pokemon if the world was 1024x1024x256 i could fit 72 sprites on a wall, if the world is 512x512x256 I can fit 36 sprites on each wall, which is almost enough for initial 151 pokemon but would be missing 7 sprites due to lack of room.  So just saying if this does go through and sprites are desired around the world, that would be my plan of action.  Not saying I support such a huge map devoted to pokemon, but giving everyone an idea of what it could look like

General Discussion / Re: Builder on forums?
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:27:11 pm »
Well they took care of you but I am still missing out on that :P

Creations / Re: Hi I am new
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:43:27 am »
Just by this post he comes off as arrogant. Your builds, although extensive and fairly detailed, do not count for anything in this server unless they were made in opticraft. That being said from now on post images in the creations section of creations in opticraft.  I too posted creations from another server; however this was after I had already made and posted images of designs I made in opticraft.  I even stated that I knew they did not mean anything, I just wanted this wonderful community to see my prior projects.  If that was what you intended to do with this post then power to you, but don't forget what this forum is really for.  You have talent, so let's see it put to use here in the future.

General Discussion / Re: No more reservations!
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:47:31 am »
In my experience, I first determine the approximate size of my building before doing any framework etc, and only place corner stones to show the possible area that I may need to other people around me.  It keeps the world looking as it should, and is not a permanent fixture like the reservation walls that everyone else uses, sprites are a little different, you should always plan ahead and have a set size so edges are appropriate

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