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Messages - SittingBull

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal | SittingBull
« on: November 30, 2016, 12:12:03 am »
This is Opticraft, not Optic craft.
Its the same thing is it not?

No, we are two entirely different servers. Ours has one C, their's has two.
I'm ------------- I posted on the wrong forums LMAO L to me

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal | SittingBull
« on: November 26, 2016, 05:31:13 am »
This is Opticraft, not Optic craft.
Its the same thing is it not?

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal | SittingBull
« on: November 24, 2016, 09:16:34 pm »
Well good day there chaps I have made this on Thanksgiving so happy Thanksgiving. I was recently banned on optic craft's practice and globally. Yes I did ban evade and that is because I was on my friends acc alt pvping on pvp lounge and I didn't know that the acc was banned off optic . He later told me he cheated on purpose. I have been playing ur kitpvp/practice for over 8 months. I love your server and I promise I wont ever cheat on there because of the anti cheat and that I love the server. Especially because you guys changed the kb that I love for straightlining. I will be definetly making a rape series on my fac member to get him mad cus he calls me shit but only if I get unbanned. Please unban me I only cheated like 2 times to meme my friend and I didn't know until after that my friends acc was banned. Just Please give me another chance. Thank you for reading this I hope u accept <3.

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