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Topics - Owlgirl66

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Goodbye Opticraft
« on: September 28, 2013, 03:20:28 am »
Hey guys!

I know that I've posted topics in the past saying I'm leaving and I always come back. This time, it's real. No coming back, nothing. High School has been taking A LOT of my time. I even had my "Fake Baby Project" things. It was HORRIBLE! Hahahaha! Anyways! I want to thank all of my good friends on here. You guys are amazing friends and I'll never forget you guys. :) I'll miss you guys a lot. Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to Opticraft. Take care everyone. :)

Offtopic / Leaving For A Bit
« on: May 14, 2013, 01:59:20 am »
Hello Guys! I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be leaving for a bit. Maybe a month or so. It's not that I hate Minecraft or Opticraft, it's just that I'm getting a little bit bored of it and I don't want to get completely sick of it. Also, my Graduation is coming up soon which means the end of the school year is coming which ALSO means that grades are getting cut off soon and I need to make some last mintue improvements. I might poke in once or twice but I will definetly be on the forums :) See you all soon!   Goodbye Loves <3


Offtopic / What Are Your Favorite Movies?
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:57:47 am »
Well, as the topic says. What Are Your Favorite Movies? I'll start with mine.

My favorite movies are the: Love Comes Softly Saga

Offtopic / My Opticraft Moments... In Animal Form
« on: September 16, 2012, 01:28:59 am »
Just as the topic states. My Opticraft Moments but in animal form!! :D


Offtopic / 9/11
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:26:34 am »
Okay so as you all should know... It's September 11,2012 which means it's 9/11. Life is full of heartless people. Innocent people had lost their lives, peoplr lost their familu member, ect. On 9/11 everyone should think about those who died. I watched a video in History Class about some of the survivors of 9/11. It was really really sad. Anyway, today you should take just even a second to think about what had happen to all the people.

Offtopic / What's Your Favorite Resaurant/Buffet?
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:17:08 am »
Okay,so as the topic says...
What's Your Favorite Restaurant/Buffet? It can be any restaurant or any buffet.

Mine, It Goldan Coral. Which is a Buffet.

Offtopic / 2 sad photos I found
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:31:16 am »
Okay. I found 2 sad photos of kittens. Well one is extremely sad the other is just... Wtf http://imgur.com/BskPT,RP32Cf Check them out.

Edit: Nvm.. It's this one  http://imgur.com/BskPT and http://imgur.com/UrCMe

Do not double post - Merged posts

Offtopic / The Arctic Is Melting!!!!!
« on: August 30, 2012, 01:31:28 am »
Okay, so I don't know if any of you have heard, but the Arctic is melting. What will happen to all of those animals, The White Snowy Owl, the Arctic Fox, Penguins, Seals, and most importantly... THE POLAR BEAR!!! So far, the Earth's climate has risen a half degree celceous. That may not seem like much but trust me, IT IS! Global Warming has an effect on this also. So does the pollution in the air. The arctic was better in te 1700s because back then, they didn't have half the cool stuff we do. Cars is part of this. With all of the pollution from the cars, It's insane. I'm mainly worried and concerned about all of the wildlife. If you are an extreme animal lover like me, then you would probably be worried also. I'm also concerned with the ocean. If the arctic keeps melting, then the ocean will rise. If the ocean rises, it could be bad. When storms hit, it could wipe out ALOT! Luckly, fall is approching. Fall is colder than summer. After that winter comes!!!  ;D If we are lucky, then the winter should hold off the melting a bit. If the arctic does COMPLETELY melt, what will happen to the land creatures? I don't know if there is a way to save the arctic. I really don't know. I love nature so much and I would hate to see it go. Please think about the arctic. :'(:'(:'(:'(


Offtopic / What if...friend story
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:32:10 am »

 I turned into a magical horse, that wen't all the way to zeldalove1998x's house, then wen't to tylbran122's school, then wen't to mgfrake and Alpha_Lances front yard, then went all the way to kodaks house and made a mud castle then went to poohbear and threw it at her then grabbed a rock and threw it at gameguy for payback then ranaway and saw gavin playing fetch with a dog and stole the frisbie and then went to Turtle and asked for a squirel then got a bunch of dragons for Chipaton then ran away and flew away into the rainbow...... WHAT IF

Offtopic / I'm Leaving Minecraft
« on: August 22, 2012, 02:57:12 am »
Guy.. I'm leaving Minecraft. I have to do school and I am just getting bored of Minecraft. I love all of you guys. You guys are awesome! But, I just don't want to be on Minecraft. I didn't say this on the server because I didn't want anyone to hold me back. I will miss my bestfriends the most (Tylbran122,zeldalove1998x, xNuzzy, Mgfrake, Alpha_Lance, Kodak28, evandr2 wolfgirl, Turtleman, Wratkie, gavin, gameguy, mattoonzy, Kittycats765, zombieravemaster, DJAlphaWolf, Tiggy, Mootcheek, Chspy ect.) 
    TYLBRAN122: Tyl, you were on of my first friends. You were my first bestfriend. I will miss you so so SO much!

   ZELDALOVE1998x: Zelda, you are the best minecraft sister I could ever have! You're also one if my most bestest friends! I will miss you very much.

   XNUZZY: Nuzz, even though we haven't talked lately you're one of my bestest friends. I'll miss you!

   MGFRAKE: Mg, you always make me laugh. You're also sweet, caring, and kind. I'm so sorry I'm leaving.

   CHSPY: Chsp, you were one of the first friends I met also. I will really miss you!

    ALPHA_LANCE and KODAK28: You two are the best Minecraft parents. Kodak, I will reallu miss you. You and Lance are my favorite ops. Lance, I really loved how you would always check up on me. I actually felt like someone cared about me enough to check up on me. I will miss you to the extreme.

    EVANDR2: Evan, I will miss how you played around with me. I will miss you alot.

    GAMEGUY, GAVIN, and TURTLEMAN: You three are soooo funny. I will really miss it. I will miss you guys.

    WRATKIE: Wrat, you are the best minecraft brother EVER! I will miss you so much.

     TIGGY: Tigg, you are very funny. I will miss you calling me Poof. I will miss you.

      TO THE REST: I will miss you guys so much. I would have written about you but I'm running out of time. I will miss you guys


       LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( :'( :'(<3


       With So Much Love,

Offtopic / Limited Times
« on: August 19, 2012, 06:07:24 am »
Hey guys. Now that school has started I'm more focused on that than Minecraft. I won't be online as much as I will normally. I will try to be on as much as I can maybe once a week or so. I have to focus on school. So thank you for reading this.


Rejected / Operator Application- Owlgirl66
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:54:20 am »
Name: Owlgirl66

Age: 13

Location: California

Timezone: PST

Join Date: March 1st, 2012

Forum Join Date: March 1st, 2012

Current Rank: Recruit

Reason For Application: I think this server could use a bit more ops and I would like to be one of them.

Why Should You Become An Operator? Opticraft is my favorite server. I'm also very active. I also really hate griefers. I would like to have the power to elimate griefers on this server.I have been recruit for a bit. And I have seen what the ops do and I would someday like to do what they do.I think I can be truested as an operator. I will help others that need help with anything. I have been wanting op since the first couple of days I have been on this server. I wan't to be trusted more on this server. I will do my best to help others and be nice to others.

Have You Been Temp-Op Before: No

Extra Information: If you guys decide not to accept me, that is ok. I will not get mad or sad.Its your choice. I thank you for reading this app. I also got permission from Nick3306.


Rejected / Builder Application- Owlgirl66
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:45:17 pm »

Ingame Name: Owlgirl66

Join Date: March 1, 2012

What Worlds Are The Creations On: Recruit 51, Recruit 49, Recruit 48

Links To The Screenshots Of The Creations: http://imgur.com/RMeGZ,5wWoO,xfdZx

Names Of The Players Who Helped Contribute: Nobody helped me on any of my builds that are posted

What Is Your Current Rank In Opticraft: Recruit

Extras(Anything Else You Want To Metion): I think I will make a very good builder. I will help others and work hard to earn other ranks

Do You Agree To Our Terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0)?: Yes I do

Offtopic / Favorite Pictures
« on: July 29, 2012, 11:53:14 pm »
Lol, definitley one of my favorite pictures of a cat


I also learned how to make screenshots!!! :D

Offtopic / PROBLEM!!
« on: July 29, 2012, 11:06:04 pm »
Okay sooo I can't log into Minecraft right now and I don't know how long it will be before I can play again. Just letting you guys know

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