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Messages - GirlLuvzerMac

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Ban Appeals / Re: I got banned?
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:25:14 am »
Ohhhh myyyyyy.

The person reading this is me; GirlLuvzerMac.

Appeals are answered by the staff member who issued the ban.

That would also be me.

Just to be clear, your ban reason concerned your state of vocal butthurt despite being told to stop and kicked multiple times by myself and other staff. As it says on page 9 of the rule book given to every player, "If you die and someone else picks up your items, they get to keep those items." End of story.  You died, they picked up your items. If you can't handle the loss with decorum, then you might need to find another game to play that is a little less stressful for you…

The ban reason was appropriate, you demonstrate no remorse or understanding of the reason you were banned. On that basis, this appeal is denied.

Furthermore, not 5 minutes after you were banned, I was called to help fix grief done by you to taylorkidiscool's horse enclosure. As it wasn't very many blocks, you have been issued a 1 day ban for that grief. See you in 24 hours,

yours truly,


Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - NotABronie
« on: December 02, 2013, 06:25:20 am »
Recommended… Good luck! :)

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:06:31 pm »
Omg, picky picky… :p

Just pretend you're a dog when looking at the prior colour version.

(click to show/hide)

-fixed your link -2crzy

Offtopic / Re: Happy Birthday Tobs
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:01:28 pm »
Happy birthday!!! Enjoy cake and being one year closer to legal! :p

Offtopic / Re: Happy Birthday Zera!
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:00:20 pm »
Happy happy happy happy happy birthday!

Also: A larger cake!

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:57:28 pm »
I see your shower head and duck face, and raise you a (temperature) knob and a shampoo bottle…

(click to show/hide)

Support / Re: Minecraft crashing on Macbook Air
« on: October 21, 2013, 09:34:39 pm »
It looks like you're opening an old version of MC, which had a bug/incompatibility on mac with the lwjgl version that was included in MC. It has the version in the crash report- 1.5.2. Current MC version is 1.6.4.

Try downloading a nice, fresh copy from and see how that works for you. :)

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] banned: cake27's Appeal
« on: October 06, 2013, 12:17:48 am »
Shan't. See you in a week.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] banned: cake27's Appeal
« on: October 06, 2013, 12:10:43 am »
Regardless of it it had been your younger sibling or yourself, these actions were done using your account.

Here is Zazz's chest nice and full:
(click to show/hide)

And here is where you placed rails underneath...
(click to show/hide)

It is assumed that at this point a minecart and chest were placed underneath, sucking the items out of the chest.

If this was in fact your brother he'd better run, because you have 7 days free to kick his butt as it stands right now...

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] banned: cake27's Appeal
« on: October 05, 2013, 11:56:35 pm »
So you have no recollection of mining underneath another player's chest at some point today, or placing blocks near that chest that would lead to it being emptied of its contents?

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] dawid1270 Ban Appeal
« on: October 05, 2013, 04:39:11 pm »
Through discussions in PM it has been revealed that you have not actually changed the password on the account as you'd claimed in the initial appeal, confirming that this is not your account in addition to the solid evidence offered by ViperZeroOne.

At some point in the future if you purchase or can prove you have rightful use of another account, please let us know at which point we can help you transfer your chests etc. Until then, I consider this issue settled.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] dawid1270 Ban Appeal
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:17:30 pm »
Hello Dawid,
I need proof of the password change to know that you are the actual owner of this account. As per the info on appealing bans related to compromised accounts:

Compromised account. Change password before unban.:

You must change your password immediately. Your account has been found to be on a publicly available list of "grief accounts" and is no longer secure. Malicious users may log into your account and wreak havoc upon the server under YOUR name.

To be unbanned, please make a Ban Appeal containing a screenshot proving that you've changed your password. Here's an example of an acceptable screenshot that would allow us to unban you:

I have grave concerns that the account 'Dawid1270' does not actually belong to you, but is in fact a public premium account. After having googled your in-game name, I've found multiple places where it is referred to as such, and numerous youtube videos not created by you where this account appears to have been used.

If you are in fact the owner of this account, then please submit the requested proof, and I will unban you.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] ComedyMan13's Appeal
« on: September 10, 2013, 01:29:55 am »
Thank you for the apology and acknowledgement. I will reduce the length of your ban.

Ban Appeals / Re: [GirlLuvzerMac] ComedyMan13's Appeal
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:38:50 am »
ComedyMan, I sincerely doubt that I misunderstood your intent especially since not 5 minutes before, you'd issued a similar threat and then apologized once I told you it was not acceptable to threaten anyone on the server. I was not PVPing, and from context, it was clear that was understood.

So while you're saying that you understand and will not threaten like this again in the future, you're also claiming to have done nothing wrong.

Clarify this for me first please, before I decide on this appeal.

« on: September 03, 2013, 07:02:56 am »
Nhataley and DJ are both right. This should go in support, and if you could read your rules over again, you'd notice that it says 'excessive' swearing. Not 'no' swearing.

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