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Messages - CrazyGamer2000

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Server News / Re: 1.6.2 - Safe to update
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:17:50 pm »
Door lag? Never had it. Doors seem to work fine for me. Some times having the lwc flag "autoclose" on can cause glitchy doors very rarely though.
Quite weird, me and several other players were having this glitch. Maybe you had more FPS than us and didn't experience this glitch like others on the server.

Server News / Re: 1.6.2 - Safe to update
« on: July 11, 2013, 03:35:03 pm »
Please tell me they fixed the door lag glitch..

Suggestions / Re: Opticraft SMP Server Parkour Level(s) Suggestion
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:42:36 am »
What if you could get a staff of members and trusteds to help you make a couple parkour courses
just outside of spawn? You would either need "Project" Protection or lots of protection stones though.

Suggestions / Re: A simple title
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:38:23 am »
Ah, yes I remember those. They weren't really needed anyway since each rank had it's own color and also they're
more useful as a reward for donating since it gives the server money.

The sad thing is that this departure of players is not just existent in classic but also in SMP. There used to be 300 people MINIMUM every day. Now the most I ever see is 50 something players. Sure they're committed players but I miss the time when they're where giant towns with actual people in them. It sounds like the classic downgrade is the same. I think that Opticraft should market the server more and tell players to tell their friends about the server, both SMP and classic.

Projects and Creations / Re: Crop Importance
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:41:36 pm »
It all depends on what you do with the crop; do you breed animals, eat it, or sell it?

Well, the more the crop can do, the more important and useful it is in general.

Projects and Creations / Crop Importance
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:49:16 pm »
I am building a sky farm next to my hotel and I would like to have my most used crops on the bottom and the least used crops on the top. I have made my own list of crop importance, but I would like to see others thoughts on crop importance before filling this sky farm with crops. This is to help with walking time to get crops and how to build the creation so please vote.  From yours truly, CrazyGamer2000.

How will horse betting be set up? Will there be some automatic betting machine like when you put a sign on a dispenser, or will it be manual and you would have to pay a person that will give the money to the winner. The first idea will of course need to be implemented into the server and may take a little longer since you need to put in the racers name and connect the finish line somehow to the automatic betting machine so the machine can give it to the people that betted for the winner and it will have to split it evenly. The second idea will be easier but it will be easy for the person that receives the money to steal some of the money, then again it's a a way of getting "paid" but still dishonest. Also will there need to be tickets added or will it be free to the public and will the horse stadium owners make there money off a percentage of the bets?

Projects and Creations / Re: Big Hotel or Town-In-A-Tower
« on: June 18, 2013, 02:57:54 am »
          I'm the head builder on this project. We will eventually make this from bedrock level to sky level. We will be in need of iron, glass, lots of cobble, lots of dirt, and lots of stone. We are currently very close to completion the 13 floor tower itself. We have cheap bunks, small cheapish rooms, big expensive rooms, and a very expensive penthouse. The penthouse will be 10,000 to 20,000 dollars varying if people see an interest in it. The other rooms have varied prices due to their different sizes. We also have a storage level on floor 10 and will add more below the hotel later. We have an elevator that goes up to floor 12 since we would like to give the penthouse all the privacy possible.  We have an express elevator that leads down to the lobby only.  We will have a 10 story farm later as well that grows every type of crop and has sheep, pigs, and cows on the roof. We also have numerous commercial plots throughout the hotel.  Every residential area comes with a bed except the penthouse, which has two.We have a cafe that will serve food and could use a couple employees to work there in shifts daily. We may have a spleef arena later but that is not guaranteed. Any help would be appreciated. moonstar99 or I will keep you updated on the progress of the Oasis Tower, which is the decided name of the hotel,
          Yours Truly CrazyGamer2000, head builder of Oasis Tower.

Ban Appeals / Re: [dedlymagik] Please unban me
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:51:21 am »
Thanks for the information, was getting worried there for a second.

Ban Appeals / Re: [dedlymagik] Please unban me
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:14:42 am »
         sorry to bother you all again but it was taking a while for someone to reply. I checked the time and most people would get replies from their banners by 1 day. I have been waiting I believe 3 days for a reply from dedlymagik. I decided to investigate and looked her up in the member list but she did not show up. I thought this may be because she is a mod so I looked up some other mods and they all showed up. I triple checked to make sure I didn't misspell it. I then copied her name and posted it on the member list search and I still couldn't find her. I then came to the conclusion that after 1 year she may have left. I would just like to know if she is really gone, and if so then what does this do about my ban? My sincere apologies if my message has irritated any of you in any way but I am just curious why dedlymagik has not replied yet. Sincerely,

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] DERdeRHPD Appeal
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:45:45 am »
2crzy4uall, he means that his friend went on HIS account,emphasis on HIS, and used x-ray not that his friend x-rayed and not him. Please take this info into consideration.

Ban Appeals / [dedlymagik] Please unban me
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:41:06 pm »
Please unban me. I've been banned for at least 1 year now. Please find a place at the bottom of your heart to unban me. I was banned by dedlymagik. I was banned because one day I was mining and found a lot of stuff under ground without any doors. I thought it had to be abandoned since it had no exits so I took materials I would need later like brewing stands and crops. I didn't know seriously. I think I should be unbanned because I add things that people need like small hotels.

Ban Appeals / CrazyGamer2000's Ban Appeal
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:46:31 pm »
I'm not really sure what I did but I bet you know I did something so I wont
even complain about that but if you could please unban me. I've helped
lot's of people on the server please I was working on apartments for
players that needed a place to live. I'm sorry for whatever I did.


Ban Appeals / Banning length
« on: April 08, 2012, 06:55:48 am »
How long do you stay banned is it forever or only a day or so I was just banned
and I would like to know. I don't really know what i did if you could clarify that in a message
that would be nice.

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