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Messages - gavin1928374655

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Accepted / Re: Builder1 Application - __gavin
« on: August 16, 2018, 07:14:16 pm »
Accepted - Very nice level of detail and application, your build has quite a bit of each of the four aspects we are looking for. Topography is definitely your strongest while interior is probably the weakest on this build. Some more advanced interiors and maybe organics would be very interesting to see in the future. Congratz!
Thank you for accepting me and the feedback!

Accepted / Builder1 Application - __gavin
« on: August 16, 2018, 06:30:36 pm »
In-game name: __gavin
Join Date: February 2012
Briefly describe all your builds through the Recruit Tiers: I built one huge plot with lots of custom terrain, several large structures, a hidden temple, lots of waterworks and some other fancy surprises.
Coordinates/plot numbers of each build: -33, - 159 (ID: 0, -2)
Links to screenshots of the creations:
Do you agree to allow us to put your builds on our social media? Yes/No: Oh yes
(Credit will be given to you, it just shows off your builds and our server)
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): The last plot has some custom terrain built way above the ground and I didn't feel like placing stone for 2 hours by hand after I just built for 10 hours straight. Just ignore that until I can find someone to world edit it.

Announcements / Re: Opticraft Network Release Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 03:54:08 am »
Any word on the update time frame out of curiosity?

Announcements / Re: Opticraft Network Release Update
« on: July 08, 2018, 04:14:36 am »
I’m excited, I’ll definitely try and play a lot when the world resets

Accepted / Re: Builder Application - Kodak28
« on: December 31, 2017, 10:42:06 pm »
I witnessed kodak literally pay people at minecraft farms 5$ an hour to build these dope builds, SAD!

Support / Re: Livemap not updating
« on: December 20, 2016, 06:18:36 pm »
Awesome, thanks for the fix

Edit: A few hours later everything seems to have updated properly

Support / Livemap not updating
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:56:26 am »
The SMP livemap has not updated in 1-2 months, none of my recent builds and changes have updated in atleast 8 weeks now.

Another issue that has been around for a few years is the left and right sides of the guest world map are not fully shown, the map cuts off around 500 blocks short of where the actual border is, this border can be seen here:

Any fix would be appreciated, thank you!

General Discussion / Re: Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: May 06, 2016, 07:07:06 pm »

If Optical is the only one then he must have done it.

We have 1.9.2

Bugs have been fixed and stuff works!

Thanks Optical!  :)
Yeah thanks for the update, elytra flying is awesome!

General Discussion / Re: Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: April 29, 2016, 11:53:33 pm »
Agreed 100%

I don't see the point of having no cheat when our only player base is a few dedicated players who aren't likely to cheat.  If players are caught flying around they can be kicked or banned quite simply.

1.9.2 should help the server remain at a higher tps, chunks are being loaded from hopper issues. I often log on to items in my farms that I did not afk for because of this issue.  The tps often drops to around 6 after multiple players have been on.  Whenever I play I try not to load my iron farm up since restarts seem to deload hopper loaded chunks.  This makes playing hard though since most of my items are stored in that location.  Mojang really dropped the ball with the 1.9.0 update :l

Edit: Also, if these fixes are made could someone also reconnect discord bot to the server?

Trade Central / Re: Mending books for sale (Also silk touch)
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:58:51 pm »
mending? is this a new enchant?

From Minecraft Wiki

Uses XP to increase durability
When an item with the enchantment is held (main hand, offhand, or armor slots), XP orbs collected will repair the item at a rate of 2 durability per XP instead of adding the XP to the player's total. If multiple items have the enchantment, one will be chosen at random for each XP orb collected, and if the chosen item does not need repair, the XP will be added to the player's total as normal, rather than choosing another item. If no items need repair, the player will get the XP directly.
From my test run with mending I can't tell how you would possibly lose your gear other than death.  It basically turns any tool you want into a forever tool

Trade Central / Mending books for sale (Also silk touch)
« on: March 26, 2016, 10:35:56 pm »
Hey there!

I am selling mending books for 5k a piece, if you are interested talk to me ingame or leave a reply to this thread!

Ingame username:

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:45:42 pm »
Tbh, I don't know much about how this all works and all with plugins, but if you're really looking for one this isn't messy perhaps this:
I'm not sure but that one seems to work with money. Isn't that the same as what we have now?
When the money is gone, how would it work?

I think we need to find one that does items for items. Or just build them ourselves.
I'm in favor if a money economy, but one where players strictly buy/sell things with other players at shops rather than selling things at the market. Nick asked for a plugin that would work for that that isn't complicated.
I see what you mean now, just one problem, how would we start trading when noone has any money? Where would we get the money?
simply give all the money to me and I will appropriately divide it out

Server News / Re: SMP Updated to 1.9
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:16:15 pm »
I've found another huge problem, hoppers are randomly breaking.  A ton of my hopper chains have frozen where items go through some hoppers and get stuck in others.  The only fix is removing all hopper systems entirely and replacing them by hand.  However, this doesn't permanently fix the issue as I have found hopper chains that have broken again after I fixed them. 

I think the custom plugin you all wrote that adjusts hoppers is causing this issue

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 20, 2016, 05:51:30 am »
I'm just curious as to what difference would that really make if the goal is to make survival more survival based, but wealthy players keep their money from the old system, and the worlds, with all their farms and all, are retained from the old system.
Down with the filthy 1%ers!  I say we strip the farms down and burn their remains!

Server News / Re: SMP Updated to 1.9
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:49:56 pm »
Some problems:

Anti cheat has caused some major problems.  Aside from causing elytra to not work, it is now impossible to pillar up.  Attempting to pillar up more than 2 blocks will cause you to get stuck in blocks or your blocks to vanish. Other issues are caused by some kind of weird lag, the server has been stuck at around 5 tps all day causing players to be unable to eat and unable to ender pearl effectively.  I've also noticed a few instances of some rubber banding (getting teleported back a few blocks, but this only happened a few times).

I think an immediate solution would be to remove anti cheat entirely.  We dont have enough new guests to worry about them flying, and it is easy to spot them when they do.  Anti cheat has neutered the functionality of slime blocks and it is now ruining elytra.  Removing anti cheat would fix the block lag / pillaring issues.

Aside from the issues the update is smooth every where else, thanks for the fast update!

Update: It appears the server restart fixed all the lag issues.  The only issues that remain can be solved by removing anti cheat.

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