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Topics - MyChemGirl24

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Post a funny YT video, or one you just enjoy?
« on: March 20, 2013, 05:43:16 am »
I saw this on tumblr and I wanted to share, I thought it was funny. Share your videos too if you would like.

Rejected / Moderator Application-MyChemGirl24
« on: November 27, 2012, 03:35:39 am »
Join Date:April 18,2012(Date I joined the website)
Were you recommended by anyone?:Not that I know of
Why you should become a moderator:
 Many mods in game have said being a mod isn't the funnest. I completely understand why you would say this since it's a huge responsibility. However I am willing to sacrifice to be one, not only to help out but to make the community a better place.

 I am on the server for many hours a day, at all different times. I think because I'm on at all different times, I could help out more in case other mods are not on. I enjoy helping others out, I recently had a massive drop party (Cleared 4-5 chests full of stuff, and 200k)! I'm not saying because I had a drop party that, oh hey I should be mod! I just wanted to get a point across that I'm a generous and nice person.I am mature and am serious at times, although I have a great sense of humor and like to joke around.

 If you ever see me in game don't be afraid to talk to me,or If you need any help, I don't bite! If I become a mod, you have my word that I will put the player first. Which means I will do everything in my power to help, and also stop what I'm doing to help. Thank you for your time in reading this, I appreciate it. If I don't get accepted this time, It won't stop me for trying again! :)

Offtopic / Massive Drop Party
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:27:18 pm »
Wooo well that was exhausting, had a drop party for about 1 hour and 30 minutes... cleared about 4-5 chests and about 200k! Was pretty fun, and I will have more in the future (:

Offtopic / What are you thankful for?
« on: November 22, 2012, 10:12:33 am »
It is Thanksgiving here in the U.S, so what are you thankful for? Even if you don't celebrate it, you can still share!
Here are some things I'm thankful for;
•The show/cast of Supernatural
•The show/cast of The Walking Dead
•My niece and nephews
•Zak Bagans
•me, *flips weave*. LOL JK
•My bestfriends
•This server because it's gr88 (As well as the people)
And soooooooooo much more, now it's your turn to share (:

Offtopic / Spawner's yo
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:57:35 am »
Just a little random post but found about 7-8 spawner's all around a mineshaft I found... pretty cool but broke my skeleton one :c... the most I have are spider ones, about 4!  :)

Offtopic / Favorite person on YT that plays MC?
« on: November 05, 2012, 07:57:00 am »
Who's you favorite youtuber that plays MC? I like watching iHasCupquake and GirlonDuty (They both play Minecraft, and also other stuff too!) Or you can say another youtuber that is your fav. they don't HAVE to play MC  ;)

GirlonDuty's channel:http://www.youtube.com/girlonduty
iHasCupquake's channel:http://www.youtube.com/ihascupquake

Introductions / Introduction~
« on: November 05, 2012, 06:50:01 am »
Hey everyone I decided to do an introduction, (I am not new to Opticraft at all, just don't know many people) anyways..
*I am 14 years old, late birthdays suck
*Girl obviously
*Love the bands MCR and A7X (My Chemical Romance, and Avenged Sevenfold)
*Oh my name is Ariana
* The Walking Dead, and Supernatural are my 2 favorite shows... although I watch more haha  ;D
*I love tumblr, I mostly reblog Supernatural related things so yeah
*I love Zak Bagans with all my heart omg he is god.
* I live in the U.S
*Red is my fav. color and I love Polar Bears.
( Don't be afraid to talk to me in the server, I need people to talk to!lol)
My MC skin/tumblr:http: http://mrs--padalecki.tumblr.com/post/35044610419/hey

Pages: [1]