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Messages - AnGamer

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Projects and Creations / Re: My Humble Abode
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:57:05 pm »
Looks real good.  Need some wood?

If you have any spruce wood I would be very appreciative. :) (do not need anymore)
I can't get ingame right now to update but the front of the house is complete! :D

Go check it out at /home AnGamePlayer.
Thanks NotABronie!

Projects and Creations / My Humble Abode
« on: July 29, 2014, 04:08:42 pm »
I like the word humble, okay?
/home AnGamePlayer

So, I'm making this house. It's based off another house on YouTube and I'm almost finished with the exterior, needing to do the back of the house, fireplace, and roof. So, uh, thought I'd mention it to you guys.

I will update with screenshots while I go through with this construction. ^-^
UPDATE: Completed (pretty much) the exterior! All is left is the chimney, and not part of the house is a designed fountain (if you count that)!
UPDATE: 31/07/14-House is completed! Updated main post with pictures of the house, interior and exterior. The exterior picture is only one and theres quite a bit around there. You can scan around and check out the house (I'll most likely unlock the doors).

(click to show/hide)
these need resizing jesus christ
nuh uh -iGen
Inspiration House


Introductions / Re: My Humble Entrance
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:48:50 pm »
I am, don't worry about it. I got given a stack of coal blocks and found out to get diamonds by voting so, uh, this'll be easy?!

it will.
and I hope the ample amount of dirt I gave you adds to the equation, lol

on an unrelated note, khoiboy51 bought her account from someone

I managed to cover up a large area to build my house upon, thanks for the dirt man :P Still got tonnes left.

She had to buy her account called boy didn't she.  ;)

Offtopic / What are you doing in Opticraft?
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:29:14 am »
Hey guys! AnGame here. Today I felt like starting a topic called "What are you doing", basically all you need to do is just write down what you are currently doing in Opticraft. It could be such as this: what projects you're working on/beginning; finding a biome; trying to drown yourself with the squids... you decide! :)

I'll start!: Currently finding a decent grass biome to begin my new house! ^-^

Introductions / Re: My Humble Entrance
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:48:35 am »
*most people think i'm a boy...

Well your username does make you seem like one.... Why'd you pick that one?!?

it's always nice to have someone new joining the community.
I bid you welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here as we all do.

I am, don't worry about it. I got given a stack of coal blocks and found out to get diamonds by voting so, uh, this'll be easy?!

Introductions / Re: My Humble Entrance
« on: July 28, 2014, 11:08:13 pm »
Welcome newbie ^_^
nice to see New people joining and coming onto the forums

Greetings! Yeah I met quite a few cool dudes today. But sometimes there's barely anyone there, I don't mind though. Thanks for addressing to me as a newbie now I am determined to be an known player (see it?).

Introductions / Re: My Humble Entrance
« on: July 28, 2014, 09:31:05 pm »
Hi! It's nice to meet you! You seem quite nice and I might let you know that i'm a girl just sayin'

Why would I need to know that? :o >.>

Introductions / Re: My Humble Entrance
« on: July 28, 2014, 09:13:12 pm »
Hey there Game!

I'm also interested in architecture and currently going into college to study it. So just to let you know, dreams do come true, lol. Also, I love all three of those guys and have built with FruitTree and GattacaAE.

I'll look forward to seeing you ingame :)

Hey! Nice to see someone who has the same interests :).
You've built with Gattaca and FruitTree? Damn, what awesome builds did you pull off?!

Introductions / My Humble Entrance
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:07:52 pm »
Hey! I'm known as AnGamePlayer in game on Minecraft! (just call me AnGame or Game)

I'm relatively new to Minecraft, already knowing a lot about it and not stopping playing it. I also don't have a life, a girlfriend, or a decent computer to have more of a nolife. I'm also attempting my own take on a texture pack, but it isn't going too well. I'm open for tips... :P
I am interested in a couple of things, mostly relative to being a nolife, such as:

~Investing in a decent computer for smallest performance improvement in games, maybe being able to get games and actually run them.
~Architecture. Currently studying this, and hoping to get a good job in it. That's probably the main reason for my attraction to this game, anything decent to plan, gather resources for, and build! ^-^
~Getting a mic, webcam etc. and maybe starting the "YouTube" thing some people may know about.
~YouTube channels such as GattacaAE (where are you  :( ), Keralis, and other great modern builders like MrFruitTree and other notable names.
Looking forward to meeting you! ~AnGame ^-^

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