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Topics - CazualxGrenade

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Offtopic / Old People Reunion! Not what ya think.
« on: June 05, 2014, 01:13:40 am »
     Hey guys, I'm sure the title of this post probably confused you, and you're right.   :D  It's not an elderly people reunion, but since the past history of Opticraft, many many players have been online, say about 90+ players.  I'm glad to be one of those people who'd been on along those days, and damn sure that people who'd been on since those days would miss being there too.  This post is merely to gather along the old timer players to a big gather along, if you know anyone in real life who's been inactive, stopped playing, eat potatoes, etc, GET TO THIS REUNION!!! To be honest, getting back on after a long while is fun, you used to be pro on every command the server offers, but now you read this and say I knew commands to this server? Wow.  ;)

     I miss the old days where everyone were all together, had fun, enjoyed wonderful times and stories, and even times when you were just a little noob first joining this server.  :-X That's right, I said noob, because we all were one at some point.  We should all meet together at a spot and have a group hug, just for funsies, just for the times we all had together, and the times of when we were all united as one.  No matter forgotten, or unknown, you know where we should meet up? Not the new places, but the places that you held memories towards. 

     New Guest Market is where we shall get together! A date could be a few months, everybody who'd left wouldn't suddenly get this message, hehe. ;)

Forum Games / Argument game!
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:27:00 am »
Basically I'll start off with an argument question and you all have to discuss and agree/disagree with each other. I'll start us off:

Coffee or Tea?

Offtopic / Future's getting weirder...
« on: May 29, 2013, 11:11:01 pm »
So... it's kinda like what the title says... The future IS getting weirder, and theres many things that may affect it. So for example, the Xbox One... No need for that when you have cable/direct t.v/at&t/walrus/etc.

Just wanted to state out that theres something called a "Google Glass." So basically they're like glasses and you can check mail, time, and all the basic stuff that google can do, except you can't surf the internet with it. Allow me to get some pictures:
(click to show/hide)

Or if you want to see what it does yourself, click here.

I honestly think that people would look like doofuses if everyone started wearing these, and besides, you can get mugged with them if you walk around with them... So what are your thoughts?

General Discussion / Hey hey hey, guess who's back?
« on: May 09, 2013, 06:17:13 am »
Just as the title says! I'm back maybe to annoy, maybe entertain, or for most, to meet. I'm going to be ingame on about a Friday or Saturday for the most part. Personal problems are over, and back to here. Toodles :D

General Discussion / Friends, a word may I discuss?
« on: January 29, 2013, 06:13:23 am »
Well guys, I've been apart of this server for quite a while, this place has given me many great memories. You may be wondering, "Why the hell is Cazual saying all this?" Your question has been answered. My position in this server has made me feel great, and I enjoyed the time of helping others, socializing, and most of all, be a friend. I, may be known as a memory to some, an annoyance to few, but a player for all. Before I say it, I will give some notes for all.

wesker53r86 - You might be somewhere out there, but you were a great friend to me. You inspired me to make a great memories around this server, and I appreciate that.

pew1998 - You sir, were as funny as you were friendly, and I like that about you. You've made a tight knot in friendship as I've continued along this server, and they will stay tied.

theone7143 - Sir. I met you when I was in Snape/Salsa's backyard to go make a garden there, and I can tell you it was pretty fun playing around. You were also a great friend to me, and that is what makes me proud, although you've had some tough times in your life.

alicat15 - You were a fun friend to hang out with, and for a while back then, I thought you were a guy. Turns out you were a girl, making me very surprised. I've seen alot from you, although you may not be reading this, you will still be part of the many great friends I've had.

2crzy4uall - Dude. You had lots of surprises in you which makes an interesting person out of you. Although we don't talk much as of this time, you were very friendly here, and back in the day.

LIEKABOWSE - As of Salsa's theory of you, you were a smart person. Very interesting to the core, you kept me very entertained, and kinda disturbing... .-.

Salsa/Snape - Mate. Best friend of all times, you were the first person to greet me in this school, and that was very nice of you. I would've been bored as shit, and maybe friends with derps. I don't like the fact of you leaving and it makes me sad, but we'll both be gone, but not at school. Cheers all, and wish you the best rest of the year for all.

As to all my other friends, I wish you a farewell, and I shall see you some day... Just can't be today.

General Discussion / Iron farms not allowed anymore?
« on: December 14, 2012, 05:09:46 am »
From what I've heard, someone said that iron farms are not allowed anymore. Is itbecause of all the lag that's caused from them?

Rejected / Moderator Application - CazualxGrenade
« on: November 30, 2012, 12:10:47 am »
Moderator Application - <CazualxGrenade>

Age: 13

Location: California, United States

Timezone: Cupertino

Join Date: I believe I joined this server in March, 2012, and registered in May 26, 2012.

Were you recommended by anyone?: SnapeTheSnipe

Why you should become a moderator:

        Hello, the names CazualxGrenade, but my real name is Andy. I have no ban records, and maybe just some kicks. I am mature, I have a decent typing speed so others don't have to wait so long to have their grief fixed. I would like to dedicate this to SnapeTheSnipe, as he's been a great role model to me, he's also my best friend, and though, we've had some rough times. Sometimes, I spend some time at spawn, sometimes to conversate, and to help others who'd want to be apart of the community. I know the rules really well, and I do try to help others understand it. I know some of the staff, and they are great people to speak with. I like to help out others when needed, and place water for others. Trust me, I am also patient, and try to talk to people smoothly, to try not and freak them out. I'm very responsible, and very dedicated to help out others in a brand new state of view. Again, I dedicate this to SnapeTheSnipe, my buddy, for having this all to happen.  Thank you all for taking your time in reading this.

Best Regards,

Sorry for any confusion, little issue happened with someone going on my account.

Anyhoo, if anyone was here when I first started going on the forums, I made an offtopic post called "a very long storytime... With a catch!"

If you guys don't know how to play this, this link here will show you.

Anyways, Lez Go!

Trade Central / Music Discs! Looking to buy some.
« on: November 24, 2012, 12:21:00 am »
Title says it. I'm looking for music disks, and willing to buy any at a reasonable price. 

Here's the list of what I'm willing to buy:

Music Disc chirp
Music Disc stal
Music Disc wait

If you have any of these music discs, please mail me, pm me, or post here if you have any of the discs.

Offtopic / I need a bit of help on what redstone thing I should make.
« on: November 11, 2012, 04:20:47 pm »
Hey guys, and it's the title as it is. You have the power to tell menwhat I should make, and where to make it! Like in single player or multiplayer, tell me, a farm, a mob trap, anything that could be useful in your homes.

So the nagging begins! (Or as you should say, tell me what to do)

Well here's what people have said so far:
plihbmaster: Auto Wood farm(That's what she said LOL)
jh2018: A simple piston door.
NathanialJones: A clock that actually works with numbers and such.
Tiggy26668: A Rube Goldberg Machine that roasts a chicken.
Destr0y3r: A pink fluffy dragon that shoots fireballs that shits bricks.
ComputerGameLPer: 100x100 house that is fully automated

Hey Guys, I'm selling a great armor set here, and it protects from creepers, skellys, water, and falling damage! Take a look in the spoilers below.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

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(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Alright, now for the bidding info:

Item: Diamond Armor Set w/ Two Tools
Enchantments: Look at each spoiler.
Starting Price: $57k
Bid Increase: At least $2k each time.
Buyout Price: $100k
Notes: It's an armor set. If you bid, you cannot take out your bid. You must buy it all if you bid here.

Good luck guys!

Offtopic / How "awkward" is your train of thought?
« on: November 09, 2012, 02:42:52 am »
Titles says it all. Your are to explain how awkward your train of thought is, and give a simple reason! Complete thoughts please.(Bah, screw grammar)

Offtopic / Wuv the item or person above? :3
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:03:21 am »
Hello dudes and dudes

This is basically saying:

I love the person above because:

I'll start us off!

I wuv myself because I'm awesome.

Trade Central / Unbreaking III Efficiency IV Silk Touch I For Sale!
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:27:52 am »
Hey guys, I'm selling this special pick on the forums.

Item: Diamond Pick
Enchantment(s): Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, and Silk Touch I.
Level Enchanted on: Level 30.
Starting Price: 8k
Bid Increase: 1k
Buyout Price: 15k
End of the auction: 3 days after the last bidder.
Notes: You jelly brah?

Trade Central / 50 Slimeballs!
« on: October 21, 2012, 01:49:23 am »
Hi Guys, I'm selling 50 Slimeballs. You must buy it all if you bid.

Starting Price:$30k
Bid Increase:$2k
End Of Auction:3 Days After the last bidder. Do not tell me who wins or not. I will post it.

Good luck guys.

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